Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

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Something for the Weekend: The Fifth Floor

The weekend, as the bonus, novella length, finale to The Perfect Submissive trilogy, The New Room,  has just been released, I thought I’d take you back to the beginning again.

Let’s go the The Fifth Floor  and meet Miss Jess Sanders as she starts her adventure into the (so far unknown) world of the BDSM submissive…

…Jess was sat at her desk, a half eaten sandwich in one hand; the fingers of her other hand dancing over the computer keyboard. Laura watched her through the office window for a few moments before confidently stepping into the room, interrupting the clerk without hesitation. ‘Mr Davies informs me he has not yet had time to complete your preliminary tour of the hotel.’

Understanding precisely where the manageress intended to take her, Jess spoke carefully, ‘I’ve seen most of it, but not all.’

Without confirming the clerk’s suspicions, Laura said, ‘I have a few moments, so if you’d like to walk this way I’ll complete that area of your training.’ She pointed towards the office door, ‘You are bound to be asked for directions around the place by our guests and it doesn’t look very professional if a member of staff gets lost herself, wouldn’t you agree?’

‘I would, Mrs Peters.’

Although she’d now worked at the Fables for just over a week, Jess still hadn’t looked her boss in the eye once, a fact that sent a buzz of conviction through Mrs Peters; her initial instincts about the girl had been correct.

‘Are you happy here so far, Miss Sanders?’

‘Yes, Mrs Peters. Thank you.’ Jess muttered her response, almost managing to glance directly at her superior, but falling short at her shoulders. Laura’s heartbeat increased in response to the girl’s natural deference. Jess Sanders was just so perfect for what she had in mind.

As they walked towards the staff lift Laura attempted to improve the flow of conversation, ‘And I don’t think you have yet been introduced to all the other members of staff?’

‘Not yet, no.’ Again Jess spoke cautiously, and Laura knew from the expression on her face that she was both fearful and curious about meeting anyone who kept their business arrangements entirely to the Fables upper storey.

‘We are one member of staff down at the moment; one of my assistants has left us for pastures new. I’m searching for a replacement. Master Lee Philips, who works in the bar downstairs, helps me out as and when required, but it’s not an ideal arrangement. He has many other duties, and besides, the fifth floor guests frequently prefer the female touch.’

Following the clerk into the lift it was obvious that no small talk was going to come from her, so Laura calmly kept up her commentary. ‘My associate, Miss Sarah, should be on the premises by 10.00 each morning, unless she has had a complete night session, in which case she is not expected until 2.00 p.m. As I’ve said, Master Philips comes and goes, depending on our requirements and his bar and reception work. Miss Sarah has her first session of the day in a few moments, if we are lucky we should just catch the show.’

Visibly shrinking back, Jess noticed how Mrs Peters walked a little taller now they’d reached her domain. Her face was more set, her back straighter, and somehow she appeared even more intimidating than before. Pushing her hands into the deep pockets of her clinging knee-length black skirt, Jess hid the growing sheen of perspiration on her palms, while trying to ignore the fearful beat of her pulse.

Crossing the threshold of the room, into which she was being firmly steered by the elbow, felt like entering another world to Jess, or rather, another time. Manoeuvred towards a plush red velvet chaise longue, her eyes darting here and there, the clerk was pointedly sat down.

Trying to ignore the light but persistent pressure of Mrs Peters cool hand against her wrist, Jess took in the reproduction William Morris wallpaper, the heavy dark-wood chest of drawers, the floor to ceiling bookshelves, and the faded brown leather wing-backed armchair. Centre stage, only a few metres from where they sat, was a huge writing desk. Its top was inlaid with a square of leather, a portion of which was covered with blotting paper, an accompanying ink well, pots of ink, and nibbed pens.

Jess was reminded of a museum she’d once visited as a child, where rooms from a variety of different houses had been re-created from a number of historical periods. This room had Victorian study written all over it.

The silence was beginning to get to her as she waited, perched rather than sat, on the unyielding seat. A faint voice of hope at the back of her head kept telling her that all this had to be some sort of practical joke, but one glance at Mrs Peters made Jess reconsider. Her eyes kept drifting towards the study door. Whatever she had been brought here to witness surely couldn’t begin until someone came in. Twenty seconds later, each one ticked off by the hammer of Jess’s heart beating, the door swung back with a confident push.

‘Ah, Miss Sarah,’ Laura rose from her seat, a stern glare at Jess telling her not to move. ‘I hope you don’t mind, but Fables has a new member of staff, and I thought it would be a good idea to let her observe one of our sessions.’

Miss Sarah, her face powdered to an ultra-pale complexion, her curling hair pinned up in the style of a Victorian lady, her exquisite outfit historically accurate down to the small white buttons that fastened her stylish black boots, curtsied at once to her superior, ‘Of course, Mrs Peters.’

The stunningly slim woman glanced briefly at Jess, her grey gaze only lingering long enough to acknowledge the stranger, without taking in what she looked like or who she might be. Miss Sarah’s indifference, dismissing the office clerk as an unimportant factor in the room, made Jess feel smaller and more anxious than ever.

The agonising lull continued and Jess’s imagination began to run riot as Miss Sarah sat at the desk in preparation for her client’s arrival. Images of pock-skinned overweight men, panting loudly as they fucked the employees of the fifth floor against the furniture made Jess’s stomach churn, but there was no way out. With a quiet determination that Mrs Peters would have been surprised to know Jess possessed, she thought, if the other members of staff here have survived this part of the tour, then so can I.

As Mrs Peters returned to both the chaise longue and her application of gentle restraint against the clerk’s arm, Jess’s body stiffened. Someone was knocking on the door. Not daring to face her employer, Jess focused on the figure that, after being granted permission to enter, walked meekly into the study.

If he hadn’t had his neck bent, his face to the floor with respect for Miss Sarah, who greeted him with a sharp ‘Good Morning’, Jess judged he would have been quite tall. And he was young; not the sweaty, aged bank manager Jess had conjured up in her head, but a man in his late 20s or early 30s, with a shaven face, short spiked ginger hair, and well built limbs. He was dressed as a servant, perhaps a stable hand. Jess was automatically reminded of Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Gulping against her dehydrated throat, unwilling to see the sex that she was sure was about to follow, the clerk dropped her eyes, only to have her chin roughly jerked upwards by Mrs Peters, ‘No, child. You will observe. You will learn.’

A patina of panic gripped Jess. Every hair on the back of her neck stood to attention. Until that moment it had been unreal. She hadn’t let go of the hope that at any minute someone was going to turn around and say, ‘OK, Jess, it’s just a joke. We play it on all the new girls. Let’s grab a coffee.’ No one did though. No one was saying anything…



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Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fifth-Floor-Erotic-Perfect-Submissive/dp/1973344386/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512590868&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Fifth+Floor+Kay+Jaybee

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Happy reading everyone,

Kay xxxx


The New Room: OUT NOW!

What better gift could I give you on St Valentine’s Day, than to announce that the re-edited short, novella length, finale to the Perfect Submissive trilogy, The New Room, is OUT NOW!


A Perfect Submissive Series short story. (Following on from The Perfect Submissive Trilogy)

Resident submissive of the Fables Hotel’s adult entertainment floor, Miss Jess Sanders, has been instructed to test out the new facility that her manageress, Mrs Peters, has designed for the sexual pleasure of her clients.

With a dungeon, Victorian study, medical bay, school room, and the daunting White Room already available for their guests, Jess can’t begin to imagine what lies behind the innocent looking door to the fifth floor’s new room.

Under the supervision of the dominatrix, Miss Sarah, as Jess steps into the new room, she quickly discovers she is about to experience far more than she bargained for… at freezing temperatures.

With the feeling that she’s acting in a play that everyone knows the script to but her, the Fables’ perfect submissive is challenged to the limit in Mrs Peters’ new room, and beyond…

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“Fans of The Perfect Submissive series rejoice. This is the novella we’ve been longing for. I won’t spoil it but this story had me bouncing with glee. All of your favourite characters make an appearance and as you would expect, the scenes are intense and exciting. A big thumbs up and sexy striptease for this wonderful short story.” Goodreads 


Happy reading.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Kay xx

The New Room: OUT SOON

With only a couple of days left until The New Room is relaunched, I thought I’d whet your appetite by sharing its opening lines…

Blurb- The New Room

Resident submissive of the Fables Hotels adult entertainment floor, Miss Jess Sanders, has been instructed to test out the new facility that her manageress, Mrs Peters, has designed for the sexual pleasure of her clients.

With a dungeon, Victorian study, medical bay, school room, and the daunting White Room already available for their guests, Jess can’t begin to imagine what lies behind the innocent looking door to the fifth floor’s new room.

Under the supervision of the dominatrix, Miss Sarah, as Jess steps into the new room, she quickly discovers she is about to experience far more than she bargained for…at freezing temperatures.

With the feeling that she’s acting in a play that everyone knows the script to but her, the Fables perfect submissive is challenged to the limit in Mrs Peters new room, and beyond…


FIRST 500 words

Naked in front of her bathroom mirror, Miss Jess Sanders savoured the freshness of the cool air against her flesh after an hour of being squeezed inside a PVC nurses uniform.

Going through the ritual of checking her skin for bruising after a session at the hands of one of her most enthusiastic spanking clients, Jess looked over her shoulder to check the redness levels of the palm prints across her butt.

Despite the quiet quivering within her that craved a climax, as Miss Sanders stepped into the shower, hot water washing away the fingerprints of the pseudo doctor who got his kicks by spanking out his naughty nurse fantasies, she did not raise her fingers to her nipples to satisfy her desires. Even though the water was dangerously tantalising against her forever aroused body, she neither cupped her pussy, nor patted her clit with her soapy hands.

For the resident submissive of the Fables Hotel’s fifth floor was not allowed to masturbate without permission.

The often experienced consequences of not doing what she was told had taught Jess how to blank out the voices in her head which urged her to slide a digit into the juices of her pussy channel. Jess had worked hard to earn her place on Mrs Laura Peters’ adult entertainment staff. She didn’t want to jeopardize her reputation as a top class submissive by breaking the rules – even when no one was watching.

Besides, Jess had been ordered to report to her boss’ study in exactly one hour’s time. Jess had no doubt that if she worked herself off without Mrs Peters’ say so, then she’d know. The manageress of the Fables Hotel always knew.

Her instructions had been to go through the door, walk three paces forward, and then stand and wait inside the fifth floor’s latest facility.

Frost crusted over Jess’ shoulders, and the dampness of anticipation that gathered at her crotch prickled as it chilled against her surrounding’s winter-like caress. Her eyes stung as she blinked into the stark brightness of the space, but as Jess’ hands had been secured behind her back, she couldn’t wipe them.

As the submissive looked about her, she saw that not only could the discerning paying guest at the hotel enjoy the delights of a pseudo-school room, a Victorian study, a dungeon, a medical bay, and the intimidating White Room; they could now experience icy arousal in a fairy-tale style snow grotto.

The ceiling and walls had been studded with crystals and draped with shimmering that took away the room’s rectangular proportions, making the space feel cavernous. Tiny silver fairylights sparkled like glitter, while genuine ice granules clung to every surface, including the fake snow that made a distinct crunch beneath Jess’ strappy silver heels.

Having been stripped of all her clothes by a silent Mrs Peters, prior to being thrust across the new room’s threshold, Jess had been surprised when she’d been allowed her to keep her shoes on. Now she understood why…

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The New Room is the final adventure for Miss Jess Sanders. It follows on from The Fifth Floor, The Retreat and Knowing Her Place.

Happy reading!

Kay xx

Something for the Weekend: Digging Deep

It’s been so cold lately, that I thought this weekend I’d take you on an erotic adventure into the sunshine. Tunisian sunshine to be exact – with an entire chapter from my erotic romance, Digging Deep

Chapter One

Irritably adjusting her wide-brimmed hat for the third time in as many minutes, Dr Beth Andrews felt the sting of the African sun sear the back of her neck through the tresses of her long, ginger hair.

She never dreamt she’d miss the stubborn, muddy clay of the British earth she was used to hunting through in her search for archaeological data, but the uncooperatively fine white sand of North Africa was enough to try the patience of a saint.

Throwing down her brush in overheated exasperation, Beth thought fondly of her excavation trowel. Her tool of choice had quickly been rendered obsolete in the face of so much sand, and a job that was, by necessity, slow was reduced to a snail’s pace as the metre by metre square of the Ancient Roman bath house site in which she worked backfilled in on itself with every sweep of her light bristled brush.

It had been a dream come true for Beth when she’d been selected to lead the University of Wales’s excavation team, digging the sprawling Ancient Roman city of Lepti Major on the outskirts of Sousse in Tunisia. She had longed to experience new exotic sites and see new exotic sights. The chance to uncover stunning mosaics and city roads that hadn’t been trodden for 1000 years was an opportunity she’d had no intention of letting pass by.

olive groves

The fact she’d be sharing responsibility for the site with her archaeological hero, the unimaginatively named Dr Harrison Harris from Colorado, an American academic who’d been the subject of many of Beth’s private fantasies since she’d fallen in love with his work, not to mention the photograph of him on the back cover of his books, in her first year as a student, was neither here nor there.

Flicking her eyes covertly over towards Harrison, Beth averted her attention away from the slight increase in her pulse rate by recalling what the site’s previous supervisor had said about working in Africa’s extreme temperatures. “Scalding by day, and freezing by night”. Linda had warned Beth that her freckle-spotted, sensitive flesh would loathe being either fried or frozen just as much as her archaeological brain would relish the challenge of constructing a city from its remains.

Beth hated the fact that Linda had been right. She’d never been rendered so sweaty, not to mention so blotched with extra heat-induced freckles, in her life. There couldn’t have been a centimetre of her body that hadn’t got a fresh cluster of beige dots on it. After only a week under the sun, it was becoming a struggle to hold on to her generally calm approach to life, and Beth was finding that her temper, which rarely flared in the UK, was on a permanently short fuse.

What got to her most was that none of her colleagues seemed to be suffering at all. They were all happily tanning as they worked, and sleeping off their exhaustion with ease at night.

It hadn’t taken Beth more than a few hours of digging in the unshaded bath house on her first day to see that a survival technique was required to prevent the elements disrupting her professional judgement. She tried thinking about work, home, rain, and even walks in the snow as she worked, but only one thing successfully diverted her attention from the exposure of her unusually pale flesh to the elements, and that was to allow her mind to fill with erotic scenarios and fantasies, while her hands got on with the job in hand.

This specialised amusement had the benefit of taking her mind off the sun that managed to scald her back even through three layers of thin cotton, and had the added bonus of warming her at night. Lying on her thin camping mattress, Beth would recall all she’d pondered during the day, engendering an ardour between her thighs that her fingers deftly maximised, leaving her physically warmer and bodily sated, and thus making it easier for her to fall asleep.

At first, Beth had been determined that Harrison would not feature in her erotic musings. Her resolve had not lasted long, however, and although she did her best to make the men in her sexy survival scenarios anonymous, the American’s face crept in with increasing frequency.

Manoeuvring a layer of burning sand from one side of her section to the other, Beth considered her colleague. His reputation as an expert in Roman archaeology was renowned. Beth had never dreamt she’d ever meet him, let alone work with him as an equal. His knowledge and academic intellect had been enough to make her heart flutter for years. Yet what Harrison was like in reality was not at all how she’d assumed he’d be.

She’d envisaged him as being chatty, tall, slim, dark-haired, and weather-tanned. He’d probably wear glasses for reading, and be forever clad in T-shirts and large-pocketed shorts as he leapt around excavations like a gazelle.

In fact, she’d hardly heard Harrison’s distinct Colorado accent. He seemed to prefer his own company to that of the group. When he did talk to Beth, he called her “doll,” which made her feel like a lump of mass-produced, animated plastic.

Harrison was about 5 foot 7, not the 6 foot plus she’d pictured, and his spiked hair was a sun-kissed blond and not brown. His build was stocky and muscular, his bare arms and legs permanently gritted with granules of sand, and although he moved with a speed which would have been the envy of any gazelle, he managed to proceed around the site somehow without making a sound.

The problem is, Beth thought as she traced the outline of what she suspected might be a Roman drain gully, I built up an image of him based on a book cover’s black-and-white out of date headshot, and I was way off.

archaeology in sand

She’d been right about Harrison wearing knee-length shorts, though. Everyone on the dig wore such shorts, except for the stick thin, heavy-chested blonde on the American team, who might as well have been wearing knickers her shorts were so scanty. Beth sighed as she looked down at her own attire. A protective covering of baggy clothing shrouded her limbs, and her porcelain neck was hidden beneath spirals of her ginger hair, which glowed as if she’d been hit by radiation rather than African sunlight.

Ryan wasn’t helping either. The most charismatic of her students had been so enthusiastic on his first morning that he’d headed to the site before everybody else, without waiting for Beth to detail where to dig. Consequently, he’d powered through the ground in an alarmingly gung-ho manner, neglected the recording of each strata-graphic layer and, with his six-pack and biceps shining against 120 degrees of sunshine, had crashed his shovel into the corner of a mosaic that had been safely protected by the landscape for hundreds of years, breaking off half-a-dozen exquisitely coloured tessera cubes, and rendering one of the depicted Medusa’s snakes partially headless.

Beth had gone ballistic. To his credit, Ryan had been mortified. He’d begged her not to tell anyone. For the sake of the university’s reputation, not to mention her fear that Harrison would take one look at her careless student, assume she was no good at supervision, and send her home, she had agreed it would be their secret. Ever since, however, Ryan had been driving Beth mad with his attempts to make it up to her at every opportunity.

Only that morning he’d lent so close to Beth as he informed her he was going to make up for his blunder that his soft Welsh tones had vibrated against her skin. His manner was so blatantly suggestive that she hadn’t been able to prevent the inappropriate smile that had very briefly crossed her lips.

Picking up her dustpan and brush, Beth stroked away the grains of sand that sat between her and her judgement as to whether the lines being revealed were part of the bath house drainage system or not. Expertly tracing the changing colours in the freshly uncovered ground, Beth, confident that her theory was correct, and that the ancient shadows of the gully she could see could be followed across the ground with ease, readopted her technique to deviate her attention from the cruel climate, while her fingers worked the earth.

What exactly is Ryan offering? she wondered. A sneaky snog behind the equipment cupboard? A cooling down of my chest with his tongue? Or is he more ambitious than that? Does he imagine me naked, face down, spread-eagled over an empty wheelbarrow with his cock between my legs; or see us together in the shower, washing off the worst of the sand that seems to be permanently stuck to my body while he shoves his dick down my throat?

For goodness’ sake, woman! she chided herself. Beth was surprised to find her chest, whose generous size she’d always loved before, but now heartily wished was small enough to go without the extra layer of material her bra provided, was becoming taut. Cross with herself, she shook her hair out from beneath her hat, as if trying to dislodge the thoughts from her head. Having random erotic dreams might be the only thing that keeps you sane in this blast furnace – but you must not consider your students! Get a grip!

Briskly returning to the matter in hand, Beth cut through a layer of denser sand, wishing Ryan wasn’t working the section directly behind her. She daren’t turn to check he was all right like she did her other students. The last time she’d done so, she had caught him ogling her butt with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, which couldn’t have been mistaken for anything other than the type of lustful intentions her own imagination had just so colourfully displayed to her. Ever since then, she had been more than a little self-conscious of the stretch of her cotton combats over her backside.

Crouching on her haunches, letting her eyes roam across the site as a whole, Beth struck Ryan from her mind, and began weighing up the significance of what she was excavating in relation to what else was opening up on the dig before her. As she leant in closer, a glitter of something just below the upper level of the sand caught her eye. Trailing her brush across the yellow surface, she mentally listed all the hidden things that might shine: mosaic tesserae, jewellery, votive offerings to the gods …

With a sharp scream, Beth stumbled backwards out of her square in a mad scramble to escape. Her find was none of the things archaeologists dream of uncovering. In the haste to get away, her left foot caught on the guide string that divided her metre section from the next. Tripping, she fell heavily backwards.

Flushed with an embarrassment that enflamed her already pinkened features, Beth found herself being scooped onto Ryan’s lap, his arms wrapped protectively around her.

Alerted by the unexpected shriek, the other students in the immediate vicinity began to gather round. Most of them, however, backed away the moment they saw what had caused Beth’s unusual lack of professionalism; except for the leggy American, who looked at Ryan in disgust, pointedly rolled her eyes at Beth, and returned to her work.

Beth didn’t have time to think about the blonde’s unsympathetic reaction. All her attention was on the bronze snake which hadn’t appreciated its home being disturbed by an inquisitive human. She was convinced it was staring straight at her, its tongue flicking, smelling the air around it in an accusatory manner.

Her initial shock subsiding, and abruptly sensible of where she was, and how it must appear to see one of the supervisors in the embrace of a student, Beth scrambled shakily to her feet. She wasn’t sure if she was more mortified by her public reaction to the snake, or by the fact that her body felt more than a little content at being cradled so protectively in Ryan’s arms so recently after her erotic ruminations had headed in his direction. ‘I’m sorry, everyone! That was a bit of a shock. I’m not good with snakes.’

‘Don’t worry about it, boss.’ Ryan ran a consoling hand down Beth’s cotton-covered arm, creating small prickles of uninvited lust that appeared on top of the prickles of fear already there, and sending them both tripping towards her crotch.

Rueing her kinky imagination, Beth took another step away from her student. Moving rather too fast, she collided with the stocky frame of Harrison Harris. He’d crossed the site on his ever-silent feet to see what all the fuss was about without her even noticing, causing Beth to jump out of her skin for a second time. ‘Honestly. Harrison, don’t you ever make a sound when you move?’

‘Hardly ever!’ He treated her to one of his Colorado smiles, making Beth suspect that he was privately laughing at her. ‘You OK, doll?’

Not stopping to waste her breath on asking him for the umpteenth time not to call her “doll”, Beth did her best to ignore the twinkle in Harrison’s eye that confirmed he found the situation hilarious, and settled for being grateful that he hadn’t vocalised his mirth in front of their charges.

‘I’m fine. The snake took me by surprise.’

Beth had no doubt this little episode would be site folklore by dinner time. She didn’t usually care about that sort of thing, and was always one of the first to laugh when she made a fool of herself, but now she found her face darkening with embarrassment in the face of her colleague.

‘Is that all?’ Harrison bent down and retrieved the brush Beth had abandoned in her hurry to move away from the snake. ‘You’re sure?’

‘I’m sure. Just shock. I don’t like snakes. I haven’t damaged anything, I hope.’

‘No harm done.’ Harrison shot Ryan a look which plainly said “this time”, making Beth wonder if the timing of the breaking of the mosaic had gone unnoticed after all. ‘Here you go, doll.’ He gestured to the creature. ‘He’s just a sand snake. Won’t do you any harm. I’ll move him somewhere safe.’

‘Thank you.’ Beth’s words came out rather weakly as the unfortunate creature was picked up and repositioned against a dune of previously excavated sand, into which it quickly disappeared. Seeing Harrison rehome the creature with no more fuss than if he’d moved a worm from a flower bed to a vegetable patch made Beth even more cross with herself for being so feeble in front of a man she’d so badly wanted to impress. She found herself babbling in explanation, ‘Insects I have no problem with. Spiders are cool. But snakes … I can’t stand them.’

This time Harrison did laugh openly, wiping one of his calloused palms across his forehead, smearing dirt into his spiky hair and knocking back his faded Stetson in the process. ‘You’re a regular Indiana Jones, doll!’


Keen to keep the general atmosphere light, Beth added, ‘Well. As long as I don’t get chased by any oversized boulders or attacked by a tribe of pygmies with blowpipes then I guess I can live with the comparison!’

Taking a hefty swig from her water bottle, she smiled, relieved that her ability to laugh at herself was finally reasserting itself after days of being diminished by the heat.

Harrison grinned as he strolled to his side of the dig. ‘Gotta love that dry English sense of humour, doll.’

Beth called after him, ‘Thanks for the snake removal, Harry.’

He kept walking as he corrected her. ‘Harrison. It’s Harrison, I told you. I don’t like being called Harry.’

She shouted at his retreating back, ‘And I don’t like being referred to as a doll. It makes me sound like a character in an American B-movie! Message received?’

Still laughing, Harrison didn’t look round, but held up a hand as if in defeat. ‘Gotcha, doll! Message received.’

Stepping back into her square, Beth looked at her watch. It wasn’t even ten o’clock in the morning, and the heat was already making it feel as if someone was systematically pouring paint stripper across her shoulders. She could hear her students chatting happily as they worked. All except for Ryan, who was unusually quiet.

Beth sighed as she recalled Harrison’s glare towards Ryan, and realised it wasn’t just her rationale she’d left in the colder climate of home, but her common sense as well. It was time to come clean about how Ryan had messed up the mosaic and, more importantly, why she hadn’t reported the incident straight away.

Her decision made, Beth’s hands returned to working the ground, while her imagination speculated how it might have felt if Harrison had been the one she’d accidentally sat on. Would I have wanted to get up quite so quickly? Her pussy twitched as if in confirmation, as her green eyes studied the Roman drain …

Digging Deep is available as a download or a paperback from all good retailers, including-

Amazon UK-

Amazon US-

Happy reading!!

Kay xx

Returning to my roots: Lisabet Sarai  – #erotica #fantasies #nolimits

I am delighted to be hosting Lisabet Sarai,  a writer I have long since admired, to my blog today.

I fondly remember her novel -Raw Silk- one of the first Black Lace books I read. It seems like a lifetime ago. I never dreamed back then that one day, not only would I write erotica myself, but that some of the best writers in the business would be dropping by my site. 

Over to you Lisabet…

Returning to my roots  – #erotica #fantasies #nolimits

By Lisabet Sarai

In April 1999, almost two decades ago, Black Lace books published the first edition of my debut novel Raw Silk. That book is an explicit compendium of my personal fantasies, a taboo tale of one woman’s sexual odyssey that was strongly influenced by my own initiation into BDSM.

At the time, I knew next to nothing about the conventions of erotica or erotic romance. I didn’t exercise any sort of self-censorship. If an erotic scenario turned me on, it found its way into the novel. As a result, Raw Silk involves a wide variety of sexual activities and situations: heterosexual, lesbian, and gay; pairings, threesomes and foursomes; public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, bondage, spanking, flogging, caning, femdom; dildos, anal sex, pegging; even sex involving chopsticks and a mango! In fact, the original manuscript included a golden shower. The editor made me remove it (commenting that this would be physically difficult to achieve given the protagonist’s erection), but she allowed me to retain a promise by the dominant to do this sometime in the future.

Writing that first novel was an intense experience. The ideas simply poured out of me, onto the page. I was in a perpetual state of arousal. Compared to my more recent work, the prose is a bit stiff and pedantic, but Raw Silk remains one of my most popular books, perhaps because readers sense the unfettered imagination and genuine emotion that went into it.

As I continued to write and publish, however, learning more about market and genre, some of that spontaneity and passion got lost. I started working with a publisher of erotic romance and discovered that there were fairly strict rules for what readers would and would not accept. The main characters should not have recreational sex outside their relationship. Any sort of FF or MM interaction was strictly verboten in a MF book. Likewise, MF activity in a MM or FF story was likely to raise readers’ hackles. Then there were the “reader advisories” for more extreme activities: rough sex, anal sex, fisting, and so on. I frequently battled with my editors about content and language. Meanwhile, I had to firmly suppress my own lascivious imagination, which had my characters doing things I knew would be red-penciled out of the final story.

That state of war really exhausted me. It drained my creative energy. As a result, in the past four years, I’ve moved almost exclusively to self-publishing, and I’ve started to enjoy writing much more. And more recently, I’ve found my way back to my roots, putting out books with all sorts of sexual situations, books that shatter the genre barriers and set me free to chronicle my fantasies, the way I did when I began.

My latest release, Sin City Sweethearts, is a fine example. This book isn’t quite as personal as Raw Silk, but it probably has at least as much sexual variety. Indeed, like Raw Silk, it’s really about sex, about the characters exploring, experimenting, learning what they enjoy—then practicing their new knowledge as often as possible.

Sin City Sweethearts is the third book in my Vegas Babes series. All three novellas feature melt-your-panties, no-holds-barred, over-the-top, damn-the-consequences sexual indulgence. Everyone gets their happy endings; indeed, there are lots of couples and marriage vows. In my fictional world, though, that doesn’t necessarily translate to monogamy. Why waste golden opportunities for pleasure?

I’ve been having tremendous fun writing my Vegas Babes. I keep telling myself I should sit down and pen something more serious, with more redeeming social value. My salacious imagination seems to disagree.

By the way, I’d like to thank Kay for hosting me. As a bit of a treat for her readers, I will give away a free copy of the first Vegas Babes book, Hot Brides in Vegas, to one randomly chosen person who leaves a comment. Don’t forget to include your email so I can find you if you win!


Welcome to Las Vegasleave your inhibitions at the city limits.

Like many newlyweds, Annie and Ted work hard, economize, live in a too-small apartment, and make passionate love whenever possible. They’re just a bit more open-minded and inclusive about sex than most couples—they met at The Fox’s Den strip club and bonded during an orgy. They’re delighted when fraternal twins Marcella and Madeleine McNabb move into the apartment downstairs. The innocent eighteen year old beauties have come to Las Vegas for university and to escape their overprotective family. Annie and Ted figure it’s practically their duty to educate the sisters about the real Sin City.

Marcie and Maddy prove to be apt pupils, with voracious carnal appetites. Before long they’re intimately involved not only with their upstairs neighbors, but also their hippie landlord and landlady, Maddy’s hunky coach, Marcie’s dominant department head, a handful of their classmates, a bevy of strippers from the Den  and the infamous Foxy and Larry themselves. Then the four McNabb brothers come to town, threatening to drag the twins back to Ely, and things get truly wild.

Exclusive Excerpt

Marcie stepped into the dimly lit corridor beyond the door, which clicked shut behind her, muting the blare of the music and the buzz of the crowd. She looked around her, her heart beating double time. She knew she shouldn’t be here. If a stranger challenged her, she could use the same story that had worked with Rosa, but what if she ran into Larry?

Her footsteps were silent in the carpeted hallway. There were several doors on either side, all of them closed, none of them marked. Annie and her friends were likely behind one of them, but which one?

“Oh, yes— please…!”

The barely articulate plea died away into a moan of pleasure. It wasn’t Annie’s voice, but it was definitely a woman—a woman in the throes of sexual bliss. Marcella tiptoed toward the second door on the left, the apparent source of the vocalization.

“Oh—sir!”  The new cry confirmed Marcie’s hunch. Hardly daring to breath, she tried the knob. To her surprise, it turned easily. She pushed just hard enough to open the portal a few inches, then peered inside.

Blood rushed to her nipples and her clit. Moisture gathered in her cleft to re-soak her already damp panties. The scene inside might have been something from a kinky internet porn site—not that she’d ever done that sort of forbidden surfing—but this was real, unfolding just a few feet from where she watched.

A naked woman lay draped face down over a coffee table. The layer of cushions under her prone body was piled higher beneath her hips to elevate her ass. In the front, straps bound her wrists to the table legs. At the rear, a bar of polished wood at least three feet long held her shackled ankles apart.

She was positioned at right angles to the door. Marcella could see everything, quite clearly: her full breasts, mashed against the table; the tangled black hair hanging in her eyes; the sweat gleaming along the curve of her spine; and the angry red marks streaking her ample buttocks.

The woman was not young—Marcella guessed she might be in her fifties—but her voluptuous sensuality was overwhelming. A flush of arousal further darkened her Mediterranean complexion. She writhed and moaned, grinding her pelvis against the pillows. Marcie felt the vicarious effects as own her clit swelled and pulsed. Like the woman upon whom she spied, she was close to the edge.

A whistling swish was followed by a snap. Marcie gasped along with the victim as a ribbon of leather sizzled through the air to leave a raw new stripe on the woman’s ass.

“Oh, God!”  the stranger wailed, in obvious pain.

“Too much? Should I stop, Giulia?” The man’s voice seemed familiar. Marcie widened the crack through which she peered until she could see the woman’s tormenter.

“No, no, sir,” came her choked cry. “More! Please, give me more!”

Marce swallowed hard. The massive security guard they’d met outside the club stood behind the bound woman, between her splayed legs. Tiny, that was what Annie had called him. He was fully dressed, in a tight black tee that highlighted his powerful shoulders and chest and trim black jeans that seemed painted onto his muscular thighs. His cock reared up from the open fly—the longest, thickest, most awe-inspiring cock she’d ever seen. It pointed straight up toward the ceiling, reaching from his groin to his solar plexus. Protruding veins twisted around its huge girth, like vines around a tree trunk. The scarlet head was so slick and swollen it looked like it might burst.

The guard pumped his meat a few times with his left hand then swung the whip in his right. With a sharp report it landed on his partner’s rear, carving a new trail of red.

“Yes!” she yelled, jerking against the cushions. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m almost there, sir. One more, just one more…”

Leather sliced the air, then her flesh. Releasing a garbled yell, she tumbled into a loud, energetic climax. Her master watched for two beats, then drove his astounding cock into her wide-open cleft, burying himself to the hilt.

She came again, humping the cushions while he pistoned in and out of her hole. Meanwhile he spanked her whip-battered butt, his big palms landing on her punished cheeks with terrifying, arousing smacks.

Marcella’s legs gave out. She sank to her knees outside the door, both hands stuffed into her drenched panties, frigging herself as hard as she could while she watched that enormous dick stroking in and out of the submissive’s stretched and juicy cunt. She nudged the door a bit, to get a better view of the swollen pink pussy-lips clinging to the guard’s rod as he retreated for each new thrust. Then he’d ram back in, until his balls bounced against her clit. The woman—Giulia, she remembered—took every inch of his unbelievable length.

Buy Links

Kinky Literature – https://kinkyliterature.com/book/5123-sin-city-sweethearts-vegas-babes-book-3/

Amazon  US – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MQVSWCH

Amazon UK –  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07MQVSWCH

Smashwords –  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/917885

Barnes and Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sin-city-sweethearts-lisabet-sarai/1130204032?ean=2940155941880

Add on Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43594528-sin-city-sweethearts

About the Author

Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (http://www.lisabetsarai.com/books.html), along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (http://lisabetsarai.blogspot.com), she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads and finally, on Twitter.


Huge thanks to Lisabet for such a fabulous blog – and the chance for a free read to one lucky commenter! So get commenting!

Happy reading everyone,

Kay xx


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