Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Tag: erotica Page 56 of 84

Something for the Weekend: The Fifth Floor

Something for the weekend?

I thought I’d share a little from my BDSM novel, The Fifth Floor (Book One of The Perfect Submissive trilogy) this week.


Here’s a snippet from the very start of Miss Jess Sanders’ adventure…

…Jess was sat at her desk, a half eaten sandwich in one hand; the fingers of her other hand dancing over the computer keyboard. Laura watched her through the office window for a few moments before confidently stepping into the room, interrupting the clerk without hesitation. ‘Mr Davies informs me he has not yet had time to complete your preliminary tour of the hotel.’

Understanding precisely where the manageress intended to take her, Jess spoke carefully, ‘I’ve seen most of it, but not all.’

Without confirming the clerk’s suspicions, Laura said, ‘I have a few moments, so if you’d like to walk this way I’ll complete that area of your training.’ She pointed towards the office door, ‘You are bound to be asked for directions around the place by our guests and it doesn’t look very professional if a member of staff gets lost herself, wouldn’t you agree?’

‘I would, Mrs Peters.’

Although she’d now worked at the Fables for just over a week, Jess still hadn’t looked her boss in the eye once, a fact that sent a buzz of conviction through Mrs Peters; her initial instincts about the girl had been correct.

‘Are you happy here so far, Miss Sanders?’

‘Yes, Mrs Peters. Thank you.’ Jess muttered her response, almost managing to glance directly at her superior, but falling short at her shoulders. Laura’s heartbeat increased in response to the girl’s natural deference. Jess Sanders was just so perfect for what she had in mind.

As they walked towards the staff lift Laura attempted to improve the flow of conversation, ‘And I don’t think you have yet been introduced to all the other members of staff?’

‘Not yet, no.’ Again Jess spoke cautiously, and Laura knew from the expression on her face that she was both fearful and curious about meeting anyone who kept their business arrangements entirely to the Fables upper storey.

‘We are one member of staff down at the moment; one of my assistants has left us for pastures new. I’m searching for a replacement. Master Lee Philips, who works in the bar downstairs, helps me out as and when required, but it’s not an ideal arrangement. He has many other duties, and besides, the fifth floor guests frequently prefer the female touch.’

Following the clerk into the lift it was obvious that no small talk was going to come from her, so Laura calmly kept up her commentary. ‘My associate, Miss Sarah, should be on the premises by 10.00 each morning, unless she has had a complete night session, in which case she is not expected until 2.00 p.m. As I’ve said, Master Philips comes and goes, depending on our requirements and his bar and reception work. Miss Sarah has her first session of the day in a few moments, if we are lucky we should just catch the show.’

Visibly shrinking back, Jess noticed how Mrs Peters walked a little taller now they’d reached her domain. Her face was more set, her back straighter, and somehow she appeared even more intimidating than before. Pushing her hands into the deep pockets of her clinging knee-length black skirt, Jess hid the growing sheen of perspiration on her palms, while trying to ignore the fearful beat of her pulse.

Crossing the threshold of the room, into which she was being firmly steered by the elbow, felt like entering another world to Jess, or rather, another time. Manoeuvred towards a plush red velvet chaise longue, her eyes darting here and there, the clerk was pointedly sat down.

Trying to ignore the light but persistent pressure of Mrs Peters cool hand against her wrist, Jess took in the reproduction William Morris wallpaper, the heavy dark-wood chest of drawers, the floor to ceiling bookshelves, and the faded brown leather wing-backed armchair. Centre stage, only a few metres from where they sat, was a huge writing desk. Its top was inlaid with a square of leather, a portion of which was covered with blotting paper, an accompanying ink well, pots of ink, and nibbed pens.

Jess was reminded of a museum she’d once visited as a child, where rooms from a variety of different houses had been re-created from a number of historical periods. This room had Victorian study written all over it.

The silence was beginning to get to her as she waited, perched rather than sat, on the unyielding seat. A faint voice of hope at the back of her head kept telling her that all this had to be some sort of practical joke, but one glance at Mrs Peters made Jess reconsider. Her eyes kept drifting towards the study door. Whatever she had been brought here to witness surely couldn’t begin until someone came in. Twenty seconds later, each one ticked off by the hammer of Jess’s heart beating, the door swung back with a confident push.

‘Ah, Miss Sarah,’ Laura rose from her seat, a stern glare at Jess telling her not to move. ‘I hope you don’t mind, but Fables has a new member of staff, and I thought it would be a good idea to let her observe one of our sessions.’

Miss Sarah, her face powdered to an ultra-pale complexion, her curling hair pinned up in the style of a Victorian lady, her exquisite outfit historically accurate down to the small white buttons that fastened her stylish black boots, curtsied at once to her superior, ‘Of course, Mrs Peters.’

The stunningly slim woman glanced briefly at Jess, her grey gaze only lingering long enough to acknowledge the stranger, without taking in what she looked like or who she might be. Miss Sarah’s indifference, dismissing the office clerk as an unimportant factor in the room, made Jess feel smaller and more anxious than ever.

The agonising lull continued and Jess’s imagination began to run riot as Miss Sarah sat at the desk in preparation for her client’s arrival. Images of pock-skinned overweight men, panting loudly as they fucked the employees of the fifth floor against the furniture made Jess’s stomach churn, but there was no way out. With a quiet determination that Mrs Peters would have been surprised to know Jess possessed, she thought, if the other members of staff here have survived this part of the tour, then so can I.

As Mrs Peters returned to both the chaise longue and her application of gentle restraint against the clerk’s arm, Jess’s body stiffened. Someone was knocking on the door. Not daring to face her employer, Jess focused on the figure that, after being granted permission to enter, walked meekly into the study.

If he hadn’t had his neck bent, his face to the floor with respect for Miss Sarah, who greeted him with a sharp ‘Good Morning’, Jess judged he would have been quite tall. And he was young; not the sweaty, aged bank manager Jess had conjured up in her head, but a man in his late 20s or early 30s, with a shaven face, short spiked ginger hair, and well built limbs. He was dressed as a servant, perhaps a stable hand. Jess was automatically reminded of Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Gulping against her dehydrated throat, unwilling to see the sex that she was sure was about to follow, the clerk dropped her eyes, only to have her chin roughly jerked upwards by Mrs Peters, ‘No, child. You will observe. You will learn.’

A patina of panic gripped Jess. Every hair on the back of her neck stood to attention. Until that moment it had been unreal. She hadn’t let go of the hope that at any minute someone was going to turn around and say, ‘OK, Jess, it’s just a joke. We play it on all the new girls. Let’s grab a coffee.’ No one did though. No one was saying anything…



US Kindle- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077XW59P2?ref_=pe_2427780_160035660

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Canada Kindle- https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B077XW59P2/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1512491682&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Fifth+Floor+Kay+jaybee

Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/765157

B&N – ebook – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-fifth-floor-kay-jaybee/1127595291?ean=2940154644478 


Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fifth-Floor-Erotic-Perfect-Submissive/dp/1973344386/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512590868&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Fifth+Floor+Kay+Jaybee

Amazon.com – https://www.amazon.com/Fifth-Floor-Erotic-Perfect-Submissive/dp/1973344386/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512591770&sr=1-2&keywords=The+Fifth+Floor+by+Kay+Jaybee

Happy reading everyone,

Kay xxxx


A Kink a Day Book Three: Pre-order now!

Here we go again!

Yes- it’s another pre-order announcement.

This time it’s for the third and final (so far) book in my A Kink a Day series.

Pre order now!

Out on 25th October

Eight hot erotic fantasies – one for each night of the week – and a spare…


From the extreme kink of a wedding at a city S&M club, a deliciously erotic rendition on a double bass, an imaginative take on a set of brushes, and beyond, A Kink a Day Book Three provides eight bite-sized moments of lust-fuelled distraction. One for every day of the week—plus an additional fantasy thrown in to enhance your Saturday morning lie-in.

A Kink a Day Book Three contains some stories previously published stories

Coming 25th October 2018 – pre-order now:

Amazon UK
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If you’ve missed out on A Kink a Day One and A Kink A Day Two– you can learn all about them here.

Happy eBook reading,

Kay xx

OUT NOW: A Kink a Day Book Two

Eight hot erotic fantasies – one for each night of the week – and a spare…

It’s release day! A Kink a Day Book Two is out now!

As with Book One-I have put together 8 steamy stories for you- all of different lengths and erotic genres.



From the kinky activities of an obligingly dirty girl, to an unorthodox game of snooker; a battle with both extreme heat and cold, and some delicious cafe-time action, A Kink a Day Book Two provides a bite-sized moment of lust-fuelled distraction for each day of the week—with an additional erotic fantasy to enhance your Saturday morning lie-in.

(A Kink a Day Book Two contains some previously published stories)

Here’s a taster from Dirty Girl…

‘Do you think we look anywhere near that good when we shag?’ Ryan asked, pressing the “pause” button on the DVD to highlight a man and a woman fucking each other uncontrollably against a fridge.

‘Better.’ She looked him straight in the eye.

‘Better?’ his mouth twitched. ‘Always the dirty girl.’

‘Would I be sat watching porn with you if I wasn’t?’ Beth slowly undid her blouse and revealed her naked tits. ‘Whatever would Gary say?’

‘Gary understands. Trust me.’

Beth laughed as she began to stroke her coffee-coloured nipples. ‘I’m not sure trusting you has ever been a sensible option.’

‘True.’ Ryan smiled mischievously, his eyes fixed firmly on her chest.

He watched as she flattened her breasts with her palms, kneading them vigorously.

Her eyes had closed. ‘Bad, dirty and very, very naughty, that’s me.’

Ryan pulled her towards him. He brushed her hands out of the way and began to flick his tongue around her breasts. Beth grinned down at him with satisfaction, watching his expert tongue working its magic on her sensitive skin.

The ring of the front door bell echoed through the room. Beth scowled in the direction of the hall. ‘Shit; who’s that?’

Ryan pulled away. ‘Stay there, dirty girl. I’ll be two minutes.’

Beth helped herself to another glass of wine as she enjoyed the spectacle on the television; two women were now prowling round on all fours. She could hear Ryan moving about upstairs. ‘Everything OK?’ she shouted.

‘Fine, won’t be a minute.’

He bounded downstairs again a few minutes later looking flushed and determined, carrying a canvas bag which he put down by the sofa. ‘Now, let me ask you a question, dirty girl; what do you prefer? Me sucking your tits, or actually seeing me suck your tits?’

‘Both. But I guess I get a kick out of watching you work on me. It adds a certain something.’ …



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Happy reading!


PS- Book Three is out soon!!

OUT TODAY! A Kink A Day Book One

I love book release days!

Today I’m delighted to announce that A Kink a Day- Book One is out now!!


From the spank of a belt, to the unorthodox use of a dictionary; the bizarre obsession of an Egyptologist, to the afterhours indulgences of the staff recreating life in a strictly-run Victorian manor, A Kink a Day Book One provides a bite-sized moment of lust-fuelled distraction for each day of the week—with an additional erotic fantasy to enhance your Saturday morning lie-in.

Buy from:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US


Happy reading,

Kay xx






A Kink a Day Book One: Out next week!

I firmly believe that everybody needs a bedtime story.
So within the e-pages of A Kink a Day Book One (to be published on 13th September) I have provided you with one bite sized piece of erotic fantasy for each night of the week…with an extra little something to enjoy during that Saturday morning lie in.

Some of the stories have been released before in my (no longer available) Quick Kink collections. Others are brand new.

A Kink a Day 1 is the first in a  series of 3 anthologies designed to provide  light relief after a hard day at the office- with an extra nibble of sexy story-age at the weekend – and it is OUT NEXT WEEK.

Here’s an extract from the very first story to whet your appetite…

A Leading Conversation
‘What would you do next?’ Faye’s voice wavered as she struggled to maintain the air of cool indifference she’d been determined to maintain, ‘after you’d stripped me?’
‘I’d bend you over and spank you – hard.’
‘What with?’
‘My belt.’
‘Your leather one? About an inch think?’ Faye could picture the belt Sean always wore clearly; faded, worn and brown, with a twisted knot pattern inlaid through its length. She shivered at the mere thought of it.
‘That’s the one.’
‘What am I bent over?’
Sean was silent for a while and Faye could faintly hear movement around him. It hadn’t occurred to her that this call was being made in public. She broke through his concentration, her tone husky and urgent, ‘Where are you anyway?’
‘In a deserted waiting room on Banbury Station – and you, for the purposes of a much deserved spanking, are bent over the foot of your bed. Plus, I’ve just decided I will tie your wrists together in front of you.’
Despite the two mugs of coffee she’d recently downed, Faye’s mouth felt dry. She couldn’t believe how assertive Sean sounded, particularly as anyone could walk in on him at any moment. She wasn’t even sure how this conversation had started. He’d been in an odd mood he’d said, sort of horny with nowhere to go and no one to shag, and for a reason Faye didn’t understand, she had asked him what he’d like to do if he could. Sean hadn’t even hesitated before blurting out that he’d like to see her naked.
From her oldest friend’s rather startling confession only five minutes ago, they’d somehow got to Faye being naked, semi-bound with her arse in the air, awaiting the first stroke of his belt.
Her mind raced; was Sean just messing around to kill time? Would he end this with a laugh, and leave her feeling silly and privately humiliated for taking him literally? Or could he actually be serious? Did he really want to do this to her?
‘Faye, are you still there?’ Sean’s voice interrupted her violently flickering thoughts, simultaneously reassuring her that he was serious, yet making her wonder if he was regretting sharing his fantasy.
‘I’m here.’ She licked her lips, abandoning any lingering ideas about remaining aloof. ‘What happens next?’

‘I hit you. The leather makes a fantastic cracking sound as it connects with your skin, and the belt leaves a pretty pink patch on your flesh. I love it, so I do it again.’
For the first time, Faye noticed that Sean’s breathing had become shallow and felt further reassured. She began to chew her bottom lip, ‘Am I crying out?’
‘Yes, but I don’t want you to, so I’ve paused in my work to fetch a gag.’
‘A scarf?’
‘I have a ball gag.’
Faye’s heartbeat quickened at the confession, and she couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice, ‘You do?’
She was learning an awful lot this morning about a man she thought she’d known so well. This was a new Sean, an attractive stranger who had very grown-up sex toys. She would never have associated him with anything like that before now. ‘May I still ask questions – now that I am gagged, so to speak?’
Sean went quiet again and Faye could faintly hear the echoing squeak of a train’s arrival being announced over a tannoy. As the noise died away, he said, ‘No. I think you should just listen to me for a while.’
Faye almost said ‘OK’ but stopped herself. After all, Sean had already metaphorically silenced her. Wiping her palms on her jeans, she looked around her while she waited for him to speak again. She tried to take in the view before her; the park, the trees, the ducks on the pond, but all she was conscious of was a desperate need to hear Sean’s voice again…



From the spank of a belt, to the unorthodox use of a dictionary; the bizarre obsession of an Egyptologist, to the afterhours indulgences of the staff recreating life in a strictly-run Victorian manor, A Kink a Day Book One provides a bite-sized moment of lust-fuelled distraction for each day of the week—with an additional erotic fantasy to enhance your Saturday morning lie-in.

Coming 13th September 2018 – pre-order now:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US


Happy reading,

Kay xx



Happy reading (and downloading)

Kay xx








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