Last Sinful Sunday I woke to find a lovely surprise awaiting me on Twitter. My dear friend, and fellow Brit Babes, Tabitha Rayne had alerted me to a lovely article on Candysnatch Reviews. The blog was about those works of erotica that we need to keep handy- well read stories that we like to return to again and again. And which book featured in the photograph to accompany the blog?
The original version of The Perfect Submissive! Take a peep!
You can imagine how thrilled I was- especially as this week I have re-launched a new look, re-edited, edition of that very book! Now entitled The Fifth Floor, this- the first novel in The Perfect Submissive Trilogy- is the same story a before, but with just a little tiny bit extra added here and there.
If you haven’t encountered Miss Jess Sanders, Mrs Laura Peters, and Miss Sarah yet- then there has never been a better time!
Available now in paperback and as an ebook, so can stock those Christmas stockings and pack those Christmas Kindles, Nooks, Kobo’s and so on…


Massive thanks to Candy for her kind inclusion of my novel on her Sinful Sunday post. When I messaged to thank her in person she replied…
“It’s one of my go to’s for a good steamy read”
Happy author!!!