Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Tag: relax

World Book Day: My favourite erotic reads

It’s World Book Day!

What better day to celebrate than to explore the wonder of reading and writing erotica.

Writing erotica is an incredibly freeing experience. There is a joy in writing about people at their most sensitive, vulnerable, daring, and bravest…and most of all, happiest!

Reading and writing erotica is so much fun – and if you read it to your partner out loud – it can be more fun still.

So tonight- rather than tuck into a binge watch of the latest TV boxed set- why not binge read some erotic romance or erotica? There really is something for everyone on the erotic bookshelf.

But what to read?

Well obviously you could indulge in a Kay Jaybee book! (My favourites- if pushed- would be Not Her Type and The Fifth Floor)


However- you may want to look at one of my 5 favourites instead…

The Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin

One of the most influential and ground-breaking anthologies of all time, The Delta of Venus, a collection of 15 sexy tales, was as popular in the 70’s and 80’s as Fifty Shades of Grey is today. Originally written in the 1940’s for a private erotica collector, it wasn’t until 1977 that The Delta of Venus was published. Written with an almost poetic flourish, Nin’s short stories ooze sensuality and eroticism from each page, whether the tale in question is gently romantic or shockingly dark. From The Hungarian Adventurer to The Basque and Bijou, each piece will stay with you forever, gently working their way into your own fantasies, whether you realise it or not…


The Initiation of Miss Holly (Book One in the Mount Series) by KD Grace

What would you do if you were stuck on a broken down train in the Channel Tunnel in the dark? KD Grace, on finding herself in exactly that situation, decided to write one of the most sensual and unpredictable erotic romances I’ve ever read.

Beginning with a chocolate truffle, a blindfold, and sex with a stranger on a train, The Initiation of Miss Holly, takes Rita Holly on a journey of forbidden sex. As she tries to discover more about the man on the train – a man she has never set eyes on- Rita finds herself initiated into the secretive Mount Club. Suddenly, Miss Holly is about to discover what her mind and her body are really capable of…

Cassandra’s Conflict by Frederica Allen

Cassandra’s Conflict was the first full length erotic novel to be published by the original Black Lace publishing house, and it took the erotica reading world by storm.

I will always have a soft spot for this book- which is ironic, because there is nothing soft about it at all. Cassandra’s Conflict gave me my first taste of intelligently written, high octane, mind twisting BDSM. Proving that setting dark eroticism in a world of decadent indulgence has very little to do with money, but everything to do with trust, Cassandra’s Conflict takes a governess into the mysterious sexual world of a Baron living in Hampstead. Cassandra quickly finds herself drawn into a set of games where lust feeds off submission. Games where the Baron frequently changes the rules, and only obedience matters…

Sweet Love: Erotic Fantasises for Couples ed. Violet Blue

Compiled by Violet Blue, one of the world’s most respected erotic writers, editors, and sexperts, Sweet Love is a collection of sensually powerful, fantasy driven stories aimed at couples.

If you’ve never read erotica aloud to your partner before, then this is a great book to try doing just that. There is something very sexy about hearing your lover read dirty words out loud- especially if you are reciting stories that happen to contain a taste of your partner’s favourite fantasies.

Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex ed. Rachel Kramer Bussel

Who doesn’t love a quickie?  All 69 stories within this amazing anthology are 1,200 words or less. Each one could melt the icing off your Christmas cake.

Every kinky scenario you can think of is catered for, from sex with neighbours, co-workers, long-term partners, to full on BDSM play. If your life doesn’t leave much time for reading, then this turn-on teaser of a book would be just perfect for you.


Whatever you read today- enjoy every word!

Happy reading,

Kay xx

KJB’s Tip Time: Find all ‘the’ spots…

This is my last tip time for a while- so I thought I’d make it a good one!

This weekend, make it a game to find your partner’s other erogenous zones. Often if you’ve been together for a while, you might get into the habit of jumping straight to the obvious- time to expand your horizons a little!

First, slip a blindfold over your lover’s, which will help them focus on the sensate experience of your touch.


Make them wait (increasing the sexual tension), while you set up a tray with the following items:

1. Ice cube

2. Warm oil or hot face cloth

3. A feather or something that causes a tickling sensation

Now using your items either massage with the oil, caress with the feather, or trace with the ice cube the following parts of your lover’s body – The back, nipples, neck, earlobes, lips, feet, inner thighs, perineum…or where ever else the fancy takes you.

Pay attention to your lover’s responses. Does s/he cringe? Moan? Laugh? Do her nipples or his penis get erect? Does s/he tell you to stop, or does s/he beg for more? You might find spots on your lover’s body that are more excitable than you ever would have imagined, and you might find spots to avoid…

Enjoy for voyage of discovery!

Happy weekend,

Kay x

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