Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Tag: sexy Page 6 of 30

Focus On: Equipment

This week, let’s take a look at one of my short #BDSM anthologies….Equipment…


This is my second anthology containing 3 HOT stories from my archive- Equipment (sex toys and MF kink); The Girl Next Door (MF bondage); Searching For Her (FF, MFF sex, kinky with BDSM)

To his lust driven delight, Lee Cooper’s opinion that his girlfriend simply doesn’t have the equipment to take control in the bedroom is quickly and deliciously disproved. Meanwhile, Kim is sick of her gorgeous neighbour Jack bringing home a non-stop string of unsuitable women to screw, while completely failing to notice the girl right under his nose. Taking extreme measures, Kim sets out to prove she is more than just The Girl Next Door. Mark’s girlfriend is Searching For Her– the perfect woman to make her lover’s dreams come true. A quest which leads her into the path of more than one willing young lady… From BDSM action, to sex toy play, and the fun of threesomes, each of the couples in Equipment, gets far more than they bargained for…

You can buy EQUIPMENT from Amazon UKAmazon US and other good eBook retailers.

Here are some of the lovely things, people have said about this collection…

“Holy hot short stories! In this collection of three erotic shorts, the reader is treated to some great femdom as well as girl on girl action. It’s hard to decide which one is more enjoyable. In EQUIPMENT, there is a bit of anal play with a male submitting to a woman. Femdom lovers, this is a nice sweet tease. If only pegging showed up in this story, then it would have rated higher. Since I’m currently known as the pegging queen, anytime a male is submitting to a female, I yearn for a bit of rough pegging and a male moaning.
The GIRL NEXT DOOR is a sweet story for the guys with submissive tendencies. Under that sweet demur façade, a wild sexy lioness pounces out and hunts down the prey she wants. In this case, it’s the hot guy next door who always thinks of her as a “friend”. The dreaded friend category! For women who are tired of being relegated to the “friend” category, perhaps taking a page out of this story will help get your groove on.
The last story SEARCHING FOR HER is for the f/f lovers. This is one hawt story about a couple in search of a hot woman to complete their ménage fantasy. If only it were so easy. This story was way too short. It’s more than a tease, but it definitely makes the reader lust for a bit more of this sexy threesome.
This fun collection is recommended for kinky readers who want to get their kink on.”    Review by BookAddict ~ La Crimson Femme

“If you agree that there’s nothing hotter than a woman taking control then these three stories will have you screaming in ecstasy. FemDom, spanking, anal play and a threesome are the delights that await you within these pages. Dirty and delicious, Ms Jaybee delivers tales that turn you on and leave you panting for more.” Amazon UK

“…three tales of women taking control of their male specimens, three somes, sex toys and all sorts of equipment used. A must read for women who like to take control !!” Amazon UK

KJB Erotica: The Smashwords Summer Sale

The Smashwords Sale is now on!

All of my ebooks are involved- and they are all HALF PRICE, except for THE FIFTH FLOOR and THE RETREAT ,  which BOTH  have 75% OFF!!

You can find all of my books here, including…

Making Him Wait

The Voyeur


All the A Kink a Day anthologies

The whole of The Perfect Submissive series

And much more, from Yes Ma’am, to Wednesday on Thursday, and The Collector.

The sale ends on 31st July, so you have plenty of time to stock up your ebook reader.

Happy shopping!

Kay xx

Focus on: Wednesday on Thursday

Wednesday on ThursdayBlurb:

There are rumours that the coffee guy has “a thing” about words.

Shrugging off her friend’s concern about the way the man in the cafe stares at her every lunch hour, Wednesday can’t see how his love of words could possibly be hazardous.

The fact is, Wednesday rather enjoys being the centre of an attractive man’s undivided attention. His dark blue eyes alone have provided her with many delicious erotic fantasies, a welcome distraction from the pressures of the real world and a dull job.

It’s totally harmless…until there’s an accident with a cup of coffee.

After soaking Wednesday with a hot latte, the coffee guy’s attention suddenly becomes far more enticing—and dangerous.

Drawn into a bizarre world of human behavioural research, where crosswords are used to initiate sexual experiments, Wednesday finds herself driven, not by a desire to further scientific research, but by the need to be rewarded for her hard work by the coffee guy’s captivating research assistant.

A stunning redhead by the name of Thursday…

Buy Now

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Smashwords (Half price until SUNDAY)

Here are just a few of the lovely reviews for Wednesday – not forgetting her friend, Thursday.

“Another sexy hit from this author. Interesting and entertainingly hot.” Amazon

“Engaging, interesting, edgy, steamy…This engaging story had something I’ve not found before in the erotica I’ve read. I reckon the major relationship theme is very much “mind games”, combining a bit of a psychological mystery with some really steamy BDSM erotic scenes. And the odd one which blows the lid off the kettle…I don’t like giving anything away which might be a “spoiler”, so there’s not a lot I can say.

The tension develops early, as Wednesday is edged out of her comfort zone, and she stays there. Interesting to have some much more idiosyncratic and flawed characters than usual, and a rather grubbier setting. I wondered how the story would end, but genuinely hadn’t anticipated the conclusion. Almost literary, in being an end to this account which isn’t an end to the story. ” Amazon.com

“A must read for anyone stuck in a boring 9-5 office job. You’ll be wanting to spend your lunch breaks in a local coffee shop, just in case…” Amazon UK

“Absolutely a must read . Love kay jay bees style loved the scenes did not disappoint !!!!! ” Amazon UK

Opening Lines with Mia Ryder: Downtime

It’s been far to long since I had an Opening Lines feature on this blog!

I’m putting that right today with the first 500 words – exactly – from the fabulous Mia Ryder, whose latest hot release, Downtime, is out now!


“Oh. My. Gay. God. The atmospheric opening got my spine tingling, which was just a taster for what else would be tingling moments later. ‘Downtime’ will have you on the edge of your seat, and edging in other ways before the story climaxes. Mia’s first gay erotica is not to be missed.” – Drew Hubbard, Pride Reads

Fresh from his ordeals in the HQ re-education centre and then with Raquel the serial killer, Nick is taking some well-earned time off.

Of course, Nick doesn’t know how to relax, so most of his downtime involves scouting for his next lover. Cue gorgeous young twink Rafe …

Rafe is failing his way through life. First as a writer, now as a waiter: he comes to Nick’s attention when he gets fired from the bistro Nick happens to be in.

It’s clear Rafe has zero confidence. He’s been living a cycle of self-denial, meaning he’s long overdue a good time.

Nick decides he has the goods to rock Rafe’s world AND shake up his worldview a little.

Little does Nick know that Rafe has a few surprises himself …

DOWNTIME is part of the SEX. DIE. REPEAT series and explicit, paranormal M/M erotica.

SEX. DIE. REPEAT is bitesize filth you can devour before bed. Each story can be read as a standalone too.

(PLEASE NOTE: This story is for adults only and contains homoerotic content, as well as depictions of flogging, exhibitionism, religious iconography, mild horror as well as commentary on life choices, mental health and self-care. )


Rafe didn’t think much of the fact the tube station was deserted, nor was he concerned when the next train came in without passengers. Listening to his ear pods, his head bobbed up and down to his favourite, Ariana Grande. Thank u, next.

He dragged his tired self through the automatic doors, letting them swish shut behind him. It was only just seven o’clock in the evening; Rafe left his home twelve hours ago but it felt like years. In the winter he’d leave in the dark and arrive home in the dark.  His feet throbbed; his back ached from standing all day. Rafe let himself fall onto the scratchy fabric seat, breathing in the musty, stale air through his nostrils. A momentary wondering bubbled up in the surface of his brain.

Where was everyone?

This concern disappeared as the train shuddered, moving away from the vacant underground platform. The lights overhead flickered as the tube plunged into the dark tunnel; for a moment, all illumination was gone.

Rafe was alone, in the dark.

Discomfort rose in his chest in that microsecond. Darkness brought with it unwanted memories of childhood, hiding under the bed or in the wardrobe with his sister while their mother indulged in drunken rants about their no-good father who’d run out on them. Yet as quick as it disappeared, the light was back, casting its fluorescent glow around the carriage.

As Rafe blinked, allowing his eyes to readjust, he discovered he was no longer alone. Another man stood four or five feet away from him.

A fluttering of anxiety surged in Rafe’s chest at the sight of him: where had he come from? Was this an ambush? Rafe knew, from bitter experience, certain violent types liked to hunt down those they deemed ‘weaker’ by isolating them, like a lion separates a gazelle from the rest of the herd.

No, Rafe was being over-cautious. He’d not seen a living soul at the station; nor had there been anyone on board the carriage. The stranger would have needed to be psychic to know Rafe was alone and vulnerable. He can’t have appeared out of thin air; he must have been moving from another carriage to this one as the lights went out.

It was just a coincidence.

The stranger held on to a commuter rail above him. He didn’t look like he really needed to; he was a huge, solid biker guy, broad in the shoulder. He had a swarthy complexion, blue eyes and skeins of silver-grey in his long hair and beard. He stood with feet wide apart, his other hand in his leather jacket pocket. He wore blue jeans, work boots, a bandanna, and a gold earring, like a pirate.

Rafe felt a stirring in his groin at the sight of the biker. He reminded him of the iconic homoerotic work of Artist Touko Valio Laaksonen aka Tom of Finland. Rafe had grown up watching movies and TV shows about motorcycle gangs and this guy looked…

You can buy Downtime from the Amazon Kindle store.


Mia Ryder is a debut author of erotica and steamy romance, but you might know her better as LV Hay. LV’s books previous books were crime fiction: The Other Twin, Do No Harm (Orenda Books) and Never Have I Ever (Hodder). Her latest book The Coven is under the pseudonym Lizzie Fry for Sphere Books. The Other Twin is currently being adapted for the screen by Agatha Raisin producers Free@Last. 
Many thanks for your opening lines, Mia.
Happy reading everyone,
Kay x

Something for the Weekend: Equipment

After sharing a little from my other mini erotic romance /BDSM romance collection – Tied to the Kitchen Sink – last week; for this week’s  #somethingfortheweekend, I thought I’d share a little from its counterpart: Equipment and other stories



To his lust driven delight, Lee Cooper’s opinion that his girlfriend simply doesn’t have the Equipment to take control in the bedroom is quickly and deliciously.

Meanwhile, Kim is sick of her gorgeous neighbour Jack bringing home a non-stop string of unsuitable women to screw, while completely failing to notice the girl right under his nose. Taking extreme measures she sets out to prove she is more than just The Girl Next Door.

Mark’s girlfriend is Searching For Her– the perfect woman to make her lover’s dreams come true. A quest which leads her into the path of more than one willing young lady…


Here’s an little snippet from Equipment to ease you into the weekend…

The moment I saw his naked arse, I knew that I wanted to fuck it, and I told him so. It was the first time I’d seen Lee Cooper unsure of himself. For a split second a veil of uncertainty, possibly even fear, had crossed his generally ultra-confident square features. It didn’t last though, and he was soon shrugging my statement off with a lad-ish laugh, ‘you ain’t got the equipment baby,’ as he eased his solid cock into my willing body.

I started working part-time at the garage, where Lee is employed as a mechanic, three months ago. The first thing he said to me, as his clear brown eyes appraised my slight frame and red plaited hair was, ‘I’m looking forward to pulling on those pigtails honey.’ From anybody else I wouldn’t have taken a comment like that, but somehow from Lee it was okay. He exuded a sort of sexual confidence, and the instant and silent knowledge that eventually we would fuck radiated from his every pore. It would have been foolish of me to deny that unspoken understanding, and I privately looked forward to the day I’d discover if the tattoos that adorned his muscular arms, extended to his chest and down his legs.

That was three flirtatious months ago, and it had been fun letting the erotic tension build between us, getting more intense as the weeks of inaction ticked by, but finally, Lee’s resolve had broken. He told me, as he hammered an impatient fist on my front door during his lunch hour, that he’d been changing the oil in a beat-up old motorcar, when he’d realised he couldn’t hold on another moment.

After the glorious frisson of the wait, there was always the risk that the reality wouldn’t live up to the expectation. I hadn’t been disappointed however, far from it.

I smiled to myself as Lee dragged his grubby boiler suit back on, and disappeared down my garden path at a run. His words echoed in my head, “You ain’t got the equipment baby.” A wicked twinkle began to shine in my eyes at the prospect of what lay ahead for the unsuspecting mechanic, and speaking across the empty room, I said, ‘Well actually Mr Lee Cooper, I have all the equipment we could possibly need…’

The thought of his tight arse, of claiming it as my own, of taking control of Lee for a while, and perhaps robbing him of a portion of his macho-attitude, grew within me, and I began to lay plans for the temporary domination of this alpha-male.

On Lee’s next visit, predictably the following lunchtime, I embarked on a mission to both enjoy myself, and to lull him into a false sense of security, neither mentioning how delicious I found his backside, nor my eventual intentions for it. As his calloused hands made their way over my naked chest, pinching my nipples with exquisitely painful squeezes, I groaned with genuine pleasure. Stroking the beautifully toned body that pushed against mine, I relished the sight of the tanned multi-tattooed chest I’d so recently discovered.

It was on Lee’s fourth visit that I kept my hands exclusively on his backside. Patting it gently, smoothing it, and caressing it, in a totally non-threatening way, as my new lover pumped himself swiftly in and out of me.

On the fifth visit Lee announced he’d had a dream about tying me up. His face, when I told him that he could do just that, was a picture. I’m not sure if he was more turned on by the fact he could do anything he liked to me, while my hands were secured behind my naked back, or by the feeling of power my helplessness gave him. I suspect the latter. As Lee’s warm tongue explored my stomach, and ducked skilfully between my spread legs, I wallowed submissively in the blissful feelings that engulfed me.

During visit number six, a rare after work encounter, while Lee was both fucking and smacking my arse with stingingly wonderful efficiency, the last few parts of my plan fell into place, and I knew that my need to take his firm neat backside was reaching the point of obsession.

A little over two weeks after Lee had first turned up on my doorstep, I decided the time had come to act. Laying out my sex toys in a neat row near my pillow, I hid them from view with my duvet. Removing the clutter of clothes from the battered old armchair I keep in the corner of my bedroom, I adjusted its position so that it was at the foot of the bed. Then I took off my regular jeans and t-shirt, and put on my tight black Lycra bodice and matching knickers. The caress of the clinging material against my flesh was enough to increase my pulse-rate, and boot-up the arousal I had been so carefully keeping in check.

Lee’s distinctive knock on the door came at almost exactly seven o’clock as we’d arranged. I smiled quietly to myself at his promptness and, wrapping myself in a black silk robe, descended the stairs to collect my unwitting victim.

‘Wow babe,’ his appreciative eyes ran over my robed frame, ‘like the silk.’ He reached forward, and I allowed Lee to engulf me briefly in his arms, his stubble scratching my cheeks as his mouth came to mine. Then, I broke away from his magnetic warmth, holding him at arms length.

‘You like what you see?’ I grinned at Lee, my green eyes reflecting into his brown ones, ‘you want to see more?’…


If you’d like to find out what happens to Lee next, you can buy Equipment from all good e-retailers- including…

I shall leave you with this rather wonderful review for Equipment – “If you agree that there’s nothing hotter than a woman taking control then these three stories will have you screaming in ecstasy. FemDom, spanking, anal play and a threesome are the delights that await you within these pages. Dirty and delicious, Ms Jaybee delivers tales that turn you on and leave you panting for more.”

Happy reading,

Kay xx

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