Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

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Opening Lines Blog: H K Carlton’s The Fall of Cairnnon Castle

It’s opening lines blog time again! Today, I am delighted to welcome a good friend to this blog, H K Carlton. Let’s get stuck into those words!

Thank you so much for featuring the first 500 words from The Fall of Cairnnon Castle, book three in the Lustful Possession series.

This installment of the LP series is my favorite of the seven short stories in the collection. Is that okay to say? It’s not like having a favorite child, right? Lol. It’s got a little bit of everything I love to read and write.

Parts one and two of this series, Meet Me in the Dark and Dark Foursome, are contemporary, paranormal, erotic, romance, but part three, takes a sudden unexpected medieval, time-travel twist. Our heroine finds herself trapped in history, torn between two strapping, feuding Irishmen, brothers no less. What’s not to love?

The first 500 words — The Fall of Cairnnon Castle

Lustful Possession Series, Book 3

Cairnnon Castle, Ireland—The Present

The earth underneath me quakes. The sky above me falls. It rains down on me. Pain explodes inside my head. My ribs break. I am crushed.

A deafening rumble offends my ears. My body is tossed and crumpled, battered by debris. It goes on for an eternity.

And then… Silence. Stillness.

The pain is immense. Like nothing I’ve ever endured in my life.

Oh, God! Please! I implore wordlessly.

I cannot speak, scream, or moan. My eyes are closed. But beyond me, there’s brightness, so vivid I detect it through my closed eyelids. I try to open them, but none of my faculties are functioning. I am heavy. My lungs are burning. It hurts to even take shallow breaths. I concentrate on the unenviable task of simply inhaling in and out—an action I have obviously taken for granted all these years. The dust is choking me. I try not to cough. I will split apart if I do. My ribcage has already splintered with the weight upon me.

A low hum begins. It is annoying, but as it goes on it becomes comforting, harmonious.

As the fire in my chest subsides, I am lethargic, sleepy, and content.


I know what this is. It is elemental. Inevitable, from the moment we take our first breath.

I wait for it…

Death comes.

* * * *

I am in and out of consciousness.

“Just come,” I whisper. Speaking is laborious, yet somehow it happens. “Just take me.”

The incessant drone becomes vibration.

I sense it, a presence. Above me. Surrounds me. Becomes me.

The pain subsides by degrees. Warmth seeps into me. I sigh at the pleasure of it. I hadn’t realized I was so cold.

Without words, it communicates with me. Death is one with me.

“You enjoy that.”

“Yes. Thank you.” My gratitude is profound.

“You know what I am.”

It is a statement. It is a part of me. It knows what I am thinking.

I don’t need to articulate. “Yes.”

“You are not afraid.”

“No, you comfort me.”

For a moment I sense confusion, and I am bewildered by it. It is not my uncertainty. It is illogical. Death would not emote.

But my thought is distracted. The lovely heat spreads, radiating through every part of my broken body.

“Ahhhh, that feels so good.”

Everything in me tingles, from the top of my head right down to my feet. There is no pain. Not even my lungs hurt anymore. My inhalations become rapid instead of shallow. My blood rushes. I can hear it traveling through my veins. My pulse pounds in my head. My body throbs. My breasts tingle and my loins catch fire.

I squirm. My body tightens. The heaviness in my lower body is nothing but carnal.

I am not even being touched, but I am being consumed and stimulated on every level. Mind, body and spirit.

It fills me, inside and out. Unable to stop myself, I feel…

The Blurb:

Castle Cairnnon—perhaps not the gate, but the epicenter of hell.

Neve Brádach had always wanted to work with an internationally renowned team of paranormal investigators, so when a U.S. team decides to explore a famous site in her own backyard, Cairnnon Castle, she does everything she can to secure a place on the team.

One of the most haunted places on earth, Cairnnon Castle is home to one of the most malevolent entities ever documented, Bás a thagann. Loosely translated, it means simply—death comes. When the enthusiastic American troop descends on Neve’s Irish hills, the last thing they expect to do is rile up the evil within.

But Bás takes an immediate interest in one of the American investigators and holds him prisoner within the castle, sapping his strength and will. As Neve and the others rush to find a solution before another good man loses his soul to the malicious elemental, she discovers the secret that might send Bás a thagann to its own permanent hell.

As Neve verbalizes the words that should free Cairnnon from its most evil resident, the castle crumbles around her, leaving her broken, dying, and trapped in the belly of the beast.

Neve is left defenseless to fight it and is forced to suffer a life that is not her own.

This series is a re-release

Warning: This collection of short stories contains m/f and m/m couplings and cliff-hangers. Installments must be read in order.

Buy Links:

eXtasy Books

Universal Link (including Amazon)

Coming soon to other vendorsAuthor Bio:

H K Carlton is a multi-published Canadian author of romance and its varied sub-genres. From naughty to nice, historical to contemporary, time travel to space travel, and everything in between.

Variety is creativity’s playground—It’s where you’ll find me.

Author Links:


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Many thanks H K! 

Don’t forget to come back next time for Jay Willowby’s opening lines.

Happy reading,

Kay xx

Opening Lines: Viking Wolf by Emmanuelle de Maupassant

It’s that time again! Settle yourself down for the latest in my ‘Opening Lines’ blog series.

This week the wonderful Emmanuelle de Maupassant is with me- and the Vikings are coming (pun intentional….)

Viking Wolf

I love writing erotic fiction and, when it comes to ‘hot throw-down action’, you can’t beat a warrior Viking! Enter Eirik, my rough-souled hero: a man who is used to taking what he wants!

The first volume in my medieval series, ‘Viking Thunder’ is free from Amazon – viewBook.at/VikingThunder

(also available as a super sexy audio book and paperback)

Volume two, ‘Viking Wolf’, releases this summer.

Captured. Seduced. Craved.
Arriving in Svolvaen, Elswyth submits to nights of passion in the bed of her hard-muscled warrior, Eirik, learning what it means to be loved by a Viking.

His to Take

Jarl Gunnolf rules Svolvaen by the sword and believes he has the right to claim any possession for his own, including any woman.

Forbidden Hunger

Elswyth desires Eirik for her husband, and the status of a true wife but cannot deny her attraction to his wolfish brother, the Jarl.

Jealousy and Betrayal

Can Elswyth escape the malicious plotting of seductive rival Faline, and the brutal lust of Gunnolf? Will she survive long enough to find what her heart yearns for?

The first 500 words of ‘Viking Wolf’

With the sun dipping to the last portion of the sky, twenty men took the oars and pulled against the current.

We’d been three days on the open sea, travelling to Svolvaen. Some places on the rowing benches were now empty, for several of Eirik’s men had fallen in the skirmish with the troops garrisoned near our village. As the longship had battled fierce winds and my stomach had heaved with the churning movement of the waves, I’d wondered if I’d made a grave error in leaving all that I knew to join these Norsemen. My thoughts turned repeatedly to my ailing grandmother, whom I’d left in the care of our neighbours. My decision had been selfish, borne of yearning for adventure, the chance to start anew, of my knowledge of kinship with these warrior men. Borne of my desire, too, for Eirik, who’d pulled me into the protection of his hard-muscled body as the ship plunged across the vast sea. At last, we’d sighted the mountains of the north.

Reaching the calmer waters of their coast, we sailed between scattered islands, the men’s eyes upon the maze of inlets, looking for their own.

Gulls and gannets whirled above, cormorants and kittiwakes, as we followed the narrow channel of the fjord, as Eirik called it, past cliffs on either side, rising steep, pocketed with caves.

Eirik’s elation was plain for me to see, and his sister, Helka’s, too; I shared in it, for I was now part of this world, although all in it would be new to me.

The other ships of the raiding party had returned some days before, survivors of the storm which had brought Eirik and his men to our coastline of Northumbria, and the rocky beach on which my former village had nestled. His people had kept look-out, horns blowing as we approached the landing piers.

What a press of bodies there was; comradery between men, as friends slapped and hugged one another, and received kisses from their wives, embraces from mothers, daughters and sisters. I no longer thought of those men as murderers, but as my kin. They’d shed blood, but I now knew my blood was also theirs. I recognized some part of their brutality as my own, for I was not as other women in the village in which I’d lived all my life. I was half-Viking, born of a wilder spirit.

Amidst the jumble of voices and the scramble of the crowd, Faline and I received little notice. We were no more than possessions, of Eirik’s concern; a curiosity, eyed briefly, then ignored. Whatever welcome I’d hoped for, in my heart, whatever foolishness, I pressed it down, and bit my tongue against my disappointment. It would take time, to earn my place here. Such things could not be rushed.

Helka guided us away from the crowd, scanning for one who wasn’t there; one who hadn’t deigned to push among the common throng, who’d waited, instead, for Eirik to come to him.


More about Emmanuelle

Find Emmanuelle at www.emmanuelledemaupassant.com

Sign up for her newsletter here to receive first eyes on her new releases, freebies and giveaways.

You’ll find Emmanuelle’s sexy short stories in several anthologies, including Cleis Press’ ‘Best Women’s Erotica, Volume 3’, and Stupid Fish Production’s ‘Dirty 30, Volume 2’ and ‘For the Men’.

Among her longer works is ‘The Gentlemen’s Club’ (the first in her ‘Noire’ series, and named by Stylist Magazine as a ‘mind-blowing’ read).


Another fabulous start from a brilliant erotica writer!

Don’t forget to come back in two weeks to rad the first 500 words from Jay Willowby’s latest tale.

Happy reading,

Kay xx

Dinner With Tess: Domination and Submission in Take Control

Over recent years I have earned a reputation for writing punchy Fem Dom tales, such as The Fifth Floor and Making Him Wait.

In Take Control however, it is the turn of the men to take the upper hand.

Sexy - hands on back


Take Control: Stories of Male Domination/Female Submission is a collection of toe curlingly sexy tales of bondage and female submission from the pen of best selling writer Kay Jaybee. From a spankingly delicious Dinner With Tess, to a Staged public sex fantasy, an unforgettable alfresco hosing in Deluged, a kinky scientific Experiment, and the realisation of a long held threesome fantasy in The Necklace, Take Control offers five bite sized stories that will satisfy any lover quality erotica.



Here’s an extract from Dinner With Tess

Tess risked a glance in the stranger’s direction. She felt her pulse quicken anxiously as he noticed her furtive look, and with slow purposeful movements, approached. When he told her his name was Jon, and that he was going to buy her a drink, Tess’s mouth hadn’t been able to find the words to say anything, so he’d simply gone and fetched one anyway.

From that moment, she had been ensnared, hypnotised by Jon’s strength, his quiet authority, and the promise of an undiscovered lust, which seemed to reflect back at her from his deep shining eyes.

Tess had spent the early part of the morning in the kitchen. This was to be the first time Jon introduced her to his friends, and Tess had suggested she cook for them. A roast chicken perhaps? Something warm and welcoming to greet them on their return from the photography club meeting they were attending. Jon had smiled his sexy smile and agreed that a trussed-up bird sounded exactly like something they’d all appreciate. Tess had been thrilled when he congratulated her idea by fucking her unceremoniously against the kitchen door.

She’d never met anyone like him before. Jon seemed consumed by lust, and, even though it had been almost a month since they’d met, Tess still found it hard to believe she was the centre of his attention.

As he was obviously a dominant man, she had been quickly awarded the role of submissive; and to her surprise, and perhaps aided by her natural reticence, had discovered that she rather liked being told how to behave, what to wear, and what to say.

Jon’s laughing voice echoed through the hallway and into the kitchen as Tess went to greet his friends. ‘Here she is!’ Jon’s arm swept around his girlfriend. ‘Tess, meet Jack and Ed, my friends from the club.’


‘Hello.’ She spoke clearly, trying to cover her shyness. As she shook their hands, Tess couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable by the way they looked at her. It was as if they were assessing her in some way, and she suddenly felt very aware of the shortness of her denim skirt and the thinness of her white cotton blouse.

‘Most lovely.’ Jack nodded approvingly at Jon.

‘She’ll do well.’ Ed’s eyes x-rayed Tess as he spoke.

A private shiver shot up Tess’s spine. ‘Do well for what?…’


If you’d like to find out what happens to Tess, you can buy Take Control from all good e-retailers, including-

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYI8BHA http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HYI8BHA

Happy reading,

Kay xx





Opening Lines: Kd Grace is ‘In Training’

It’s ‘Opening Lines’ blog time again. This week I’m delighted to welcome my dear friend, Kd Grace, to share the first 500 words (precisely) of her novella, ‘In Training.’

In Training … Because, Aren’t We All?

Thanks for having me over, Kay. It’s always a pleasure to be on your wonderful blog. Sharing the beginning of my novella, In Training, is rather appropriate for me at the moment because I’m in training too. Oh, thank Gawd, not on reality TV like poor Lauren Michaels. I’m training for a pole photo shoot, having taken up pole fitness in a moment of insanity and then discovering that I love it, even if it’s a painful, bruising sort of love. I’ve been at it for ten months now and the photo shoot is a way of documenting my progress. I’m both excited and terrified. But in my case, the only camera on set will be that of the photographer, and the only people watching will be my own pole teachers.

No matter the situation, however, and no matter if what we’re training for is physical or mental or something else, there comes a point when we all have to give it all we’ve got and go for it. How much we fight ourselves before we get to that point becomes the challenge, and Lauren, well, she’s all about fighting herself, which makes for a comedy of errors that only reality TV could flaunt. Here are the first … slightly more than five hundred words of In Training. Enjoy.

In Training Blurb:

Getting fit on reality TV is PR guru, Lauren Michaels’, brainchild for gym equipment and fitness company Physicality, Inc. The brilliant PR stunt involves one brave volunteer who wants to be fit badly enough to submit to the not so tender training techniques of personal trainer, Wolf Jennings, whose successful, but non-conventional, methods would make a drill sergeant look like a fluff ball. But when CEO and owner of Physicality, Inc., Claire Amos, decides her PR ace in the hole needs to walk the walk, Lauren finds herself between a kettle bell and a hard place… er, a hard trainer. That’s nightmare enough, but for six weeks, 24/7, the explosive chemistry between the two will be sweated out live on camera for the whole world to see. What could possibly go wrong?

500 Words…

Chapter One—Everyone Loves a Bad Boy
“Everyone loves a bad boy.” Claire Amos paced back and forth in front of the big screen where Wolf Jennings’ face was freeze-framed over his howling wolf logo in front of the class he’d just put through their paces in Hope Park. She nodded up at the video. “Certainly your clients do. I bet you could make a drill sergeant quiver in his camos.”
“I do what it takes to help my people succeed.”
She waved a dismissive hand. “You and a hundred other personal trainers who’ve sent Lauren their impressive CVs.”
“So why me then?” he asked. “I assume there’s a reason I’m speaking to the CEO of Physicality, Inc. instead of its PR goddess.”
She sat down in the chair across the conference table from him with the kind of grace he’d expect from a woman who owned a company that manufactured multiple lines of gym and fitness equipment as well as franchised Physicality Gyms. She was clearly a person who took full advantage of her products. But everyone knew that about Claire Amos. They also knew she didn’t get where she was without playing hardball. She offered him a smile that wouldn’t have been out of place on a cat about to pounce. “Though Lauren’s idea for a fitness reality show is brilliant, sadly she knows next to nothing about health and fitness.” She glanced down at her hands—well manicured but calloused on the inside—from kettle bells, he’d guess. “That being the case, she’s left the final decision for the trainer and his lucky client up to me. Plus, it is my money.” She nodded up at his face on the big screen. “You’re here because of that.”
He smiled. “Because I can make a drill sergeant quiver in his camos?”
“You were an actor before you became a personal trainer. Why the change in career?”
“I’m a better trainer, and I like it more. I’ve been a personal trainer for a good few actors, though.”
“Yes, I know. I saw their rave reviews on your CV. But what I want to know is can you still act?”
He shrugged a shoulder toward the screen. “Every time I put on my boot-camp-bully-you-to-fitness face, I’m acting. A part of what an actor does is play off other actors. When the chemistry is right, the performance is electric. If my clients want boot camp, if they want me to cajole and bully, there’s my connection. They submit to my technique because they know I can get them there, and they walk away feeling that rapport between us.”
She stood and paced, then turned back to face him, arms folded across her chest. “Can you amp that up?” She flung a glance at the screen. “Can you be that bad boy for the next six weeks? Can you sustain it 24/7—in the gym and out?”
“If that’s what you want. But you have to understand for this to work, the chemistry would have to be such between…”

Buy In Training Here:

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Barnes & Noble
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About K D:

For K D Grace, penning a good tale is a physical act. When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening or walking. Her creativity is directly proportional to how much soil is under her fingernails or how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She’s having a mad affair with a pair of kettle bells at her local gym and an even madder affair with a stainless steel pole in the pole fitness studio just across the street. She’s fascinated with mythology and fairy tales, which inspires many of her stories. She loves to read. She loves anything that gets her out of doors. But she loves writing a story best of all.
Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, K D is the author of sixteen novels and multiple novellas and short stories for multiple publishers. She also writes romance under the name Grace Marshall. At present she is excitedly publishing her Medusa’s Consortium urban fantasy series. The first three novels, beginning with In The Flesh, are now available.

Find K D Here:

Websites: http://kdgrace.co.uk/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KDGraceAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kd_grace
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kdgraceauthor/
Newsletter: http://www.subscribepage.com/kdnewsletter
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/k-d-grace
Amazon: http://author.to/kdgrace 


Huge thanks KD! A fabulous intro….You’re going to have to buy the book to read the end of the sentence though!!

Next time on ‘Opening Lines’ I’m featuring Emmanuelle de Maupassant – so watch this space!

Happy reading,

Kay xx

Out Now—Mia’s Wedding (The Heiress’s Harem #2) by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #reverseharem #whychoose

Out Now—Mia’s Wedding (The Heiress’s Harem #2) by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #reverseharem #whychoose


Planning a wedding is stressful enough, and that’s without a harem of gorgeous men to deal with.

Mia Harrington has had a difficult time of it lately—her father’s illness and subsequent death, then finding out she must get married if she is to inherit what’s rightfully hers. Fortunately, she’s tough and resourceful, and has emerged relatively unscathed from this period, as well as finding herself a suitable husband.

However, things are far from simple. Mia might be planning to marry investment banker Elias Pym, but she’s also having a relationship with his best friend, Doctor Alex Cartwright, and is in love with her gardener, Thomas Walker. Add to that broken dates, flashy proposals, a sexy Asian tech billionaire, and a nosey housekeeper, and you’ve got a situation hectic enough to drive even the most capable person to distraction. Can Mia juggle her men, her job, and the wedding arrangements, or is her happily ever after over before it has even begun?

Mia’s Wedding is the second book in The Heiress’s Harem reverse harem romance series.

Buy from Amazon or read in Kindle Unlimited: http://mybook.to/miaswedding

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38588135-mia-s-wedding



Mia locked up and put the key in her bag, then took Elias’s arm. They walked down the steps and out into the chilly January night to the waiting black cab.

“I’m afraid,” Elias said, once they were settled into the back of the car, “Alex isn’t coming.”

“What do you mean, he’s not coming?” she squeaked.

Elias looked apologetic, but gave a one-shouldered shrug. “There was an emergency at the hospital—as their nearest surgeon, he got called in. Couldn’t very well say no, could he?”

Mia shook her head and sagged back into the seat, her heart sinking to her stomach. “No, of course not. I’m very sorry he won’t be joining us, but although we’re scintillating company, we don’t count as a life or death situation.”

He reached out and squeezed her hand, then kept hold of it. “No, we certainly do not. I hope, though, that I’ll be entertainment enough for you by myself this evening.”

She squeezed his hand back, then leaned over and kissed his cheek, pulling in the scent of his delicious cologne at the same time. “I’m sure you will. Besides, this was part of what you two meant when you were talking about being able to give a woman the attention she deserves between you, wasn’t it? Alex unfortunately can’t make it, but because I’m dating—or whatever the hell we’re calling this—both of you, it means I’m not left high and dry. I’m sure at some point you’ll be the one who has to cancel. These things happen.”

With a smile, Elias said, “They sure do. Though I don’t really get emergencies at work—and if I do, they’re all about which person gets to line their pockets the most, rather than saving lives. But enough of that!” he added brightly, clearly eager to change the sore subject of his chosen career. Though she still didn’t understand why he was so embarrassed about it. And if he hated it so much, why was he still doing it? She wasn’t going to broach that particular topic, though, not tonight. She already had one potentially hairy subject to discuss.

But then how could she, now? How could she talk about the situation with Thomas without Alex present? She stifled a sigh. Fuck it. Looks like it’s going to have to wait.

“So,” she said, “where are we going?”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” he replied with a smirk.

She jabbed him in the ribs. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously. Patience, woman! We’ll be there in…” he peered out of the window, presumably to check where they were, “in less than ten minutes, traffic permitting.”

“Hmph.” She folded her arms and pouted. “Guess I’ll just have to wait, then.”

“Don’t sulk.” Elias tapped the end of her nose. “We haven’t seen each other in a little while, so I want smiles and laughter, not pouting. Even though I know you’re faking it.”

She gasped. “I never fake it!”

“I should hope not,” he shot back, his grin turning wicked. “My future wife deserves nothing but the best, and that includes orgasms. Real ones.”

Her tummy flip-flopped. Bloody hell, she’d almost forgotten about that. She’d been so focussed on working up to telling Elias and Alex they weren’t the only two men to be sharing her that there hadn’t been much capacity left for thinking about her impending wedding. But then, technically speaking, she wasn’t engaged yet. They’d discussed it and informally agreed to it, but there’d been no proposal, no acceptance, no ring.

There was plenty of time left for all that, though. If she and Elias had to grab a couple of witnesses and go to a registry office at the last minute, it would still count—her father hadn’t specified a type of ceremony, thankfully. But that wasn’t how she wanted to do things, and she suspected Elias wouldn’t be too keen on that idea, either.

“Ooh, your future wife, am I?” she teased, figuring that since the topic of Thomas was off the table, she might as well put the topic of their engagement on the table, instead.

Elias frowned. “Of course you are. I know we haven’t sorted a ring yet, but we still know we’re engaged…”

She shrugged, hoping it appeared more nonchalant to him than she actually felt. “Well, not exactly. We never made it official, did we? More of a loose verbal agreement.”

Elias groaned and screwed up his nose. “When you put it like that, it sounds bloody awful. I know to all intents and purposes it’s a practical arrangement, but I want it to be much more than that, Mia.” He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb over her skin. “I’ve missed you.”

Warmth bloomed where he touched her, and radiated across her entire face and down her neck. She smiled and placed her hand over his. “I want it to be more, too. And I’ve missed you, as well. It’s been a long month, hasn’t it?”


Author Bio:

Lucy Felthouse is the award-winning author of erotic romance novels Stately Pleasures (named in the top 5 of Cliterati.co.uk’s 100 Modern Erotic Classics That You’ve Never Heard Of, and an Amazon bestseller), Eyes Wide Open (winner of the Love Romances Café’s Best Ménage Book 2015 award, and an Amazon bestseller), The Persecution of the Wolves, Hiding in Plain Sight and The Heiress’s Harem series. Including novels, short stories and novellas, she has over 170 publications to her name. Find out more about her writing at http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk, or on Twitter or Facebook. Sign up for automatic updates on Amazon or BookBub. Subscribe to her newsletter and get a free eBook: http://www.subscribepage.com/lfnewsletter

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

Many thanks Lucy!

Happy reading,

Kay x

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