Believe it or not, this month I am celebrating my 200th publication! Whether long or short, flash fiction, poem, or novel, romance, erotica, or crime, every single piece of writing that I’ve managed to find a publisher for feels as much as a miracle now as it did when I began to write 12 years ago.

That 200th story was my recent novella release, Wednesday on Thursday.

Although I’ve written 12 novels and 9 novellas as Kay Jaybee, Jenny Kane or Jennifer Ash, if it wasn’t for the short story trade I’d have never have written any of them.
Before I even dared to try and write something longer than 5,000 words, I’d had 40 short stories and poems published. I’m so glad that’s what I did. Writing those early stories taught me so much. They were my apprenticeship; a place where I learnt that every word in every single sentence counts.

If you’d like to read a few of those short stories, then why not check out The Best of Kay Jaybee.
Fourteen of the very best erotic tales of dominance, submission, bondage, and romantic lust, are delivered with lashings of kink from the pen of Kay Jaybee. From the sexual adventures recalled by a woman as she stares at her favourite shirt, to a deliciously dirty orgy on a bed of cardboard boxes, the after-hours education of a rookie soldier, and the bizarre obsession of an Egyptologist, each story shows why Kay Jaybee has been hailed as ‘a master of the craft of erotica’ (Oysters and Chocolate). As a girl writes messages of lust on the body of her best friend’s lover, and a mistress’s employment of ropes and chains on her slave co-insides with the application of emulsion, we discover just how Kay has earned her reputation for producing ‘super-heated kinky stories,’ (Kd Grace), which are ‘a sublime pleasure to read’ (Violet Blue).
The stories tucked inside The Best of Kay Jaybee come from the Xcite anthologies I’ve had work included in since 2008, (such as Maggie, The Basic Rules of Anal Sex, and The Fuck-Me Cabbie), as well as my three solo Xcite collections, Quick Kink One (The Shirt), Quick Kink Two (The Bride wore Rubber) and Yes Ma’am (Lying in Wait).
As you’d expect from me, there are a fair number of dominance and submission related stories included in this anthology, but there is also a heap of romantic lust, explored fantasies, and happy kinky threesome play.
If you’ve never read any of my work before, then The Best of Kay Jaybee is a great place to start.

Here’s a little taster from…
The Fuck-Me Cabbie
‘That’s him over there.’
‘The one stood on his own? Brown hair, tight jeans, cute arse?’
‘That’s him.’
‘Does he have a name?’ I put my drink down onto the sticky plastic topped table before us, not taking my eyes from the back view of the man leaning against the bar.
‘Well, the men call him Mr Greedy?’
‘And the women?’
My friend smiled at my expression, she knew me very well. ‘They call him the Fuck-Me Cabbie.’
‘Oh yes.’ The satisfied lilt to Jenny’s voice made me drag my eyes away from the self- styled Adonis at the bar, to the air of happy memory plastered across her face. ‘He claims to have had sex with nearly every female passenger he’s carried in his taxi between the ages of 18 and 50.’
‘Is that so?’ I picked my Cola up and took a long thoughtful draft as I rocked back on my chair.
‘So he says.’
‘And you believe him?’
Jenny said nothing, but her smirk spoke volumes as she peered at me over the top of her glasses.
‘And was it worth it? Is he that good in reality, or is it all arrogant attitude?’
‘I can’t argue with the arrogant bit, but the man’s bloody hot. Annoying; but true.’
Running a finger around the rim of my empty glass, my eyes returned to the cabbie, mentally willing him to twist round so I could get a proper look at his face. As if picking up on my mute signal, he turned, a pint glass in his hand, and stared directly at me. Unashamedly, I stared back.
It was his eyes that struck me most. They screamed non-stop endless desire; a desire which would somehow never be satisfied. The square cut to his chin and his bulky, yet toned frame, simply bellowed sex, as if a neon sign was permanently flashing above his head saying “Get it here- NOW.”
The other signal he gave out, perhaps even stronger than the aura of lust, was conceit. He’d been told once too often that he was good in the sack. This cabbie needed taking down a peg or two.
‘Go and talk to him.’
Jenny’s eyes flickered at me mischievously, ‘what are you thinking?’
‘He needs cutting down to size.’
‘You’ll see.’ I kept eye contact with him. He didn’t need to say anything to let me know what he was thinking. ‘I want you to tell him there is a threesome on offer. Do not tell him who’ll be involved, but feel free to let him make his own assumptions. It’s not our fault if he jumps to the wrong conclusion is it.’
Jenny looked momentarily disappointed, ‘Won’t it be us?’
I couldn’t help but smile at her. Jenny’s neat chest had been poking at the flimsy covering of her t-shirt and bra ever since we’d started discussing the taxi driver.
‘Of course it will be us. But it might not be him…are you game?’
‘I’m game. Tell me.’
Pointedly ignoring the cabbie, I shifted our chairs closer together so that no one could overhear what I was about to divest to my companion.
Regarding me with renewed interest, Jenny was obviously eager to get our plotting underway immediately, but was still a little unsure about my plan, which I had to admit, was a bit complicated. ‘Do you think he’ll go for it? He’s not known for sleeping with a woman more than once. No return fares as it were.’
‘I’m sure you could lay it on strong. After all, he’s had you, but not me. You’re a beautiful woman honey, use that to our advantage. Sod feminism for once! Paint him a picture he can’t refuse. Tell him about our casual relationship, and I’ll see you and him at the back of the car park in an hour. And don’t forget to switch your phone to vibrate.’
Jenny stood up, readying herself to approach our quarry, her short floaty skirt swaying suggestively around her long legs. I re-focused my blue eyes onto the cabbie’s gaze, communicating what I hoped was an expression of mutual understanding. Then, with a deliberately seductive glance at Jenny, I trailed a polished fingernail down her pale neck, with the intention of planting the idea of all three of us being together firmly in his mind…
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I never dreamt I’d still be writing 200 stories after that very first one – a short tale called ‘Jen and Tim’ which was published in an anthology called Lips Like Sugar (Cleis Press). I certainly didn’t think I’d be living under 3 pen names! Nor did I think I’d be teaching creative writing- and yet here I am doing all those things! (You can check out my workshop business here)
Thank you to all of you for buying enough of my books to keep me going for so long!
Kay xx