It’s with a big smile that I welcome Justine Elyot to my blog today as part of her blog tour. It’s been way too long since this mistress of the craft of the erotica had a new book out- I can’t wait to read it.

Hello, I’m Justine Elyot and I’m here to talk to you about my new BDSM menage romance, The Story of Jo.

Hands up if you like a menage! You don’t have to be in a poly relationship to enjoy reading and fantasising about multiple partners – otherwise menage romance would be a lot more niche than it is. It’s popular for a reason. Double the partners, double the fun. And, when it comes to creating drama in a plot, the menage has plenty to bring to the table.

That’s why I couldn’t quite believe I haven’t written a full-on menage novel before. What was I thinking?

The book builds slowly to the menage situation, since I always think this is a dynamic that needs a lot of tender loving care prior to introduction. Jo and Emmett, blissfully happy in their own relationship, invite Emmett’s friend and long-term boss/mentor, Charles Fox, to their housewarming party. Jo and Fox head out to buy an extra bottle of champagne…and things start to happen..

Back at the top of our street, Fox looked both ways before sliding an arm around my waist and pulling me tightly flush against him. The movement was sudden and violent and made me drop the paper bag with the champagne in it on the pavement – happily, it didn’t smash.

“What are you…?”

“Listen,” he said. “We need to talk, don’t we?”

“I can’t…”

“I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to, Jo,” he said.


“You love Emmett. Emmett knows you love him. He also knows that I want you.”

“He knows that?”

“He knows it, and he encourages it.”

Encourages it?”

“He told you, didn’t he, about Suzette?”


“Neither of us minds sharing.”

“This is mad. You think Emmett would be OK with me…and you…?”

“I don’t think it,” said Fox, bending his forehead to mine. “I know it. We’ve discussed it.”

“But not with me!”

“Until now.” Fox’s lips were almost on mine. I could just push mine that little bit further and… “Emmett was worried about scaring you off, if it wasn’t what you wanted. But you’ve given me just about every signal there is that you want me just as much as I want you, so I think perhaps the time has come to raise the subject.”

“Emmett’s just being fair-minded,” I whispered. “Because he had something of yours, he feels he has to repay the debt. You aren’t equal. He sees you as his mentor, his superior officer. He feels obligated to you.”

“That’s not how it is at all. This is how it is – Emmett loves you, you love him, I love him, he loves me, I want you, you want me. It’s not complicated. It’s very, very simple.”

“If it was that simple…”


“I don’t know. I really don’t…know…”

But there was something I did know, and that was how easily Fox made every inhibition slip away, stripping me nude in some kind of dance of the seven emotional veils.

I was still claiming not to know when I opened myself up to his kiss, warming myself against him as if he were a fire, our feet moving aside to accommodate each other. He was unexpectedly well built underneath his shirt, a contrast to my rangy Emmett, and I took pleasure in the difference.

His lips were not the same either, and he had a different way of kissing, harder and less voluptuous, but with such strength behind it that surrender was the only option. I couldn’t have said which kiss I preferred.

Perhaps, after all, variety could be the spice of my life.

“You’re sure Emmett’s all right with this?” I said, gasping as he let me up for air.

“Emmett is the most admirable person I know,” said Fox. “He doesn’t allow room in his head for negative emotions. He doesn’t get jealous, he isn’t insecure, and when he loves somebody, he wants them to be happy. Do you know how incredibly rare that is?”

“Yes, and I know how lucky I am to have found him.”

“He knows you’ll never leave him, and he knows I’d never take you from him.”

“Like with Suzette?”

“Not quite. I never thought she’d be mine for keeps, but that didn’t bother me. This is different – a deeper bond. But look, I’m not going to ask you to decide now. Take as long as you need to think about it. If you decide it’s not for you, nobody will hold it against you. It’s completely up to you.”

He pecked me once more on the lips.

“Your decision,” he whispered, loosening his grip on me and bending to pick up the champagne. “Now, shall we get on?”

The walk back, short as it was, was severely impeded by my burning solar plexus and rubbery legs. How could I snap back into the Jo I had been ten minutes ago? Everything had changed. Nothing was the same.

The swagger of Fox’s stride, the roll of his shoulders a few inches above mine, the lingering sense of his beard on my skin all merged into a kind of hyperreality, making my surroundings vibrate around me.

Six weeks into marriage, and I was already unfaithful, adulterous.

But was I?

Walking back into the house, I was suddenly intensely conscious that my lipstick must have been kissed off, and I put my fingers to my lips in a textbook gesture of guilty concealment.

Emmett clocked it straightaway, his eyes holding mine as Fox dropped the bag on the table and said something about having to be careful opening it, as the bottle had been accidentally dropped.

“I’ll get the glasses from the kitchen,” said Emmett. “Jo…”

He didn’t come up with a pretext to get me in there with him, but I guess we all knew that none was needed.

Away from Fox’s eyes, Emmett pulled me quickly into his arms, putting his own finger to my ruined lips.

“Are you OK?” he whispered.

I couldn’t speak. I looked into his face, loving it more than I had ever done before.

“We need to talk,” I said.

He nodded. “Later, yes,” he said, then he kissed me fiercely. “I love you.”

I felt the brim of tears.

“I love you too,” I said. “So much.”


 “I met a man called Emmett, and now I belong to him.”

Twenty-something Jo meets Emmett on a team-building course, and her initial disdain for him soon turns into attraction.
With Emmett’s strong but loving hand to guide her, Jo unleashes her inner submissive and they embark on an intense voyage of sexual discovery.
Their mutual fascination sees them exploring bondage, spanking, toys and more, and their romance is as perfect as Jo could hope for, until another man appears on the scene.
She knows that Emmett hero-worships his former boss and mentor, Charles, but when she finds out that Charles is the man who introduced Emmett to the art of domination, she has no idea how to feel.
With fierce desire growing between the three of them, can they find a way to explore this new dynamic without destroying what they already have?

The Story of Jo is available in print and ebook formats:




Barnes and Noble:

Author bio:

Justine Elyot is the author of best selling erotic novels On Demand and The Business of Pleasure, as well as enough short stories to fill several anthologies.

She can often be found moaning about stuff on Twitter as @JustineElyot



Make sure to follow the whole tour—the more posts you visit throughout, the more chances you’ll get to enter the giveaway. The tour dates are here:

Enter for your chance to win a £20/$20 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of The Story of Jo. 


Happy reading everyone,

Kay xx