Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Tag: Smut UK

Guest Blog by Kd Grace: Sometimes it’s good when things go pear-shaped!

This blog is special to me- and you’ll see why in a moment. I’m still over the moon that Kd Grace has managed to create a novel from a small idea I had one day while bored in a supermarket!

I will let Kd explain


It’s such a pleasure to be on Kay Jaybee’s fabulous blog today talking about The Tutor, and crowing loudly that the novel is now up for preorder! Sharing it with Kay and her readers is even more special since she’s the person who planted the seed that inspired this full-length sizzle of a romance.

The Tutor has a very special place in my heart because of its whirlwind beginnings. It all happened last October at Smut Manchester during Kay Jaybee’s wonderfully wicked “trip to the supermarket” workshop on inspiration. We were all assigned an item from the supermarket shelf and told we’d been called over the loudspeaker to go to the stockroom. From that we were to write the beginnings of a story about what we’d find in the stockroom and what we’d do with our item once we got there. I still remember the smug little smirk on Ms. Jaybee’s face when she handed me the slip of paper that read ‘ tin of pears in heavy syrup.’ I never imagined in my wildest dreams that before the weekend was out, I’d have the seeds for an entire novel about a severely haphephobic sculptor and a writer who moonlights as a sex tutor and the tin of pears that brings them together. What can I say? The novel just had to be written. In fact, the need to get it down was so urgent that I signed up for NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month in November and wrote the whole novel during that month!


After that, I finished the editing and rewriting and sent it out to the fabulous folks at Totally Bound, who snapped it up, with a print date of October 11, 2016 – almost exactly a year to the day from that fabulous workshop of Kay’s and the amazing weekend at Smut Manchester. Needless to say, there’ll be a launch party at Smut Manchester this year. The Tutor was, after all, a bit of a group effort. It just goes to show that when something is right, it’s really right. Thanks again, Kay! You can inspire me anytime!


The Tutor Blurb:

Struggling writer, Kelly Blake has a secret life as a sex tutor. Celebrated sculptor and recluse, Alexander ‘Lex’ Valentine’s, can’t stand to be touched. When he seeks out Kelly’s advice incognito, the results are too hot to handle. When Kelly terminates their sessions due to her unprofessional behavior, Lex takes a huge risk, revealing his identity to her at a gala exhibition, his first ever public appearance. When Kelly helps the severely haphephobic Lex escape the grope of reporters and paparazzi, rumors fly that the two are engaged, rumors encouraged by well-meaning friends and colleagues. The press feeding frenzy forces Kelly into hiding at Lex’s mansion where he convinces her to be his private tutor. They discover quickly that touch is not essential for sizzling, pulse-pounding intimacy. But intimacy must survive the secrets uncovered as their sessions become more and more personal.


AAAAAND! Here it is, the famous Pear Excerpt:

 “Was this your idea or Dillon’s? Kelly asked, hoping to relax him.

“It was mine, after Andy told Dillon and he told me. I thought it was something that I …” The muscles along Lex’s jaw looked as though they were made out of iron, and a fine blush crawled up his neck tinting his ears bright pink. “I’ve never touched a woman … in that way.” He forced a laugh. “Obviously. I’ve …” the blush deepened and he avoided her gaze. “I’ve put lube on some of the sculptures – you know — down there, but I … well it isn’t the same.”

“The pears won’t be either,” she said, her heart suddenly aching at the physical isolation this man endured on a daily basis, and it wasn’t just her heart that ached, she felt his lack deep in her core. It had been easier with Andy. She had been almost flippant with him. She was sorry for that now. She spread one of the towels on the Queen Anne chair across from him and settled herself onto it so they were facing each other. “The texture will be different and with the pear there’ll be less give.” She dipped her fingers in the bowl and rubbed the heavy juice between her index finger and her thumb. “If you touch a woman, she’ll be much warmer.” She gave him a conspiratorial smile. “You’ll be amazed at how warm and how soft she’ll be down there when she’s ready to be touched. With Andy, this,” she nodded down to the pears, “was improvisation, this was the best I could do under the circumstances, but a woman, well a woman feels like nothing you’ve ever touched before.”

He was no longer avoiding her gaze. His eyes were locked on her, and he was struggling to keep them on her face, she knew that; she understood the urge for him to drop his eyes to the place of which she spoke, the place with which she was so intimate, the place that couldn’t help but respond to the topic, to the situation, to the strange intimacy they had shared almost since the moment they’d met. “You can look, if you want,” she opened her legs so that he could see the place in between clothed in black denim, completely disguised and yet so very obvious. “And I’ll look at you too,” she nodded down to his own jeans straining to contain him already. “It’s what men and woman are naturally inclined to do when there’s a sexual attraction.”

With her heart hammering in her throat, she took one of the pear halves into the cupped palm of her left hand, then she brought it down between her spread thighs, feeling the juice of it run over her fingers and drip onto the towel as she spread her legs a little farther and held her pam to mimic the position of her vulva. “Touch it like a woman would touch it, and you’ll always get it right.” She drug her index and middle finger up from the bottom of the pear to the center and felt her own body respond in empathy. “The pear has no folds, no secret valleys, no swollen flesh to be teased open, so you’ll have to use your imagination with that.”

Lex gave a little moan soft and deep in his chest as he shifted to make himself more comfortable. “I know the anatomy,” he said. “I’ve watched porn and I’ve studied drawings. I know how it looks like it might feel. I know the response it elicits.” His tongue flicked nervously over his upper lip. “Of course that’s just acting, isn’t it?”

“Porn is about fantasy, about voyeurism, and it doesn’t matter if it’s real if it gets you off. But when it is real,” she spread her index and middle finger up the sides of the pear’s central opening, “if you’re good, if your sensitive, you’ll feel the spasms of your lover’s orgasm, even see them if you’re using your tongue; and you can feel them gripping at your cock when your inside her. If you’re paying attention.

“The clitoris,” she laughed softly, “Well with Andy I used a Ticktack, but he’s a chemistry major. He likes charts and graphs and periodic tables. You’re an artist, you live in your imagination, so you don’t need a Ticktack. Some women like the thumb stroking and circling while the other fingers work inside. Some women like to use their fingers.” She demonstrated on the pear, and Lex groaned. “It’s always best to ask and be sure.”

“What do you like?” His words were a labored rasp against the back of his throat, and Kelly found herself stunned by the question, and way more aroused than she wanted to be. He shouldn’t have asked. She should have answered. But she did.

“I like it this way.” She shifted her hips and opened a little further so he could see her thrust and scissor, circle and probe technique, and her body responded with the tight grip and release of muscle memory.

“Jesus,” he whispered moving forward on the sofa and leaning closer for a better look. “And when someone uses their tongue?”

She caught her breath in a giddy laugh. “Afraid I can’t tell you what I do since, sadly I’m not that flexible.”

“But you can tell me what you like.” His voice had gone rough.

“I like the flat of the tongue to part me and then probe me, circle my clit and then kiss and suck.” She closed her eyes, finding it difficult to meet his gaze when she spoke about something so intimate, so secret. Come to think of it, she’d never had a man actually ask her how she liked it. The few who had given a rat’s ass about her pleasure had been happy enough to let her order them about, but never quite got the hang of it.

It was the loud schussing sound that caused her to open her eyes. Lex had moved the coffee table out of the way paying no attention to the slosh of pear juice all over the towel V had spread. His eyes were locked on Kelly as he fished out his own pear half and fell to his knees in front of her. When she realized what the man was about to do she dropped the pear she’d been holding with a little gasp of surprise and scooted as far back in the chair as she could. He knelt low, holding the pear in the cup of his hand, as she had, placing it against the edge of the chair between her legs! She gave a little yelp and scrambled back in the chair still further, spreading her thighs over the rise of the chair arms to keep from touching him. He moved forward, the back of his hand so close to her crotch that she could feel the heat of it, and he lowered himself still further until his hair nearly brushed the insides of her thighs. Then, still looking up at her from his position on the floor, he began at the bottom of the open pear half and ran his tongue flat and undulating all the way up, flicking in just slightly in a little circle at the top end before he closed his lips around the apex and she could hear the slurp and suck of the sweet syrup.

“Oh! Lex! Ah!” And then she went non-verbal, holding her breath, tightening muscles deep inside her body, the only muscles she dared to move if she were to keep from touching him. She raised both arms and fisted her hands in a suicide grip around the back of the chair to keep from curling them in his hair. Her thighs trembled from her efforts to keep her legs on the chair arms and not throw them over his shoulders for leverage. She didn’t move. She didn’t breath as he licked and nuzzled and suckled until pear juice ran down his chin and onto his tee-shirt, until his face was damp and sticky, until his forehead was sheened with perspiration, and still he held her gaze as though they were locked together in each other’s orbit neither able to move without the other’s consent.

“Oh God, I’m gonna come.” She barely managed a warning when his own convulsion brought him dangerously near her body. He had stopped breathing, she was sure of it. She practically climbed the back of the chair to keep from touching him as he lost control.

Then with a tremendous gasp of oxygen, he straightened, let the pear fall from his hand onto the Aubusson carpet and looked up at her.

“I’m going to pass out.” And he did.


Preorder The Tutor Here:


Totally Bound Publishing

Amazon UK

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Amazon DE


Totally Bound Publishing



K D Grace

Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, and a proud member of The Brit Babes, K D Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?

When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.

KD has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace,Sweetmeats Press and others.

K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms Holly, Fulfilling the Contract, To Rome with Lust, and The Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Witches trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available.

K D Grace also writes hot romance as Grace Marshall. An Executive Decision, Identity Crisis, The Exhibition, Interviewing Wade are all available.

Find K D Here:                                                                  

Websites: http://kdgrace.co.uk/


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KDGraceAuthor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KD_Grace


Many thanks for another wonderful blog, Kd. I can’t wait to read The Tutor.

Happy reading everyone,

Kay x


Smut by the Sea 2016: Sponsored by Godemiche – Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Smut by the Sea 2016 Author and Reader event Sponsored by Godemiche – Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Smut Events are fun, safe, inclusive days out when our community of erotica writers, sex bloggers. talented performers, readers, geeks & those that love them get together to socialize, exchange ideas and inspire one another. Smut by the sea 2016 is the fourth event to be held at Scarborough Library and this year it is on Saturday 28th May from 10am -5pm.


On the day there will be a host of fun, smutty things to enjoy including interactive workshops, reading slams, a brand new incarnation known as Dr Scribbly and much, much more. You even get your buffet lunch thrown in for free!

In the erotic marketplace you’ll be able to meet event sponsors Godemiche and get to grips with their amazing handmade silicone dildos, have a go on the world famous erotic tombola and win sex toys galore, check out amazingo.co.uk and treat yourself or pick up a book from the book stall and get your copy signed by the attending authors.

Tickets are now available from just £12 (excluding paypal charges) and there are a few limited author and promo tickets left for those who want to bring their books and promotional items on the day. Pick up your ticket at Eventbrite now or if you’d like to arrange an alternative way to pay other than paypal contact Victoria Blisse at victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces). As Host with the most she will be able to answer all your questions too.


10:00am DOORS OPEN
10:15am Introduction from Victoria Blisse Welcome to our fourth annual Smut by the Sea event!
10:20am Reading Slam #1 Featuring: Victoria BlisseAnna SkySlave NanoKev Blisse
11am Morning Break
11:15am Jennifer Denys presents “Sex in sci fi stories” Jennifer Denys has written several sci-fi erotic romances and in the process had to research a weightless sex scene – have any astronauts ‘done it’? Come to Jen’s workshop and find out! The session will briefly cover the history of sexuality in sci-fi literature, look at modern depictions and you will get a chance to come up with your own ideas for sex scenes in the future (we want some really fun, innovative ideas!)
12noon LUNCH!!!
1pm Anna Sky from Sexy Little Pages presents “Shortcuts to Self-Publishing” Anna will take you on a whistle-stop tour on how to get more out of your publishing. Find out how to reach more sales platforms with little extra effort, how to use free services to help readers find you more easily and tips and tricks for spreading your new releases further afield.
1:45pm Check out the Erotic Market Break
2pm Reading Slam #2 Featuring: K D GraceCharlie J ForrestDylan McEwanJennifer Denys
2:45pm Bing-Oh-Behave! Eyes down on those lovely legs elevens for a game of purple prose bingo!
3pm Janine Ashbless presents “Writing Fantasy Erotica” So you want to write a fantasy, fairy tale, SF or paranormal erotic story … but you don’t know where to start? You’re wondering where to find fresh ideas? This interactive workshop with Janine Ashbless focuses on where to find your inspiration, and how to turn centuries-old plots into startling new stories.
3:45pm Afternoon Tea Break
4pm Dr. Scribbly with performer Bea Noir You get to watch amazing performances designed to inspire you on the spot. Then you have a certain amount of time to write something about the performance. Anything you like, a poem, a flash fiction, or even simply a description of what you saw. Its totally upto you, no boxes, no cages, just your words.

There will be fun competitions to take part in and opportunities to win fabulous prizes.

5pm So long, and thanks for all the Smut! Another seaside adventure draws to a close, as we say our goodbyes for another year xxx


It’s the Blissemas Sunday Snog! Christmas Courier Kink!

Okay, I admit it- I am a big kid and I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Therefore I was delighted to be invited by the smashing Smut UK team, to take part in this years Blissemas – and what better way to kick off, that to be join in the Blissemas Sunday Snog.


Don’t miss a single stop of this seasonal Sunday Snog sponsored by mimideluxe.com  All the participants to today’s event, sponsored by links can be found HERE.


So – to my blog!!!

I’ve written a lot of Christmas erotica over the years- from the short stories that appear in various anthologies, including Christmas Kink, to the seasonal chapter in my extremely kinky novella, Not Her Type

Young couple, isolated on grey background

Jenny and John, the mismatched couple that are living out all their fantasies in Not Her Type, have been on a very long erotic journey before they share Christmas Eve together, from a spontaneous romp on Jenny’s living room floor, to a gorgeously delicious van journey, the world’s fasted fuck, and a very wet bathroom adventure!!!

There is something about Christmas that gives a kinky story that extra hint of spice (cinnamon and nutmeg of course!) All those extra items to throw into the mix-including wrapping paper…

…As Jenny wrapped the Christmas gifts, she mulled over her relationship with John. It hadn’t taken long for the old pattern to return. John turned up every Tuesday, they had fantastic, quickie sex, and then he disappeared back to work, just as he always did, and Jenny would get on with her accounts. He hadn’t told her what he’d been up to during those missing weeks, and she had given up asking. In fact, the only real change was that Jenny had finally relaxed. She no longer worried about whether John would turn up or not. Tuesday would come, and he would appear.

Occasionally, John would send her a sexually charged text, like, “I want to see you with a woman again” or, “How about a foursome?”

Every time they were due to see each other, Jenny decided that that would be the day she would tell him that he was the first man who she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about—in her whole life. She vowed to tell him that she feared the lust factor had been joined by another, far more frightening, L-word. But the second they caught sight of each other, something took over. Passion, greed, desire—they all combined, and they’d fuck. Just fuck. “I mean,” Jenny addressed the sticky tape as she attempted to find the beginning of the roll, “why chat to your DVD delivery man over coffee when he could be tipping you upside down over the side of the armchair and giving your backside a proper seeing to?”

Reigning in her increasingly lurid imagination, Jenny looked down at the few remaining presents she had to wrap for the following day. She tried to divert her attention from all the things she’d rather be doing on a Tuesday afternoon by humming Christmas carols along to the radio.

christmas presents

The knock at her door made her jump, and Jenny physically had to restrain herself from running to see who the caller was. So what if it’s one o’clock? It’s Christmas Eve, he isn’t working, and he won’t come. It’ll be my next door neighbor with some mince pies or something. Her pulse thudded violently in her chest as Jenny moved to the door, convinced that the hope she couldn’t prevent from rising in her chest was about to leave her disappointed.

The silhouette through the glass panel in her front door was unmistakeable.

“I was just passing.” The shine in John’s deep brown eyes told her this was a blatant lie.

A wide smile crossed her face as Jenny let him in, “I thought you might be away for Christmas or something.”

“I thought you might be too.”

A feeling of awkwardness came over Jenny. Despite everything they had done together, there was nevertheless so much they didn’t know about each other. She felt almost shy as she spoke, “I was going to text, but I didn’t want to get in the way of your life or anything.”

“Same here. I thought you might be with family.” A large, rough hand raked through the back of her hair, easing out the knots, sending little currents of craving down Jenny’s neck and into her chest. Then, slipping a hand into hers, John steered Jenny toward the living room, swiftly banishing any uncertainty.

Gesturing to the middle of the floor, he said, “Last minute wrapping?”

“A few bits for the neighbour’s kids.” She could feel her pulse accelerating as he looked at her, “My family all live abroad, it’s just me in the UK.”

“That’s a big roll of paper for those little gifts.”

She wasn’t sure if it was the way he spoke or the look on his face that gave him away, but Jenny knew what was going to happen before he moved. In seconds, John had stripped her naked, and Jenny was being enveloped in large swathes of jolly, silver-star covered gift-wrap.

“Don’t move, and don’t speak, okay?”

Nodding, she tried not to laugh as John wrestled with the dispenser, before he cut off length after length of sticky tape, which he used to secure the paper tighter and tighter around her. Jenny’s arms became pinned to her sides, and her legs were clamped together as if she was some sort of bizarrely festive Egyptian mummy.

Stepping back to admire his work, John’s face creased with hunger, and Jenny’s urge to giggle dissolved. She could feel her breasts chafing against the smooth, figure hugging covering, and suddenly she realized how desperately she wanted them to be free so that John could hold them, suck them, hit them…do whatever he wanted with them.

John began hunting around the room for something. Jenny however, could only wonder how long it would be before she could suck his shaft, or feel him slide between her legs. She wanted to speak, to ask him to kiss her, but she’d promised not to talk, and didn’t want to distract him from whatever he was going to do next.

He stood so close to Jenny that his dark eyes tunnelled into hers. He peeled his clothes off at a speed that made the lightning disposal of Jenny’s garments seem positively drawn out.

Attempting to distract herself from the need to speak, Jenny traced her eyes over the line of his chest, the hairs so soft and inviting, his tattoos just begging for fresh examination, and his cock, hard and firm, pointed at Jenny accusingly, as if making its owner as horny as hell was a crime.

Shuffling her feet unsteadily on the carpet, she watched as he began to unwind the satin purple ribbon she’d spent ages draping around her Christmas tree. Her throat turned the texture of sandpaper as she comprehended the meaning behind the devious expression in John’s eyes. He brought the two-meter garland toward her.

Naked and emanating power, John began to wind the ribbon around her neck in a large bow. Picking up a pair of scissors from the floor, he cut off the remaining strip of fabric, “I started thinking about doing this last night. I even have some rolls of gift-wrap in the van. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw this lot waiting for me.”

Wide eyed, Jenny saw her film courier twist part of the ribbon around his arm, before approaching her. Again, she guessed what he was about to do, and she tensed as the first bind of the silky material went over her eyes and around the back of her neck, trapping her hair.

Mewling into the purple darkness, and deprived of the sight of his gorgeous body, Jenny felt John’s fingers fiddling with the knot behind her head. Then his hands came to her elbows. “You look incredible. Are you okay?”

She nodded awkwardly; glad he was holding her, afraid she would topple over at any moment.

“Good girl. You remembered not to talk,” John’s breath tickled her neck as he said, “You are, without doubt, the most tempting Christmas present I’ve ever seen.”

As he spoke, her breasts, already swollen with their need to be touched, became taut and hot, and pussy juice began to leak along her inner thighs.

The pressure of his palm as he pushed it against her wrapped-up mound made Jenny stagger so much that John had to steady her with this free arm. Moaning as his fingers encased and probed her enclosed clit, Jenny’s liquid flowed freer, soaking the paper, turning the crackling sound it had initially made into a wet, squelchy rustle.

“What a hot, little bad girl you are.”

Jenny felt the layers of wrapping paper between her legs start to mulch as John kneaded and pinched her flesh. Then, with a grunt of frustration, he lifted her off her feet and laid her on the floor. An urgent hand came to her right breast, kneading her tit, creasing and crumpling the gift-wrap.

Abruptly John stopped, his weight lifted from her, and a sense of bereavement consumed her body. She had no idea how she managed not to plead for more.

The purple ribbon over her eyes became darker, and Jenny realized he must have turned the lights off. Then the chirpy Christmas tunes that had been playing in the background disappeared as the radio was clicked off. Silence filled the room. Uncertainty crept through Jenny’s mind, and a drizzle of perspiration trickled between the packaging and the back of her neck. Her ears strained to pick up a sound, but she couldn’t hear anything, not even her man’s breathing.

Time seemed to pass slowly as Jenny lay like a fallen statue, painfully aware of the friction of the saturated paper as it clung to her pussy. Every part of her body ached for a continuation of the attention it had been receiving. The ribbon against her eyes felt tighter than ever, but Jenny began to wish it was between her teeth, gagging as well as blinding her, for there was no way she could stay quiet for much longer. Clamping her jaw, Jenny was determined not to break the rules, but the more she thought, the more her resolve began to crack.



Well, I’d better let you go now- you are probably in a hurry to go and buy a few rolls of extra long gift wrap…

If you’d like to read about Jenny and John’s courier kink, or see what happened next on Christmas Eve, then you can buy Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man from-

Amazon UK-  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Not-Her-Type-Adventures-Delivery/dp/1484881184 

Amazon.com- http://www.amazon.com/Not-Her-Type-Adventures-Delivery/dp/1484881184


I hope you enjoy all the other Blissemas Sunday Snog blogs!

Many Christmas and happy reading!

Kay xx

Smut Manchester 2015: Erotica with a Flogger and a Smile

This weekend I was lucky enough to be in Manchester for one of the best erotica gigs I have ever attended- Smut Manchester .


Hosted by the always amazing Victoria and Kev Blisse, sponsored by AMAZINGO.co.uk, and located in the Bangkok Bar, Smut Manchester was so packed with things to report that I fear I am bound to miss things out! So let’s go for the edited highlights!

Bangkok rooms

Top moment number one (beyond catching up with my fellow Smutters!!) has to be having the opportunity to meet so many of the Brit Babes Street Team. It was no surprise to find that each and every one of them was totally delightful. I’d like to extend a special thanks to all of you for coming- your support is incredible.

Emma, Victoria, Kay, Lucy, Kd, Steph and Cheryl

Emma, Victoria, Kay, Lucy, Kd, Steph and Cheryl

Next, I must mention Kink Craft! Who would have thought I’d ever own a flogger (OK, point made) Lets rephrase that- who’d have thought I’d ever make my own? It was so much fun!


I must thank the Kink Craft folk for being so patient teaching me to make my gorgeous little toy- I can do most things with words, but practically I’m a bit hopeless!

Making a flogger with Street Team members, Steph and Pamela

Making a flogger with Street Team members, Steph and Pamela

Everyone who attended was allowed to make one for free, and so I advise you all to behave in the presence of all Brit Babes now, in case they have a hidden weapon about our persons….

Kd Grace makes flogger with KinkCraft

Kd Grace makes flogger with KinkCraft

Of course, being a Smut event, there were plenty of erotica readings. The quality of the stories was incredible high, and we all laughed, ooh-ed, aah-ed, squirmed, and shuffled as was appropriate!

Zak Jane Keir has us in fits of laughter with her smut!

Zak Jane Keir has us in fits of laughter with her smut!

There were three workshops, one from the lovely Ashley Lister and Liv Honeywell, who gave us tips on how to read erotica aloud. It’s an often neglected subject- and as writers are frequently called upon to read their work at events, with no thought to whether they are comfortable with the idea or not.

The unstoppable Zak Jane Keir presented her workshop on the importance of World Building within your work. The essential skill of making sure that, whichever genre you are writing, you get the back story correct- that you remember that some situations (such as a 22yr old not being able to send an email, not owning a mobile, and being a virgin….) just suspend belief far too much!

There was one more workshop- mine! I have to admit I was nervous. I have helped run workshops before, and I have attended dozens, but this was my very first solo class. I decided to spend my 45 minute lesson reinforcing the importance of keeping erotica within the realms of possibility. Erotica that people can read and think, “Ohhh…I could do that…” is very sexy.

Entitled Everyday Kink, I took everyone on a trip around Kaybury’s Supermarket, and asked them to sex up an item off my shopping list. From celery to cling film, and cheese slices, to tins of pears, the possibilities that were dreamt up were wide and various. I was particularly impressed with the ideas of the non-writers. You can tell those folk read a lot of erotica!


Once everyone had their ‘mundane’ item kinked up, it was time to introduce an ‘unknown’ element to their imaginations. Everyone within Kaybury’s was sent to the back of the supermarket, where ‘something’ awaited them. After 10 minutes of writing a passage that combined their ordinary item and ‘whatever scenario they walked through the back door into’, there was some very impressive story ideas forming. I look forward to reading a few of the finished tales one day.

During the entire event, the Club Lash dungeon was available…for those who dared enter. I popped by after my workshop was over…You can imagine how much my story writing gene went into overdrive can’t you!

Cara Sutra teaches Victoria Blisse a lesson!

Cara Sutra teaches Victoria Blisse a lesson!

The day came to an end in spectacular style with a group trip to Dr Sketchy’s. Led, Pied Piper style by the gorgeous Jay through the streets of Manchester, we all gathered around the stage in Chapter One (the most amazing bookshop in the world).

Dr Sketchly

With clipboards and pencils to hand, we then watched two beautiful women entertain us over three incredible acts- and then we drew them! (Badly in my case) I have never been to an experience quite like that before- and I loved every single second.

Belly dancePole dance

Bed of nails 3

With the day drawing to an end, it was time to reflect on the event, and what better way to do that, than over dinner with friends.

Chilling with Emma- with an unseen Kd Grace acting as chief photographer!

Chilling with Emma- with an unseen Kd Grace acting as chief photographer!

I’ve been home from Smut Manchester for a few hours now, and my head is still buzzing with it all. A huge thanks to everyone who made the event possible- it was a wonderful day.


Kay xx





Two Weeks of Tasty Tasters Day 8: Ruby Madsen

It’s Week 2 of my Two Weeks of Tasty Taster’s series! An annual dip into the erotica archive of some of my favourite erotica authors. Today it’s the turn of my wonderful fellow Brit Babe, Ruby Madsen, aka, Lexie Bay, who is sharing a morsel from her short story “Eat Me” from “More Smut for Chocoholics”

What better for a Monday morning than to kick start the week with some chocolate?

Over to you Ruby…

Blurb for the Book

More Smut for Chocoholics is all about over-indulgence, taking wicked delight in the erotic consumption and use of chocolate, with tales from some of erotica’s finest authors… Whatever your relationship with the seductive cocoa, there’s something nestling between the covers for you. More Smut for Chocoholics contains tales from Tilly Hunter, Victoria Blisse, Aurelia T Evans, Lucy Felthouse, Ruby Madsen, Jacqueline Brocker, Vanessa de Sade, Wendi Zwaduk, Jillian Boyd, Nicole Gestalt, Slave Nano, Annabeth Leong and Anna Sky.

More Smut For Chocoholics

Blurb for the Story

Chocolates, cocoa coloured underwear, restraints and the heady scent of sex. When Dan brings home a treat, things get messy in and out of the bedroom…



He places the box in front of me and gestures for me to open it. I sit forward so that he can appreciate my legs and cleavage as I do so, then I pull the box towards me and slowly open the lid. I gasp. Inside is a huge piece of chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake though, this cake is legendary. I have wanted to taste this cake since I was a child. I remember telling him about it when we first got together and it makes my heart burst that he remembered.

“How did you get this?” I ask. “You can only get this in America!”

“For you baby I can do anything.”

I look up at him, my eyes shining and see that he is hard again. He’s hard because he bought me cake. I’m confused but I like it. I dip my finger into the soft fudge topping drawing it through it until my finger is coated. I lift it to my lips and with my eyes fixed on his I slowly suck the creamy confection off it.

“Don’t tease me,” he growls. “Take off that blanket and spread your legs.”

I do as I am told and he sits down opposite me.

“I want to watch you eat it.”

I look up at him, the raw desire in his voice making my eyes wide. I go to get up to fetch a fork but he barks at me to sit back down.

“I want you to eat it with your hands and I want you to make it messy. Enjoy it, savour the flavour. I want to see the pleasure on your face.”

I look at the huge piece of cake and try to mentally calculate the calories. He sees me hesitate and looks menacingly at me.

“Baby, you don’t need to give a shit how many calories are in that damn slice, because by the time you’ve finished eating it I can guarantee you I will be ready to fuck every single last one of them off of you.”

I giggle and with a sigh of pleasure I pull off a chunk of the sticky sweetness and pop it into my mouth.

“Oh God! That is unbelievably good,” I mumble, my mouth full of cake. A smudge of chocolate fudge topping smears the corner of my mouth and sticks to my lip. I go to wipe it off but Dan stops me, gripping my wrist so tightly it burns.

“Don’t you dare,” he growls, “it looks sexy. I want to see it smeared all over your face.”

My heart beats faster, as I remember the last time he wanted to see something smeared all over my face.

I pick up another chunk, my fingers sticky with the thick chocolate sauce that is laced throughout the slice. I slide it into my mouth, making sure that it smears on my lips. The sponge is moist and light; the layers stuck together with a creamy whipped mousse and throughout it there are chunks of milk and dark chocolate which melt in my mouth. I close my eyes and enjoy the myriad of different textures and flavours. My hand rests on my thigh and leaves a trail of chocolaty fingerprints. Opening my eyes I catch him looking at the gap between my basque and my stockings. I know he is imagining licking the trail of chocolate and I smear it again, higher up my leg and towards my glistening pussy. His cock has escaped from his clothes and I want to suck it, to smear it in chocolate frosting and lick it off. I take a handful of cake and bury my face in it, ensuring that I get it all over me. Then I suck it off my fingers as though I was sucking his cock.

“Baby, there is nothing hotter than watching a curvy girl eat cake,” he moans, “but now I need your lips around my cock. Fuck, sweetheart you are so adorably sexy.”

Without hesitation I drop to my knees in front of him, my sticky hands wrapping around his hot, thick shaft. The sharp intake of breath that this causes in him is enough to make my pussy flood again and I swear I must be dripping on the soft rug that I’m kneeling on.

I swirl my finger through the cake topping again and smear it over his cock. His skin is so warm it starts to melt almost immediately.

“Suck it,” he demands and I do as I’m told. I dip my head and envelope him with my mouth, the sweet taste of the chocolate mixing with the salty pre-cum that is leaking from his rosy tip. My nostrils are filled with a heady mix of sweet chocolate and the deep musky scent of his body. I could suck him forever, the velvet smoothness of his cock enhanced by the sweet mousse of the cake. A whimper escapes my lips as he pulls my hair, pulling me off of him then grabbing another soft piece of cake which he pushes into my mouth. The flavour explodes and then he thrusts inside me again. I almost gag but he has been careful, and instead I take him all the way in, letting the chocolate melt around his heat. I pull back and swirl my tongue over the tip, enjoying the feel of his fingers in my hair as he tugs, trying to pull me back down onto him. I resist, enjoying teasing him, knowing I can push him a little way before he will discipline me. He likes the tease as much as I do.

“I know what you’re doing,” he says a smile on his lips that makes my heart melt, “and don’t think I won’t punish you for it later.”

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Ruby lexie


Ruby Madsen is the living embodiment of Lexie Bay’s dark side. She loves to explore the dangerous things in life, prefers the wilder side of romance and firmly believes that being naughty is more fun.

Ruby has a dirty laugh and, she’s been told, an even dirtier mind. She’s a stocking wearing, chain smoking tease with a fondness for red lipstick and bad boys and she wishes she’d been born in the 1950s when men were men and women were pin ups.

She’s currently working on something dark and sexy and you can expect lots of kinky games, raw emotions and not so much of the happily ever after, because sometimes life’s just mean and your heart gets broken. Although Ruby likes to believe that there’s always something round the corner…

You can get naughty with Ruby on Facebook and Twitter




Delicious, I’m not sure what I need most now, chocolate, or…. Anyway!

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow when one of the queen’s of erotica will be amongst us- the ultra-talented, Janine Ashbless.

Happy reading,

Kay xx

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