Two weeks ago I celebrated my 15th anniversary of ‘being’ Kay Jaybee.
Thanks to a competition I won at this March’s Eroticon UK – I was lucky enough to spend that anniversary in the beautiful city of Barcelona – courtesy of
This was my first trip to Barcelona, and I packed everything I could into my visit – including a peep around the door of HQ!

Diego, Kay and Miguel
Greeted by the lovely Nuria, Diego and Miguel, I was treated to a delicious staff lunch (rather better than the tuna sandwich I tend to grab here) and given a tour of their office on the top floor of an apartment block. What a view!
They even have their own pool- from which, I’m assured, they often have meetings, in the company of the all essential rubber duck!
Having talked business and pleasure, I left the good folk of and continued to enjoy a whirlwind adventure around Barcelona, taking in the stunning cathedral, as many coffee shops as possible and the main city museum, which leads the way down to the Roman city that still survives beneath Barcelona’s modern equivalent.
I was in historian heaven.

Roman Barcelona – church site
One venue I could hardly fail to visit was the Erotica Museum. Here, tucked away above shops, is hidden a fantastic collection of kink, from the weird to the wonderful, the kitsch to the luxurious.

Chastity Belts
A fascination with sex and our sexual lives and drives has been with humanity since records began.

Scenes from the Karma Sutra
From the ‘availability’ paintings from the brothel of Pompeii, to the pleasure machines of the ‘supposedly prudish’ Victorians, and everything in between, this interesting- and occasionally eye watering- collection is a must see for any erotica fan. (They sell lovely underwear as well – #justsaying)
As I sipped coffee, sampled ice cream, and generally took in the glorious architecture and atmosphere, I couldn’t help but reflection how I came to be in such as beautiful city in the first place.
One random event- 15 years ago- changed my entire life.
As regular readers to this blog will know, I wrote a story on a napkin. A cross dressing kink tale. The idea came from nowhere- I’d had no idea when I wrote up that day that I was going to write anything other than a shopping list. That story- three months later- was published- and the rest is history.
I know that, if Violet Blue hadn’t taken ‘Jen and Tim’ for her anthology Lips Like Sugar, then I wouldn’t have written anything else. It was just supposed to be a one off burst of fun. The minute I’d submitted the story, I forgot all about it- until the acceptance letter arrived from the USA…
…after that, I was hooked…and I still am.
Thanks again to Fetish for their kindness and generosity. Don’y forget, you can reach their brilliant adult dating/information website by clicking this link– or the banner that lives at the bottom of my blog site.
And thank you to you, lovely reader. Without you, Kay Jaybee simply wouldn’t exist.
Happy reading,
Kay xx