Movember Foundation Fundraising: Because Beards anthology
November 1st sees the launch of a gorgeous bumper-sized charity anthology, raising money for the Movember Foundation. Entitled Because Beards, as you might guess, the theme of the collection is that every man featured is beautifully bearded.

The Movember Foundation Team
We want to keep our men healthy, and the Movember Foundation can help achieve that, with our support. ALL proceeds from the sale of this anthology go towards supporting prostate cancer research and treatment, and other critical men’s health initiatives.
Twenty-one authors have donated stories for this sizzling collection, which is priced at just 99p/99c to allow everyone to take part.
You can feel good about having made your donation to this great cause, and receive a bumper 500+ page e-book into the bargain (there’s even a print edition on its way for those who prefer their sexy reading on paper).
One of the authors donating a story to this fantastic project is Emmanuelle de Maupassant: best known for her debut novella, The Gentlemen’s Club (named by Stylist Magazine as one of the sexiest reads of 2015).
Emmanuelle’s short story, Highland Pursuits, is set in the 1920s, featuring defiant debutante Ophelia, as she navigates life, love and lust, in the wild highlands of Scotland. Her leading man is enigmatic Hamish, auburn-haired, rugged and passionate. With a cast of eccentric characters, an ancient castle, a villainous French count, and some scorchingly hot sex scenes, it’s not to be missed!
To tease your tastebuds, here’s a snippet from Emmanuelle’s story.
He gave her a smile that could have been any man’s smile, given to any woman: a smile that went back into the forest and its shaded dells, into the granite almost. It was the same smile men have been giving to women for centuries. His smile was one of complicity, of intimacies shared, and of remembrance of touch. A flood of heat threatened to overwhelm her. Her body, an archive of desire, remembered everything…
Discover more about Emmanuelle de Maupassant via her website
Visit her Amazon author page or pop over to find her on Facebook
Because Beards is priced at just 99c/99p, to allow everyone the chance to donate to this fundraising event.
You can pre-order your copy via these links:
Later this year, we’ll be updating everyone on how much money we raise for this wonderful charity.
Could we reach US$1million? We’ll see!
Don’t miss this great Your Tube video-
Please do spread the word wherever you can.
Everyone involved in Because Beards has given their time, resources and talent free of charge, so that all proceeds from this anthology reach our charity.
The AMAZING team behind this anthology comprises not only our 21 authors, but cover designer Jessica Hildreth, photographer Wander Aguiar and model Jacob Rodney. Thank you to the many book bloggers who are helping spread the word about this anthology, and to Heather Roberts and Jenny Flores for their super PR work.
Because Beards is written by: Alexis Alvarez, Faith Andrews, M. Andrews, Jeannine Colette, Hayley Faiman, Angelita Gill, Ace Gray, Ruthie Henrick, Scott Hildreth, Evie Lauren, Jerica MacMillan, R.C. Martin, Emmanuelle de Maupassant, Leslie McAdam, Maria Monroe, Adrienne Perry, J. Quist, Renee Rose, Kacey Shea, Martha Sweeney, and Tom Sweeney.
Goodreads fans can add the anthology to their ‘To Be Read List’ here. Your support (and reviews) will help make this project a success.
Thank you.