Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

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Grab my erotica: The Smashwords Summer Sale

The Smashwords Sale is now on!

All of my ebooks are involved- and they are all HALF PRICE, except for

Yes Ma’am, which is FREE until the end of July!!

You can find all of my #halfprice books on sale here, including…

Making Him Wait

The Voyeur

All the A Kink a Day anthologies

The whole of The Perfect Submissive series

And much more, including Wednesday on Thursday and The Collector.

The sale ends on 31st July, so you have plenty of time to stock up your #ebook reader.

Happy shopping!

Kay xx

Text Sex: Making Him Wait

Ever since the introduction of mobile or cell phones into our lives, texting has become a way of life. Erotic stories involving text sex were bound to follow in the wake of this phenomena as, let’s face it, text sex is a lot of fun, and can be very kinky!

I have written a number of stories that have included texts, such as Not Her Type  It was so much fun to add this textual dimension of communication to my tales. These stories were so well received that I was determined to make text conversations an integral part of my novel, Making Him Wait.



Maddie Templeton has always been an unconventional artist. Themes of submission and domination pulse through her erotic artwork, and she’s happily explored these lustful themes both on and off the canvas.

But, when Theo Hunter enters her life, she is presented with a new challenge. Maddie sets out to test his resolve as she teases, torments and toys with him. But, as Maddie drives Theo to breaking point, she soon becomes unsure whether her own resolve will hold out!

At the same time, Maddie must put on the exhibition of a lifetime. As the hottest gallery in town clamours for her best work, Maddie pushes her models harder and higher until they are physically, sexually and emotionally exhausted. Will Maddie’s models continue to submit to her, or will she push them too far? And will she be ready for the exhibition in time?

The only way to find out is to wait and see…and the waiting only makes it sweeter!


Theo is normally very much in control of his life, but after he visits Maddie’s studio in the curse of his job as an electrician to install some new lighting, he quickly finds himself obsessed with both her, and the sheer weight of the eroticism that seems to ooze out of the art that covers the walls.

Maddie, a master of the art of self-control, has an exhibition to put together for the recently re-opened Striped Banana gallery, and although she is keen to have some fun with Theo, she is determined create all the new works of art she needs first. At the same time however, Maddie has no intention of letting Theo lose interest in her while her energy is required elsewhere…

So what better way to lure Theo with promises of breath-taking sex than via text messaged conversations- and then making him wait for answers to his texts…?


Ignoring the buzz of her mobile phone, Maddie placed the worn stub of charcoal to the side of her easel and took a step back from the girl before her.

Maddie nodded with approval as her newest model – a petite blonde – flexed the muscles she’d been keeping stock still for the previous half hour.

“Control, Freya – at least the appearance of control – is everything.” The artist reached out an affectionate hand to her muse.

Freya rocked a little on her bare feet as Maddie touched her lightly freckled cheek. “No need to look so worried, honey. You are doing brilliantly. It’s a difficult pose to hold for so long.”

“Thank you.” Blushing an endearing shade of pink, Freya lowered the hands she’d nervously clenched before her, giving her employer another chance to see the neat triangle of her semi-shaved pussy.

Maddie, her jeans and t-shirt smeared and spattered with all the mediums of her trade, did not feel the need to mention to Freya that her own knickers were sodden, nor that beneath her holster bra, her nipples were rock hard.

A further buzz from her mobile alerted Maddie to the arrival of another text message. In fact a steady string of muffled noises from her mobile, coming from the pit of her handbag, had been announcing the arrival of texts every ten minutes or so throughout the morning.

Smiling to herself, Maddie continued to disregard her phone and considered the exquisite outline of her companion’s porcelain frame. Most people came to Maddie to be drawn or painted, sometimes as a commission for a lover, husband or wife. Some, however, like Freya, came to the studio as a way of improving their self-confidence. Despite her generally shy demeanour, Freya had proved to be very good at posing as Maddie required and the artist had offered her an occasional job as a life model.

Sometimes Maddie felt she was more therapist than artist – specifically a sex therapist – as men and women alike shared their most intimate secrets while standing on the other side of her easel. Maddie’s studio certainly had the air of an erotic fantasy confessional about it. She wasn’t complaining, however. No other life would do for her now. The job satisfaction Maddie achieved from listening to the dreams and fantasies of others while she recreated them onto canvas, went hand in glove with the personal physical gratification it gave her.

Money being either plentiful or non-existent, depending on the current success of her commissions and sales, Maddie had been forced to develop an alternative form of payment for her models – a reward system for good work. Maddie could tell from the rise and fall of Freya’s chest and the glistening damp skin at the top of her thighs, that she was more than ready to be paid for today’s session.

Closing in on her model, Maddie simultaneously cupped Freya’s slick pussy and left breast with her charcoal-blackened hands, causing an involuntary shiver to ripple through the younger woman’s body.

“Your progress really is outstanding, honey. Few of my models can stay as motionless as you can.” Congratulating Freya on her skill, Maddie left two dark palm prints on the girl’s tits and tapped at the inside of her legs. “Open up. I think you have deserved a treat after all your hard work.”

Gliding her palm over Freya’s mound, Maddie slipped a gentle finger into the slippery canal of the model’s frantically clutching sex, enjoying the murmured mew of contentment that escaped from her lipstick-free mouth.

Pumping gently, the artist brought Freya close to orgasm with steady increases and decreases of pressure – her own mind straying to her mobile. Maddie wondered where Theo was and what he was doing. She knew what he was thinking about. She always knew that. Theo thought about her.

Pushing her happily sex-drugged model onto an armchair, Maddie’s own arousal kicked up a notch as she bent to lick Freya’s nub, swiftly bringing her to the dawn of a shuddering release.

While continuing to take pleasure in the sweet taste of another woman on her lips, Maddie considered how she’d phrase her responses to all the messages Theo had sent and how she’d tell him precisely what and who had held up her replies.

Inhaling Freya’s climactic scent, Maddie’s hands roamed up and over the small, orgasm-jacked body, her thoughts still with Theo. His work-calloused right hand was probably on his dick at that very moment. A heady hit of power consumed Maddie – a power as intense as the climax of the woman panting hard in the chair before her.

Maddie loved making him wait…


mobile phone

Very quickly, Maddie has Theo exactly where she wants him- at the centre of an unpredictable waiting game. But Theo isn’t always sure what he’s waiting for- and every time he thinks he’s about to get what he wants, Maddie changes the rules, and Theo finds himself having to wait all over again.

As time passes however, and Maddie needs Theo’s help to get her exhibition complete on time, the artist finds she isn’t getting everything her own way. Is it possible that in Theo Hunter, Maddie Templeton has finally met her match?

If you would like to buy Making Him Wait to find out what happens to Theo and Maddie, it is available as a paperback or e-book from all good retailers, including…

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Barnes & Noble

Happy reading,

Kay xx

Tasty Taster: A Kink a Day Book Four

This week I’m sharing something from my latest anthology-

A Kink a Day-Book Four.

Why not settle down for a sexy taster…

Here’s an extract from the first story in the collection – Brick Dust.

‘Tell me. What else did he want to do to you?’

‘He…’ A layer of dry dust landed on Liza’s lips, making it difficult to reply.

‘Come on girl. We’ve got you this far, and hell; you don’t half look good.’

Liza could sense Mick’s urgency. Before he’d tied her up his tone had been methodical and controlled. Now, as the quarry foreman towered over Liza, observing her as she discovered what it really meant to be spread-eagled, naked, exposed, and vulnerable, his Praetorian accent crackled with barely suppressed lust.

‘He…’ She licked her lips, tasting stone grit on her tongue, ‘…he wanted to force me into begging to be fucked.’

With her arms at right angles to her body, and her wrists and ankles roped to parallel winch shafts, Liza had the strangest idea that she must look like an open pair of scissors.

After accepting the temporary job as administrator at the South African sandstone brick quarry, Liza’s main worry had centred around coping with the extreme heat after years of living on the cool English coast.

Once she’d arrived however, Liza had moved on from considering how she would keep cool to how she’d manage to keep her hands off her boss. Within half an hour of meeting Mick, Liza had been fantasising about what it would be like to sit on his lap; slowly rising her arse up and down, as her body engulfed his thick, solid cock…

That afternoon, sat at office desks, Liza had been struggling to coat the back of her neck with sun cream, and Mick had offered to help.

If Mick had stopped applying the lotion once he’d covered her neck, then perhaps nothing would have happened. But Liza hadn’t wanted him to stop. She’d daydreamed so often about the site foreman giving her a more thorough lotioning than was strictly necessary, she hadn’t complained when Mick lifted her vest top over her head and began to anoint the rest of her back.

It was only when Mick moved to her front, that the reality of discovery had invaded Liza’s brain. The idea that someone could walk into their office had dragged her fantasy fuelled imaginings from the tug Mick was creating at her crotch, and caused her to defensively cover her white bra with her hands.

‘What is it with you?’ Mick sat back, more amused than annoyed. ‘One minute you’re asking me to run my hands all over that hot body of yours, and the next you’ve gone cold. Who you hiding from?’

‘What makes you think I’m hiding? I just don’t want anyone to walk in and see me with your paws all over my chest.’

‘Come off it. You’re hiding. Why else would you be working in the middle of nowhere for six months when you could be running some nice clean company back home.’ Mick winked at Liza, the fact she hadn’t complained about his hands being on her tits silently hung in the air between them.

‘Anyway, you’re not the first. Nearly everyone who takes your job is avoiding something somewhere else. What’s your excuse for turning up here? Not just to give me wank dreams surely?’

Perversely pleased that she’d been having as much an effect on Mick as he had on her, Liza gave him a half smile. ‘You wank about me?’

‘Believe it. You’ve done some unbelievable things in my head.’

It was no good pretending she didn’t fancy Mick. It was obvious. The white cotton of her bra was thin, and the poke of her nipples was undeniably visible. Letting her hands drop from her breasts, Liza asked, ‘Such as?’

‘You want to know what we do together in the privacy of my head.’ Mick’s lips curled at the edges, his chocolate eyes challenging. ‘Thirty seconds ago you were little miss shy?’

‘I want to know.’

‘Then you have to tell me why you’re here.’ The foreman took a step closer to his assistant, his half open shirt hinting at the dark work-honed chest beneath. ‘Do we have a deal?’

Taking a swig from her water bottle, Liza stared back at Mick. ‘Deal. But you have to talk first.’

Mick placed a calloused palm on Liza’s shoulder.  ‘How brave are you?’

Liza swallowed, ‘Oh I’m brave.’ She paused, before adding, ‘Although not as brave as my ex-boyfriend wanted me to be.’

‘Is that so? And is how brave he wanted you to be something to do with why you’re here?’

Perspiration began to dot the back of Liza’s neck. ‘The deal was that you’d go first.’

Liza’s pulse raced with a mix of fear and excitement. Her body badly wanted Mick, but suddenly he seemed potentially more dangerous than the man she’d left behind. The man who had become so relentless in his physical demands that he’d begun to bore her as well as disturb her; prompting her to take an impromptu overseas career break.

‘Alright.’ Mick pushed his chest against Liza’s as she perched on the edge of her desk. ‘For a start, you always appear in my imagination with no top on. Your tits are free. Naked. Tight.’

Liza felt as though she was being hypnotised by his words. She was watching his lips move, her own imagination miles ahead of him, picturing Mick’s fist around his cock, pleasuring himself as he contemplated her breasts. Breasts which he was now releasing from their bra holster.

‘Often your nipples are in my mouth. I lick them, bite them, and suck them.’

Liza could picture the scene he was creating so vividly that she had to stop herself from asking him to suck them there and then.

Keeping his eyes fixed on her ample chest, Mick’s hands caressed her bare arms as he went on. ‘Sometimes I imagine you begging for me to touch your breasts. I get off on your frustration. On making you wait. You’re longing for something that is only in my power to give as you lay, totally naked, spread eagled…’

Liza shivered as Mick stressed the last words. He spoke more deliberately now, and their eyes locked. ‘…and you are tied outside, to the sandy ground…’

She froze, whispering, ‘But that’s what he wanted.’



If you enjoyed that, you can buy A Kink a Day- Book Four via…

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US

You can find the other ebooks in the A Kink a Day series here – mybook.to/AKinkaDayTrilogy

Happy reading,

Kay x

Lexie Bay is back: New book news!

I’m unbelievably excited to welcome a very dear friend to my blog today.

The fabulous Lexie Bay – fellow Brit Babe and all round lovely person – has picked up her laptop again!!

Over to you Lexie…

The Best of Lexie Bay Volume One

It’s been about six years since I last wrote a filthy story to send out into the world and I’ve missed it. I’ve missed creating the scenes, I’ve missed the thrill of seeing my words in print and most of all I’ve missed the wonderful people that I met while I was creating those sexy stories.

So, I am delighted to be reunited today with one of the wonderful ladies that taught me so much about the erotic craft, the gorgeous Kay Jaybee. Thank you so much for having me on your blog so that I can tell everyone about what I’m currently up to.

This week saw the release of the first anthology of my early work. I have finally taken the dive into writing full time, and I wanted to pull together all my past work into two anthologies which cover 2010 until 2017.

The last of these stories, which will feature in Volume Two in January 2024, ”Innocent Lies” is about a gangster called Tommy and this is what I am working on now. I wanted to give him a bigger story, to fill in the gaps in the original short and to see where he goes next. I can’t wait for you to read it next year.

In the meantime, I really hope you enjoy a trip down memory lane with The Best of Lexie Bay – Volume One.

Love Lexie xx


Dive into nine of Lexie’s original stories published between 2010 and 2013

A wild ride through men in sexy uniforms, darkly kinky supernatural beings, bad boys, bad girls and the glitz and glamour of the high life. Take your pick from the bright lights of the funfair, the glamour of London’s sex parties or lose yourself in glitzy underbelly of Las Vegas and indulge yourself with nine wicked stories of desire, forbidden lust and happy ever afters.

Some stories have been updated for your pleasure.


Extract from “Inside, Looking Out”

London 2010, present day

As Izzy stepped out of the warmth of the black cab, the chill air of a Soho night whipped around her, blowing her hair and slipping up the inside of her dress, almost revealing to the busy street that she was wearing nothing underneath. Her nipples hardened as the icy breeze fingered her naked pussy, sending a frisson of delicious heat through her in stark contrast to the cold. She turned to pay the driver and gasped as the wind lifted her skirt again, grabbing the hem to save her modesty. She giggled to herself at the irony of trying to look demure getting out of the cab, when in just a few moments she would be wantonly stalking the corridors of one of London’s biggest and most infamous orgies, wearing next to nothing.

She stood outside the huge old fashioned building and gazed up at it. It had taken her months to get here. She had networked with the best; blagging invitations to parties where she knew the big-league guys would be, using her family name and her father’s notoriety in business to influence anyone who would listen and finally it had paid off. She had caught the eye of an ageing CEO at a private dinner party and he had offered her the golden ticket to the biggest event of the year. She shivered as the wind whisked up again and pulled her mask down over her face.

The irony of using her father’s contacts and the family name was not lost on her. The very same power that her father had wielded to get her a place at the prestigious University in Oxford, England, where he had been so proud of her and her achievements, was now her ticket to further the hedonistic lifestyle that he so hated. He still funded her but he had given up on trying to mould her into Katy, the older sister that Izzy could never be like. Katy had married the man their father had picked for her, who had money and power but no charm or passion. She stayed at home with their children while he did whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. Izzy hadn’t seen Katy smile in years and she knew she would never, could never, give up everything like that. Katy would never stand on the brink of adventure outside a notorious club, adrenaline flooding her body as she anticipated the night ahead. Izzy turned her attention back to the imposing building in front of her.

The annual event was always a masquerade ball, the elaborate masks an essential part of the night and this year the theme was “The Call of the Wild”. Izzy had researched the event for months and she knew that what you wore was almost as important as what you didn’t. The animal theme had inspired her and she had chosen to come dressed as a gazelle, wanting to look vulnerable and submissive. Izzy had spent a fortune having a costume made and she knew she looked amazing; the front of the dress showing off her cleavage to maximum effect and the back leaving very little to the imagination as it clung to her full, round bottom.

Izzy looked up and down the street then climbed the stone steps to the imposing front door. As she did she couldn’t help thinking about the journey that had brought her to this point.


Available From

Amazon.co.uk   The Best of Lexie Bay: Volume One: Amazon.co.uk: Bay, Lexie: 9798861216340: Books

Amazon.com     The Best of Lexie Bay: Volume One – Kindle edition by Bay, Lexie. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Currently available on Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Lexie lives in Brighton with her family and has just started writing again after a long career in finance. She loves the adrenaline rush of the unexpected and likes to lose herself in the realms of fantasy, kink and the downright filthy. She is currently working on a full-length novel which she hopes to release in 2024.

You can follow her on:

Instagram           @lexie_bay

X                           @Lexie_Bay

Facebook           (1) Facebook Lexie Bay

Website              Coming Soon


A huge thank you to Lexie for visiting today. Wishing you much success with your anthology. Looking forward to more Lexie Bay work in the near future.

Happy reading everyone,

Kay xx

Tasty Taster: Not Her Type

It’s time to enjoy a ‘Tasty Taster’ from my hot delivery man novella,

Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures of a Delivery Man

(copyright- Kay Jaybee and 1001NightsPress)Not Her Type

Tuesday – It Begins

What the hell am I doing? I’m a good girl; I just don’t do things like this.

A tiny fraction of Jenny’s conscience screamed at her. The remainder of her brain sent her hands on a thorough exploration of the densely haired chest that had unexpectedly appeared from beneath her companion’s polo-shirt. The fact that Jenny had never liked men with hairy chests seemed irrelevant.

Standing in front of her, diving a hand under Jenny’s top, John squeezed her left nipple hard, wonderfully hard, making her squeal with pain-tingling gratification. Removing her shirt at top speed, John freed her breasts from their confinement.

Moving as if on auto-pilot, Jenny’s fingers visited his trousers’ waistband, but in her haste she couldn’t get his belt undone. Rescuing her from her embarrassment with a smile, John mumbled something about it always being difficult to open and undid it himself. Jenny barely heard him as a neat pair of charcoal grey boxers appeared, swiftly followed by—Oh My God—the most beautiful dick she had seen in years, perhaps ever.

As she knelt before him, the voice in Jenny’s head continued its rant, reminding her that she hated giving blowjobs. Since her first experience as a college student, she had neither liked the taste of cock, nor the sensation of being gagged. Now however, working on instincts she never knew she had, Jenny took John deep within her throat. She felt his fingers drag urgently through her knotty, brown hair, raking her scalp as she greedily worked him around her mouth.


“Hell girl, have you any idea how often I’ve dreamt of you doing this?” John confessed. “Night after night I wank about you, about you holding me in your throat like this.”

Jenny was consumed with a perverse pride as she listened to John’s words—making her wonder if she should admit to the stolen moments she’d spent alone with a silver vibrator and her own filthy imaginings. Imaginings contrary to her normal fantasies; fantasies that often featured him.

His penis felt fantastic in her mouth, but the restless ache in Jenny’s pussy was becoming unbearable, and she pulled away, panting. The instant she let go of his shaft, John tugged her back to her feet and grasped her butt, kneading it in a way that would give her bruises for days to come, while kissing her as if his life depended on it.

Conveniently forgetting that she didn’t like the feel of stubble against her skin, Jenny relished the burn of his unshaven face grazing her, scraping her cheeks as their lips and teeth clashed together.

Her head buzzed, and her nipples were tickled by his chest hairs, and Jenny began to feel as if she were overdosing on desire. She badly wanted to slow everything down but, at the same time, she needed to go faster. She wasn’t far from climax, and the mere idea of their illicit situation was enough to send Jenny to the very edge of orgasm.

Recognizing how close she was, John shoved his customer’s knickers unceremoniously to her ankles. “I want to see you on your hands and knees,” he ordered.

Sinking against the carpet as instructed, Jenny’s breathing snagged as she heard the sharp rip of a condom packet being opened. Seconds later, Jenny found her courier’s thick cock sliding into her from behind. She was about to tell him how fantastically full she felt when John wiped all coherent thought from Jenny’s head by jamming his thumb up her arse…


If you want to know what happens next (and I can promise you one hell of a kinky ride), you can buy Not Her Type in either eBook or paperback form from….


Amazon UK – http://www.amazon.co.uk/Not-Her-Type-Adventures-ebook/dp/B00C8PDEE4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1365345730&sr=8-1&keywords=Not+Her+TYpe+kay+jaybee 

Amazon.com – http://www.amazon.com/Not-Her-Type-Adventures-ebook/dp/B00C8PDEE4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1365345892&sr=8-1&keywords=Not+Her+Type+kay+jaybee

1001 NightsPress- http://1001nightspress.com/#!/page_KayJaybee

Happy reading!!


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