Kay Jaybee

Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Tasty Taster: Making Him Wait

It’s time to let the mind escape into a touch of erotic fantasy with some bi-sexual shenanigans 

This week I’m sharing a Tasty Taster from Making Him Wait

Here’s a Tasty Taster…

…Ignoring the buzz of her mobile phone, Maddie placed the worn stub of charcoal to the side of her easel and took a step back from the girl before her.

Maddie nodded with approval as her newest model – a petite blonde – flexed the muscles she’d been keeping stock still for the previous half hour.

“Control, Freya – at least the appearance of control – is everything.” The artist reached out an affectionate hand to her muse.

Freya rocked a little on her bare feet as Maddie touched her lightly freckled cheek. “No need to look so worried, honey. You are doing brilliantly. It’s a difficult pose to hold for so long.”

“Thank you.” Blushing an endearing shade of pink, Freya lowered the hands she’d nervously clenched before her, giving her employer another chance to see the neat triangle of her semi-shaved pussy.

Maddie, her jeans and t-shirt smeared and spattered with all the mediums of her trade, did not feel the need to mention to Freya that her own knickers were sodden, nor that beneath her holster bra, her nipples were rock hard.

A further buzz from her mobile alerted Maddie to the arrival of another text message. In fact a steady string of muffled noises from her mobile, coming from the pit of her handbag, had been announcing the arrival of texts every ten minutes or so throughout the morning.

Smiling to herself, Maddie continued to disregard her phone and considered the exquisite outline of her companion’s porcelain frame. Most people came to Maddie to be drawn or painted, sometimes as a commission for a lover, husband or wife. Some, however, like Freya, came to the studio as a way of improving their self-confidence. Despite her generally shy demeanour, Freya had proved to be very good at posing as Maddie required and the artist had offered her an occasional job as a life model.

Sometimes Maddie felt she was more therapist than artist – specifically a sex therapist – as men and women alike shared their most intimate secrets while standing on the other side of her easel. Maddie’s studio certainly had the air of an erotic fantasy confessional about it. She wasn’t complaining, however. No other life would do for her now. The job satisfaction Maddie achieved from listening to the dreams and fantasies of others while she recreated them onto canvas, went hand in glove with the personal physical gratification it gave her.

Money being either plentiful or non-existent, depending on the current success of her commissions and sales, Maddie had been forced to develop an alternative form of payment for her models – a reward system for good work. Maddie could tell from the rise and fall of Freya’s chest and the glistening damp skin at the top of her thighs, that she was more than ready to be paid for today’s session…

You can buy Making Him Wait from…

Amazon UK:  Making Him Wait: An Erotic Novel: Amazon.co.uk: Jaybee, Kay: 9798708347695: Books

Amazon US: Making Him Wait: An Erotic Novel – Kindle edition by Jaybee, Kay. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Smashwords: Making Him Wait (smashwords.com)

Happy reading!

Kay xx

Blog Tour: The Shining Citadel by A. L. Butcher

Today, I’m welcoming A.L. Butcher to my site, to share a little about the second novel in her #fantasy #series – and she’s letting the characters do the talking…

Guest Post – Meet my Characters – M’alia and Hendrick

@Libraryoferana #Fantasyauthor #darkfantasy #Fantasy #Meetanauthor


M’alia Er’lis – elven sorceress of Ilthendra

Commander Hendrick – Order of Witch-Hunters

From The Shining Citadel – the Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles Book II.

Q1. Why are you on this adventure? 

M’alia: We left Ilthendra, in the Shimmering Forest to find the heir to the House of Light; the Ring of Light had finally been returned to the heir and the Mirror of Watching sang. We could not believe the prophecy had come to be. This was the one to lead us out of oppression and slavery – the heir would return the elves to their rightful glory.

It was supposed to be an honour. Our grandfather was the last Eltenda – that’s librarian – to the Shining Citadel of Lor Ar’thinis. The City of Light has been lost for centuries – but magic is complex, it is mysterious and it has its own path and way. Just perhaps the Shining Citadel could be returned to us, perhaps the Lady of the Light could bring us freedom.

We are elves – we are no better than slaves and we have no rights, our history is nothing, our culture is in ruins. We bring the Plague and the magic that corrupts goodly folk. At least that is the official line, and many humans believe that.

The elves of Ilthendra believed we were remote from the watching eyes of the humans, we were safe. Complacency kills. Ignorance kills. But hope, now hope keeps you alive. It’s all I have now. It’s all any elf has.

From the group who left Ilthendra only myself and my sister remain. Our companions were tortured and executed. I will never forget their screams. I am a prisoner in this fort, and my twin, Th’alia, has been sent with the Witch-Hunters to trap the heir and deliver the whereabouts of the Citadel to the Order of Witch-Hunters.

I fear for my sister’s safety, she is not strong and I do not know if either of us will survive this. We have bought the lives of our Kin with the knowledge we hold.

Hendrick: This adventure as you call it is my duty! I am a Commander in the Order of Witch-hunters and my word is law in this land. These elves dare to think they have rights, they wish to seek this magic town and regain their riches and their filthy magic. Elves are nothing more than slaves and magic must be eradicated! This city and its wealth will fill my coffers, um the Order’s coffers. That elven witch is mistaken – the elves have no hope.

Then, of course, there is the small matter of the defeat of the Archmage Lord Archos of Tremellic. He is the lover of this elven sorceress they seek. His demise will ensure my promotion. That bastard has been trouble to the Order for years; yet he wields power and influence, one cannot simply walk into his domain and arrest such a man on rumours. For a man of his rank to be wrong would be disastrous. That man is clever and rich, he pays bribes and sweeteners; no one dares touch him. I know my duty – he does not frighten me like he frightens the rank and file. He is just a man and men can be killed. He’s a filthy mage and all mages will fall to my banesword.


Q2. Who is your nemesis? Why is this?

M’alia: I am a forest elf, therefore in the eyes of the Order I am a slave. I am a mage – my existence is forbidden. Here and now, I am a pawn. The Order of Witch-Hunters is my nemesis….

Hendrick: Mages. Everyone knows magic brings the Plague. The elves almost brought mankind down, with war, disease and magic. The price they paid was high but well-deserved. Humans are the rulers now – and magic will be tamed.

M’alia: Magic will never be tamed; you’re like the others – you do not understand. Magic is everywhere, it is wild and will not be enslaved. The Order has ruled for centuries but still magic finds a way. Still there are those born in magic, those who practice in secret. It’s true that it’s not a prevalent as in the times before the Plague, but magic will never fail, not entirely.


Q3. At your final showdown what are your plans (promise we won’t tell).

M’alia: if by some blessings of the gods I still draw breath I will fry that evil bastard. I will not forget my treatment, what I have been forced to do, or the death of Elfkind at his hands. I will not go quietly. If I must burn this place and all in it I shall.

Hendrick: Pah! You think I fear an elven mage half my age? I have killed far greater than you, witch. Soon you will cease to be of use or entertainment to me. And then your death will be a mercy to you.

As for that bloody Magelord Archos of Tremellic, I look forward to the day I can sink my Baneblade in his vile hide and tear the magic from his flesh with the Banewhip. Oh I shall enjoy watching him bleed, and cry for mercy as they always do at the end.

There is no mercy – there is the law and there is the Order. Magic is forbidden and those who flaunt it will die, such is the law of the land.

Q4. Define a hero: 

M’alia: A hero is one who will put themselves before others, no matter the cost. One who will do what others will not, dare not. A hero will free others even if that freedom costs him or her all.

Hendrick: A hero is a man who sticks to his duty, who will sacrifice popularity for doing what he thinks is right. Reluctantly, I agree with the Witch – a hero is one who will do what others will not.

Witch-Hunters are not popular, those who rule by arms rarely are. We protect the greater populace from the perfidy of magic, from the risk of the Plague, and from themselves. Freedom is not a commodity peasants and elves can be trusted with. The Order brings peace – there have been border wars, and occasional rebellions but the Great Wars of Old are a mere history lesson. A hero brings peace whether it is wanted or not.

M’alia: It is not peace, it is tyranny. What value is peace if it beneath an iron fist? What value has peace to the slave?


Q5. Define a villain:

M’alia: *Looks at Hendrick. A villain is someone who uses others for his own ends, who takes away the rights of another, and who causes harm simply because he can. Someone who is wicked but doesn’t see it is so.

Hendrick: A villain is one who defies the law, who harms innocents and threatens the peace. One who is wicked and yet still continues to flout what is right.

Q6. What are your feelings about the other person?

M’alia: You need to ask me that? How do you think I feel about him?

Hendrick: I do not care what witches think of me. I am their scourge. Do I care for this elf? Don’t be ridiculous, I care no more for this one than any other piece of property. She serves to satisfy my lust and is a means to get to the Archmage and his friends. She has knowledge that I require – beyond that she is nothing. If I want a woman, I can take one – I have no time or inclination for the burdens of marriage. One elf is much the same as another.


Q7. Where will you be 10 years from now?

M’alia: Most likely dead. If I am not perhaps at home in Ilthendra, with my sister and my friends.

Hendrick: I will be promoted to High-Commander, I will have power, wealth and glory for serving my land.


Q8. do you have anything you’d like to say to your nemesis, that you may not get the chance to say when you meet?

M’alia: My nemesis is all Witch-Hunters. I will say this: Elves are not property, magic is not a creature to be tamed. Both are free, both exist despite the Order. The more magic is subjugated the wilder and craftier it will become. Magic is, has been and always shall be. The elves were once great and can be again. Freedom is relative.

Hendrick: When I meet the Archmage I will ensure he knows the might of the Order and the right of the Order.


Q9. Why should people believe YOU are right?

M’alia: Why am I right? I did not claim to be right, I simply say elves and mages are not ‘wrong’ simply for who and what they are.

Hendrick: The Order of Witch-Hunters uphold the law, the peace and the safety of the people. It is our right to remove those deemed a threat. Elves brought the Plague which almost destroyed the human kingdom, and still they bring their nefarious ways. Magic is dangerous! It’s perfidy creeps in good people and turns them bad.

M’alia: That’s a lie! Magic is like any other skill or weapon – if the user is bad then it will be used for evil. Magic heals, it sees what others cannot, it brings learning and joy. If it is hidden, and it’s practitioners have to live as outlaws it’s no surprise they must commit a crime. One whose very existence is forbidden has no recourse to law to protect them.

Hendrick: The law is right, it cannot be otherwise.


Excerpt from The Shining Citadel:

Commander Hendrick of the Order of Witch-Hunters was alone, having dismissed his companions save for the unfortunate victims of his wrath and his greed. A blonde-haired elf knelt at his feet and the mage, her twin, hung in chains at the wall whimpering in pain. Blood stained the stone floor crimson from the whip coiled loosely at his side.

“So, scholar, you will lead us to that Citadel of which your late companions were so keen to tell. All the lost riches of the Elfkind,” he said. Gripping her hair, he pulled the elf close, his mouth to her ear. “A pretty thing, are you not? Both you and your sister. Now if you are a good girl, she might get to keep those looks. The Baneshackle scars will not be so bad. She might yet live to see the sun rise over your Shimmering Forest.”

Dragging the elven woman roughly so she could see her weeping and bloody twin, the Witch-Hunter continued in a voice which made her blood run cold, “See what you have consented to? That she lives. It is simple enough, elf.”

Th’alia fought back her tears, shame and degradation pricking her eyes and burning within her far stronger than her own physical pain, yet she summoned the courage and the pride to whisper, “I have a name, my sister has a name. My name is Th’alia Er’lis. We are not property. I will seek the Citadel, but for her, not for you, Witch-Hunter.”

Hendrick scrutinised the elf woman and, releasing her hair, laughed at her audacity. “Is that what you believe? She is a mage, an elf witch, and thus she belongs to us, to me. However, I may be persuaded to look the other way. Lead the Magelord Archos of Tremellic and that slut who shares his bed to this Citadel, allow them to perform the ritual needed to enter, and I may ignore the fact of your sister’s existence.”

Motioning towards M’alia he removed the whip from his belt, letting the weight of it lie in his hands as though emphasising the point, for she had felt the bite of it and both elves knew he would not hesitate to use it once more.

“I will arrange escort and the required paperwork, for you cannot wander the human lands alone. Mark this however, you will be watched. If any harm befalls your escort, if you escape from him, if you fail or deceive him, the woman who hangs in chains yonder will die. Then I will inform the slavers of what stock resides in your settlement, for if they produce more as pretty as you, the slavers will indeed pay handsomely for the information. One way or the other, I will get my gold. Surely it is an easy enough choice, the lives of strangers for those of your sister and your town.”

He looked into her eyes and saw compliance if not consent, a realisation that choice was not a luxury she could afford. Th’alia nodded slowly, and with an unpleasant grin and the thought of elven treasure shining in his eyes, Hendrick said, “Good girl. Your sister will not be harmed or molested. She will be safe. You have my word on that.”

Th’alia turned her tear-filled brown eyes to his face and replied quietly, “What is the word of a Witch-Hunter to me?”

Hendrick looked over to the chained mage. Running the whip through his fingers once more, he replied, “It is the word of a man who has the power of life and death. Heed it well.”

With that, Hendrick unchained the mage, and instead of letting her fall, he wrapped his cloak about her and gave orders she was to be healed and removed from the cell. Casting one final glance at Th’alia, he exited, locking the door until his plans were in place.

Blurb and buy links:

The Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles – Book I

In a dark world where magic is illegal, and elves are enslaved a young elven sorceress runs for her life from the house of her evil Keeper. Pursued by his men and the corrupt Order of Witch-Hunters she must find sanctuary. As the slavers roll across the lands stealing elves from what remains of their ancestral home the Witch-Hunters turn a blind eye to the tragedy and a story of power, love and a terrible revenge unfolds.

*18 rated for adult scenes and violence.

Available as ebook, paperback, hardcover, large print and audiobook.

Universal Link https://www.books2read.com/Lightbeyondstorm1


The Shining Citadel – The Light Beyond the Storm – Book II

Who rules in this game of intrigue where magic is forbidden, and elves enslaved? Journey where beliefs shatter like glass, truth is unwelcome, and monsters from ancient times abound: share the romance and revenge, magic and passion, and the wages of greed in a world of darkest fantasy.

*18 rated for adult scenes and violence.

Available as ebook, paperback, hardcover, large print and audiobook.



The Stolen Tower – The Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles – Book III

What stalks the land cannot be but is.

Where magic is outlawed a troll Shaman calls from her deathbed to her heiress, Mirandra Var, daughter of the storm. Mirandra vows to find her missing kin, sort friend from foe, and claim the dangerous secrets guarded by unthinkable creatures. If she succeeds, she will become the leader of her tribe. If she fails, there will be no tribe to lead.

*18 rated for adult scenes and violence.

Available as ebook, paperback, hardcover, large print and audiobook.

Universal Link https://www.books2read.com/StolenTower

Author Bio and Links

British-born A. L. Butcher is an avid reader and creator of worlds, a poet, and a dreamer, a lover of science, natural history, history, and monkeys. Her prose has been described as ‘dark and gritty’ and her poetry as ‘evocative’. She writes with a sure and sometimes erotic sensibility of things that might have been, never were, but could be.

Alex is the author of the Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles and the Tales of Erana lyrical fantasy series. She also has several short stories in the fantasy, fantasy romance genres with occasional forays into gothic style horror, including the Legacy of the Mask series. With a background in politics, classical studies, ancient history and myth, her affinities bring an eclectic and unique flavour in her work, mixing reality and dream in alchemical proportions that bring her characters and worlds to life.

Alex is also proud to be a writer for Perseid Press where her work features in Heroika: Dragon Eaters, Heroika Skirmishers – where she was editor and cover designer as well as writer – as well as Lovers in Hell and Mystics in Hell – part of the acclaimed Heroes in Hell series. http://www.theperseidpress.com/


Outside the Walls, co-written with Diana L. Wicker received a Chill with a Book Reader’s Award in 2017.

NN Light Book Heaven awards:

The Kitchen Imps and Other Dark Tales won the best fantasy for 2018

Echoes of a Song – one of her Phantom tales – won the best fantasy in 2019

Tears and Crimson Velvet won the best Short Story category in 2020

Dark Tales and Twisted Verses – won the best Short Story Category in 2021

Blog https://libraryoferana.wordpress.com/about-a-l-butcher-fantasy-author-poet-author-promotion/

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Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/2hK33OM

BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/a-l-butcher

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Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-butcher-8342ab13b/

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Perseid Press Author Page http://www.theperseidpress.com/?page_id=523

Barnes and Noble Author Page  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22A.%20L.%20Butcher

Blog tour organised by Writer Marketing Services.




#ad #restraint #erotica #exploration #Lovehoney #kinkyplay #sextoys #fun

One of the joys of writing erotica, is exploring – via my characters – the limits of sexual pleasure to which I can send each of my fictional individuals.

Over the years I have created my own voyeuristic window into an erotic world of fantasy and pleasure. To create the #bdsm, #sub #dom stories I’m best known for, I’ve largely relied on my imagination, but every now and then – as with any work of fiction – research is required.

This research has come in many forms over the years – talking to others about their experiences – reading up on the subject of domination and submission – and, of course, turning to the fabulous world of sex toys – in particular, toys that deal with restraint, such as leg spreader bars.

When it comes to writing erotica that centres around the submissive/dominant dynamic, I have always been fascinated with the concept of voluntary capture. There is something intrinsically sexy about one human being having so much trust and confidence in another, that they will allow themselves to be bound, making their ability to move limited, or immobilising them completely.

Consensual bondage can bring intense sexual pleasure. For the submissive within the erotic play, there is the anticipation and adrenalin rush from not having control – from not knowing what their partner will do next – of wondering how they will treat them on the road to climax.

For the person in control, there is the high of deciding how to pleasure their willing partner, of both hearing and seeing them succumb to desire, while the act of pleasing their submissive will, in turn, afford them a rush of sexual satisfaction. In a world when we are constantly having to make decisions, it is a heady/addictive feeling to have all responsibility taken away from us in a restrained/submissive capacity. It opens our minds and focuses our whole bodies on the pursuit of pleasure – each touch, each sound, each anticipation of what might happen next.

It is for this reason – the combination of trust and the pushing of a person’s sexual limits – that I like to write stories centring around restraint. Whether in a long-term loving relationship, or within a situation where the premise of the story is for one character to push the limits of another who (willingly) wishes to see how far they can go, the use of restraints – whether it’s ropes, cuffs or even a spreader – the results are always plot spinning. And what’s more – they are plotlines that my readers can safely replicate, and enjoy, at home with just a few careful purchases.

Photograph courtesy of Lovehoney

As I said above, when researching for such moments of fiction, I use sex toys and equipment to help me. When writing a recent story (yet to be published), featuring the use of a leg spreader bar, I turned to Lovehoney for help. Prior to including the use of a spreader in the tale, I wanted to make sure I had the feel of the thing correct – to know how to use one – how heavy they are, and – of course – what it feels like to wear.


The story I’m writing is very much a work in progress – here’s a little extract for you…

Spread (A work in progress by Kay Jaybee)

Max lifted the leather-bound diary from the desk. Making sure he could see her eyes; he flicked through the pages until he found the entry from the night before.

Tuesday 2nd May.’

A soft muffled groan came from the woman seated on the chair before him.

‘What was that Sub? A happy memory or just sheer frustration at your situation?’

Leaning forward, Max adjusted the silk knickers that he’d wedged between her lips only two minutes before.

‘Don’t you worry. If you’ve been a good girl and written nice things about the lovely surprise I gave you last night, then you’ll get to play with it again. If not – well, you’ll get to watch me play with it with one of our friends. You’d like that wouldn’t you?’

This time the sound from the gag was halfway between a purr and a pleading mewl.

‘Despair or desire? I never know which emotion you wish to portray when you’re so beautifully arranged.’ Max kissed her forehead. ‘I don’t think you know yourself sometimes, little Sub.

‘So, where was I? Ah yes, last night. Let’s read what you had to say for yourself.’

Sitting on his usual wing-back armchair, Max stretched his legs out towards her, his feet almost, but not quite meeting hers as she sat, naked, on a small round cushion on a metal kitchen chair. Her hands were secured to its arms with bondage cuffs, while her ankles were secured to each of its front legs with two of her master’s neckties.

Dear diary, Sir was very pleased with me, so he bought me a gift.

            ‘I was excited, but also nervous. Sir had told me that it would be something we’d both enjoy, that it would help towards my training as his submissive, that it was a treat for being so good when his friends came to play with me, and that – should I hate it and not want to play- or leave the game at any time, then I should say the safe word he picked for the evening – Zebra.

Max paused, his gaze coming to rest on her rock-hard nipples. ‘You even wrote the safe word down – good girl. Sensible to have a word that can’t be mistaken for anything else.’ Thoughtful for a second, he opened a drawer in the desk next to him. ‘Those nipples look desperate. Here.’

Her eyes widened in pleasure as he slid of his chair, onto his knees. Shuffling a pace closer, his mouth came to her left breast, his teeth grazing her nipple, before he abruptly sucked hard, making her gasp into her underwear as her pussy gave an involuntary twitch.

She was just relaxing into the warm sensations that flooded her breast, when Max pulled back and clipped on a cold metal clamp. His sub’s gasps of pleasure morphed into a sharp intake of air; the shock of the firm clamp as it squeezed her sensitive damp tip, sending a second layer of pleasure – a darker one – riding on the back of the first.

She tried to stay relaxed, not to tense in readiness for the treatment she knew was about to follow on her right side, but as ever she failed, and that inability to stay calm, only went to enflame her further – just as her Sir knew it would.

‘There.’ Taking a step back, Max ran a practised eye over his partner. ‘Beautiful, and I bet you feel good too, don’t you?’

A muffled, ‘Yes Sir’ came from between her lips and the purple knicker gag.

‘Now then.’ He sat back down, ‘where was I? Ah yes…The gift was a spreader. Until now, Sir has always tied me to a chair or the end of the bed. We’re talked about getting a spreader before, but never have. Just looking at it – thinking of the possibilities -of what Sir might do to me while my legs were cuffed into each end…I could only imagine. Although, I didn’t have to imagine for long.

‘My word, it is a thing of beauty.

Max stopped reading, ‘It is a thing of beauty – like you, my Sub.’

Lowering himself off the chair again, he sat on the floor before her and, the diary still open before him, reached a hand to her open, tethered legs, and caressed a single finger over and around her clit, enjoying the feel of the moisture he found gathering there as he read on.

I was tied to my chair while Sir showed me my gift. I must confess, dear diary, that I drooled into my ball gag as I watched the large box being opened and three long metal rods coming out, two of which had fur cuffs attached to the end. Sir told me to pay careful attention to how the spreader was put together. It was difficult to obey, for although my eyes were not shielded by a blindfold, and the room was light, the wand Sir had taped between my thighs had been fixed on a low setting – and had been buzzing over my clit for almost five minutes. Without Sir’s permission to cum, I was fighting hard to obey him and not climax – while watching all he showed me….

Max pushed a finger up inside his Sub, making her whimper with need. ‘You’re close now aren’t you, I can hear it in your breathing. You can cum once I’ve finished reading, yes Sub?’

‘Uh, huh, Sir’

‘Good Sub.’ Max kept one finger lazily pumping in and out of her as he went on. ‘…There were three metal tubes in the packaging, which were to be fixed together to form the spreader. As I’m quite short, Sir was kind, and didn’t fix the metal rods together at their widest setting, but even so, I could see that, once the faux fur cuffs were in place around my ankles then I’d be spread very wide open – available for anything…ANYTHING Sir wished.

            ‘As I write this, sweat is gathering under my breasts, and my nipples are aching – not from the delicious flogging they had while I was spreadeagled on the living room floor, ankles cuffed, legs immobile thanks to my gift, but from the thought of what Sir might do to me next time I’m spread like that.

I knew Sir would treat me kindly, but even so, I hadn’t imagined what a difference the unyielding nature of the metal poles would be like – how at his mercy I’d be …and how much I’d love it. I don’t think I’ve ever been so wet…

I will leave you here so that I can continue with drafting this spreader inspired story.

Happy reading and playing everyone,

Kay xx






TastyTaster: Yes Ma’am

For this week’s #tastytaster, I’m treating you to some #femdom action from my high kink anthology,

Yes Ma’am.


Could you write your wildest fantasies on your best friend’s boyfriend, or sell your sexual soul to a woman in black?

Find out how far army cadet, Luke Porter, will go to improve his standing within his regiment, and discover the consequences of losing your temper on London’s Underground in this collection of wrist binding, whip wielding, butt spanking tales of female domination.

Yes Ma’am contains six straight and bi-sexual encounters of the S&M nature.

The six stories, each taking a different take on the FemDom experience, are…

Lying in Wait– Cadet Luke Porter is the least successful army recruit in the squadron. His female counterparts are determined to find out how far Luke will go to improve his standing within the regiment…

Black – He is intoxicated by the woman in black. He can’t explain why he needs to see her or why he willing does precisely what she tells him to…

Dear Claire – Ali has secretly lusted over her best friend’s lover Rick, for a long time. At least, she thought it was a secret…

“Don’t You Emma” – Sitting in an armchair has never been so difficult…

Not Taking the Tube – Venting his frustration at being delayed yet again by London’s Underground system on the nearest official, the harassed businessman finds his complaints aren’t received in quite the way he’d expected…

Rachel’s Twisted Tale – Rapunzel never suffered like this….


Here’s a tasty taster from “Don’t You Emma.”

…Lee’s imagination had already moved on to what reward he was going to get for being a good, patient boy. He wondered if he’d have to endure a spanking, or if she’d bind or gag him. Flickers of tense longing played in his stomach and stirred his groin.

Glancing at the clock on the corner of the bookcase, he listened to the quiet tick. It seemed to fill the room as he waited with growing impatience for Daisy’s return. He assumed she was fetching her sex toys, or perhaps changing into something less comfortable. It was with a sense of a surprise and unease, however, that Lee heard the front door open and the sound of muffled voices.

Despite only wearing a red T-shirt and some lightweight black combats, Lee suddenly felt rather hot as Daisy re-entered the lounge with company.

The warning glint in Daisy’s eyes confirmed that Lee should stay precisely where he was, his legs outstretched before him, his arms resting on the chair’s soft padded arms, his mouth shut.

His dark brown eyes moved from his lover to the girl with her. About 25 years old perhaps, with long ginger hair that hung in two perfectly tied pigtails. Slim, but with enough of a curve to catch the eye, her green gaze had a keen, eager to please gleam, that just hinted at mischief.

Lee swallowed very carefully. Daisy hadn’t, had she? Not really? He opened his mouth to ask her if he was right, or if his imagination was running away with him. No sound came out though. He didn’t want to risk her saying he was mistaken and ruining the fantasy that roller-coasted around his lust driven head.

The girl, without taking off either the boots or the long winter coat she wore, even though it was a warm summer’s day, answered his unspoken question, as she lowered her head and knelt on the cleared floor before Daisy; her mistress.

‘Oh my!’ His words were barely audible. Daisy either hadn’t heard them or had dismissed them as unimportant. Lee concentrated very hard on breathing; forcing himself to sit still and not lean forward in the chair…


You can find out what happened next within the epages of Yes Ma’am via…

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Happy reading,

Kay x

Tasty Taster: Tied to the Kitchen Sink

If your #weekend is calling out for some seriously kinky reading matter, then why not take peep inside my collection of 3 quickie BDSM romance,

Tied to the Kitchen Sink. 

Tied to the Kitchen Sink


Will can hardly believe his eyes when he receives the ultimate in birthday gifts. Karen, the girl of his fantasies, has been left tied to his kitchen sinks’ taps, ready to be played with exactly as he chooses. Meanwhile, Becky is having a spank filled first day in her new job, and a BDSM curious male allows himself to be lured into a dominatrix’s layer, by the tempting lyrics of a truly bad poem. Whether bound in ropes or handcuffs, as they are shackled to the bed, kitchen sink, or within the confines of a fetishists supply cupboard, the willing victims of Tied to the Kitchen Sinks’ kinky S&M and BDSM action, find their darkest and sexiest dreams coming true.

There are three short stories tucked within the e-pages of my anthology, Tied to the Kitchen Sink, Becky and The Bad Poet.

It is into the middle story, Becky, which takes place in a very unusual office, where even the most minor mistake is punished, that I’m taking you today.

…It is an unusual cupboard. From floor to ceiling in height, it has an increased depth hidden behind its grey metal doors. The shelves that surrounded the walls are set well back so that at least two people could occupy the remaining space with the doors closed. On every shelf there was a collection of instruments; canes, whips, paddles, nipple clamps. There was all the necessary material to keep a correction freak going for years; ribbons, ropes, cuffs, chains, gags. The more you looked the more your heart froze and your eyes widened. Becky looked. Her face revealed nothing.

Miss Harriet had silently come out of her office. Without a word she stood behind Becky and helped her off with her remaining clothes. She was so beautiful. I realised I hadn’t really looked at Becky properly before. I already wanted to touch; I began to imagine her beating my breasts with a short stick, before soothing them with her tongue.

I came back to reality. Such feelings must not be displayed here. Becky was now just inside the cupboard doors, facing her audience. She seemed to shine. How had she got to this point so quickly? It had taken me many beatings before I had learnt to enjoy it, and even after nearly eighteen months I could never be so open about it. I still have the shame. Maybe I need it.

Becky stared through us as she looked straight ahead. Miss Harriet had taken one of her slim wrists and was tying it to a conveniently placed hook on one of the shelves with a silk cord. Then the other wrist was secured, then the ankles, and finally, a thin silver collar was snapped securely around her neck, its long leather lead dangling provocatively between her breasts.

Miss Harriet stepped out of the cupboard and looked to her boss for approval. He nodded. I could clearly see, when I dared to glance, that his dick was straining against his suit trousers. They shut the doors of the cupboard and we all heard Becky gasp. She had expected pain, arousal. They had given her nothing…


If you fancy discovering what that blotting paper was used for, just how awful my poetry can be, and exactly how the kitchen sink was misused, you can buy Tied to the Kitchen Sink at Amazon UK, Amazon.com, and all good e-retailers.

Amazon UK- http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tied-Kitchen-Sink-BDSM-Erotica-ebook/dp/B008J46P1W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391959394&sr=8-1&keywords=Tied+to+the+kitchen+sink+kay+jaybee

Amazon.com – http://www.amazon.com/Tied-Kitchen-Sink-BDSM-Erotica-ebook/dp/B008J46P1W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391959472&sr=8-1&keywords=Tied+to+the+kitchen+sink+kay+jaybee

Happy reading!

Kay xx




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