Let’s focus on,
Making Him Wait.

Erotica on a canvas of bondage and discipline
Maddie Templeton has always been an unconventional artist. Themes of submission and domination pulse through her erotic artwork, and she’s happily explored these lustful themes both on and off the canvas.
But, when Theo Hunter enters her life, she is presented with a new challenge. Maddie sets out to test his resolve as she teases, torments and toys with him. But, as Maddie drives Theo to breaking point, she soon becomes unsure whether her own resolve will hold out!
At the same time, Maddie must put on the exhibition of a lifetime. As the hottest gallery in town clamours for her best work, Maddie pushes her models harder and higher until they are physically, sexually and emotionally exhausted. Will Maddie’s models continue to submit to her, or will she push them too far? And will she be ready for the exhibition in time?
The only way to find out is to wait and see…and the waiting only makes it sweeter!
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Here are just some of the lovely reviews for Making Him Wait
‘…The idea for this novel is genius and is so different from any book I’ve read…The whole plot was incredibly imaginative, so clever and exciting to follow and I really enjoyed the longer length of the novel it was brilliant to lose myself in Maddies world completely. The whole story grips you with sexual tension running high throughout and I love Maddie; what a fantastic character she’s so relatable and I love the combination of dominatrix and artist it fits together so well…’ (5 star review) Full Review available at Midnight Boudoir
‘Kay Jaybee is an erotic provocateur, a self-proclaimed BDSM specialist, whose well written and carefully crafted narratives focus mainly on exploring the darker side of sexy. Her latest publication, Making Him Wait, is no exception… the premise of this pulse pounding tale centres on the concept of self-discipline and restraint. How long can one suppress their urges and desires? And in the end, does the waiting make it worth the while?
Maddie Templeton, the lead character of this lustful story, thinks so. For her, the waiting game is her favourite game to play. Maddie is not only an artist with paint spattered jeans and charcoal smudged fingers–the creator behind a studio filled with erotic themed masterpieces–she is also an artist of a different kind: an artist of self-control. Upon each canvas, within each sculpture she brilliantly captures and reflects sexual fantasy; a talent that does not go unnoticed by Theo Hunter, a handsome electrician hired to fix the studio’s lighting. Unable to resist the look in Theo’s hazel eyes, Maddie decides to test his resolve, convincing him to pose for her. She then strings him along, building the sexual tension between them through delay and denial, promising him rewards for his patience and good behaviour. But will Maddie’s teasing prove to be more than he can handle? Or is Theo up for the challenge?
The most enjoyable thing about this book is how it continually left me sitting on pins and needles, waiting on the edge of my seat, along with characters in the story, to see what would happen next. It seems Miss Jaybee knows how to tease her audience every bit as well as she teases her deliciously sexy characters. This book is made all the better because the sexual tension has a chance to build itself up first, instead of jumping right into it. Like for Maddie, a bit of waiting for the reader makes the climactic moment that much sweeter. The sex scenes are HOT and very imaginative, nothing same-old, or boring here. They are fantastical enough to create an amazing work of fiction, yet realistic enough to make you wonder at the possibilities. In short—they will keep you turning the pages, they will make you blush, and they will leave you squirming comfortably, or perhaps uncomfortably in your seat.
My advice, don’t wait to read this book.’ (5 star review) DelovelyOlive for Oysters and Chocolate

‘…This book is very clever. The main characters and the supporting cast are (literally) painted and yet they evolve and emerge as the story progresses, filling the pages with unexpected plots-twists and grenades to become new and exciting pawns moving through the carefully crafted game Kay Jaybee sets out through Maddie and Theo, her main characters…Much of the book takes place within the same four walls, however it is never dull, nor even similar to the previous chapter. The plot manoeuvres around the artwork and sexual tension and desires of the characters brilliantly, with the nature of the paintings, and the poses often becoming blurred with the reality of the erotic encounters. I found the book incredibly imaginative, especially on the artistic front, both drawn, painted, bound and photographed!…I would fully recommend that you all go and buy Making Him Wait, a 5 star novel…. When is the second book out?!…’ (5 star review) Full review at Miss Lily’s Pad
“Making Him Wait” held me captive, made me blush, had me yearning for more
before I was even ready to let the previous chapter go. The story unfolds
dripping with eroticism, every character wantonly submitting to Maddie’s
artistic, commanding eye… Erotica’s “Queen of Kink” has nailed the
freedom of Kink, fearlessly. Kay Jaybee writes with a masterful insight and
sucks her readers into the fascinating domain of domination and submission. A
realm where one’s words must be listened to very carefully and choices are
empowering.’ (5 star review) Rose Caraway reviewing on Amazon.com