Kay Jaybee

Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

Read and e-book week: Smashwords Sale!

The Smashwords ‘E-Book Week’ Sale is now on!

All my ebooks are HALF PRICE or LESS for the next 7 days!!

PLUS – A Kink a Day Book One and The Fifth Floor are FREE!!

AND – The Voyeur and Making Him Wait have 75% OFF!

Grab the complete series of The Perfect Submissive…

…all the Kink a Day books

Not to mention some very sexy word action from The Collector and Wednesday on Thursday.

And don’t forget my super hot Femdom collection, Yes Ma’am.

All of the ebooks I have on Smashwords can be found here.

Happy reading,

Kay x


Focus On: The Collector

The Collector was my very first solo work of fiction – it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Gathering salaciously erotic stories against an everyday backdrop of coffee shops, restaurants and bus trips, The Collector documents a wide variety of sexual encounters as she travels across Great Britain.

The Collector’s research takes her into every arena of the erotic experience, from lust, submission and dominance, to voyeurism and beyond.

Are you brave enough to see if it was your supposedly private conversation she overheard—and then wrote down?

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Here are just a few of the lovely reviews I’ve had for The Collector

THE COLLECTOR may be the hottest and coolest book I’ve read this year.
The author collects stories. Private stories. Raunchy, wicked, filthy, crazy, sexy, hot, private, erotic stories. Sometimes people tell her their stories, sometimes she eavesdrops discreetly, once in awhile the stories are hers. In THE COLLECTOR, she shares more than twenty of those stories for us lucky voyeurs. Some of these tales are sweet, like the two women who realize their feelings for one another are more than friendship in Late Developer, and some are wild, like the alcohol-fueled gangbang experience of an escort’s first gig in Tequila. There’s loads of BDSM, anonymous encounters, some threesomes, foursomes and moresomes, creative uses for foodstuffs and inanimate objects, girl on girl, guy on guy and some solo action, and even an interesting 90’s political era “define sex” encounter. So sit back and relax, grab a bottle of merlot and settle in for some quick and dirty stories that will curl your toes.
WOW, what a GREAT book! Ms. Jaybee, the true author of THE COLLECTOR, honestly has me curious if she is, in fact, this collector. Her intros were so well written and believable that I fell under an erotic spell while reading. I didn’t LOVE every story, but I really did at least LIKE almost all of them for one reason or another. My favorites were Treasure, where a woman invites a friend of a friend back to her place so he can discover her hidden treasure; and Crushed, where a 2 (and a half) people in a standstill crowd experienced a hedonistic anonymous encounter. If I heard real life stories like these on a regular basis, I swear I would die from a state of constant arousal! … ‘ The Romance Reviews

Such a unique book.  The title was perfect for this book.  The Collector.  I know you are asking how I call an erotic book unique.  Well, it is because the author has such a wonderful way with writing.  I admit this is not my first Kay Jaybee book, and it will certainly not be my last.  Kaybee, is such a wonderful author.  The stories she writes are not just all sex, they each have meaning, plot, characters, challenges.  This book is no exception to her wonderful work.  Another amazing read by Jaybee. Reviewed by Bunny Reviews

Was it you who was sitting at that coffee shop with your best friend, sharing the details of your dirty escapades? Were you telling the story about the time your employer found you polishing his floor in only your panties? Or was it the story about how your boss likes to eat candy from out of your pussy? Or were you telling her about the night you were tied up in a dungeon and made to watch your boyfriend fuck your best friend?

Did you happen to notice the nondescript woman in the corner? Yes the petite one, with chestnut hair, the one scribbling in her notebook. I don’t suppose you would have recognized her anyway—few know her face. It was Kay Jaybee the erotic writer, a collector of sorts.

The book is an entertaining and provocative glance into the sex-lives of an eclectic selection people, each with a kinky tale to tell.

From the truly bizarre—“Sweets”  is a tale of a submissive whose dominant partner insists on stuffing her pussy with licorice before getting her off.

To the super sexy—“New Territory”  is the story of how the collector herself takes one of her subjects home, having her way with him with barely a word exchanged.

To the truly intense—“Tequila” tells the story of a woman who is gang-raped, then rescued from the gutter and eagerly fucked by the barman who witnessed the whole scene.

Each a unique sexual exploration. Although each story is delightfully different from the next, the underlying concept remains the same; Kay Jaybee gets her fingers deep into the sex lives of strangers, acquaintances and friends, most often from her favorite perch in the coffeehouse. There is no need to peep into your neighbor’s bedroom windows now, just open the book and find out what’s going on in the pants of those around you.

Kay Jaybee writes in her epilogue “If I have learnt anything from putting together this collection, it’s that you cannot tell what someone is into by just looking at them.”

Just as understated as its author, the cover of The Collector lends no suspicion of anything untoward or erotic – you could be reading a chapbook of love poetry for all anyone would know. Enjoy this book in your favorite coffeehouse and no one will be the wiser. Reviewed by Jordan LaRousse,  Oysters and Chocolate 

…the tales aren’t about desert islands or exotic places we can only dream about. It could be real. Your neighbour could be doing it. Your colleagues could be doing it. That woman in the supermarket. Anyone, anywhere. And for me, that made it very, very sexy.

I also loved the brevity of the stories. They don’t need to be any longer. They’re just snippets of life; naughty sex scenes. There’s no “they met, they fell in love and fell into bed” type thing. No character development is needed. It’s just pure, unadulterated filth. And it’s fabulous. Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Erotica For All

“An exciting, saucy gathering of short tales gathered from overheard conversations, willing sources and personal experiences of The Collector. Ranging from sweetly sexy to moderately kinky to downright darkly filthy. This is a must read for all erotica fans. My personal favourite – Studio Girl. Another superb selection from Ms. Jaybee.”  Amazon

Focus On: 3 Quickies!


Lee can hardly believe his ears when his girlfriend Jess rings him at work to tell him that she has just had sex with her masseuse Ali. When Jess goes on to tell him that Ali has agreed to help them live out Lee’s ultimate fantasy – to watch his girlfriend with another woman – he is speechless. All they have to do in return is to help her carry out her own fantasy. So, if Lee wants to see Jess with a woman, he’s going to have make space for them in the back of his van…

Available from (FREE to Kindle Unlimited members): Amazon UK | Amazon US

Reviews for After The Massage

“Ever wonder what’s happening in those vans sitting in country lay-bys? Well then, you should definitely read this erotic quickie and find out! A quick, hot corker that will leave you wanting more…” Amazon US

“Hot Hot Hot – Holy s*** balls. If you are looking for a hot quick read, then look no further. This steamy read only takes about half an hour but trust me half an hour is enough.
Every mans and some women’s fantasies come to life in this hot and erotic read. The heat flows off the pages and although it’s a quickie (pun intended 😉 ) you get enthralled by the story and the couple. A hot quick must read.” Amazon

“Absolutely fantastic short read! Very realistic and very sexy! Definitely recommend! Well written and erotic!” Amazon



She loves that no one but Connor really knows her. That she is just an ordinary middle class thirty-something woman in baggy jeans and a t-shirt, pushing her trolley around the supermarket like everyone else, sitting in her office typing up letters, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn… right up until she gets a call telling her it’s time to be bad.

When Connor tells her how ‘bad’ he wants her to be that evening, she’s filled with doubts – is she really up for letting him watch her have sex with another woman for the first time?

Who is she kidding? Of course she is! She is Connor’s bad girl – and she knows it…

Available from (FREE to Kindle Unlimited members): Amazon UK | Amazon US

Reviews for Bad

“I read this short little teasing story on the bus. Loved it! Every sentence packs a punch. It’s hot, raunchy, no detail is left out and it’s expertly written so that the reader is both titillated and satisfied. Highly recommended for those moments when you just want a quick dip into erotic fiction…” Amazon

“…What a deliciously short read. I love Kay’s short stories. My steam meter reached 4.5….” Amazon US

“It really is a quickie – didn’t take long to read – but boy did it deliver!” Amazon US

“This may be a short read but it does not lack in hot, hot, hot scenes! Conner wants his Bad Girl to give something a try. She is amazing and there are a lot of steamy lines to imagine about. Loved it!” Amazon US

Lap it Up200Blurb: 

Working late into the night, dedicated veterinary nurses Jo and Louise have made sure all the creatures in their care are safely bedded down for the night – and now it’s time for a little puppy play of their own. Yielding to her girlfriend’s delicious dominance, Louise is about to discover what life is like on the other end of a lead…

Available from (FREE to Kindle Unlimited members): Amazon UK | Amazon US


Reviews for Lap It Up

“…Kay brings to life a few new scenarios in the dominating world with this story. It only takes about 10 minutes to read so if you like a naughty F/F read than check this one out. It will be worth your time…” Amazon US

“…This is a quick but oh so hot story! You’ll be wanting the reward as well! ” Amazon US

“Quick read about a lesbian couple who are more than happy to add a little doggy fantasy to their bedroom. Well written and perfect to heat up a dull coffee break!” Amazon UK

“Whew!!! This short story is about a hot and exciting night between two veterinary nurses playing make believe. Oh My! Oh My! Oh My!! Both women are sexy and sensual and I am really I’m not sure which woman I envied more. Either way, it’s time for a cold shower.” Amazon UK

” A super sexy F/F short story. Jo has plans for her fellow veterinary nurse girlfriend Louise. Will Louise be a good girl and follow all of Jo’s commands to get her treat at the end? Another great quickie from this wonderful author.” Amazon UK

Sex and Sexuality in Tudor England: Aphrodisiacs

I don’t often often feature nonfiction on my blog, but today I make a worthy exception.

This book –  Sex and Sexuality in Tudor England – by fellow novelist and historian, Carol McGrath, promises to be something special. So, if you have a fascination with the Tudor period, this is a must read.

This blog is the first on a blog tour.

Over to you Carol..

There has long been an appetite by readers and film viewers for the Tudor period as portrayed in novels, sumptuous costume dramas and documentary film. Have you ever been curious about the Tudors’ view of sex and sexuality? My recently published book Sex and Sexuality in Tudor England reveals myths and truths about how our Tudor antecedents conducted their sexual relationships romantic affairs, and marriages. Amongst many interesting titbits I discovered whilst researching this book aphrodisiacs as used or thought about in Tudor times intrigued me.

An aphrodisiac is a food, drink or drug that increases libido and enhances sexual pleasure and performance. These aids to sexual performance have been recorded throughout history. One of the earliest treatments for impotence appears in an ancient Hindu text known as Sushruta Samhita c.600 BC. It suggests powders of sesame and sali rice should be mixed with saindhara salt and a quantity of the juice of sugar cane mixed with hog’s lard and cooked with clarified butter. Medieval and Tudor people believed the food they consumed could influence their sex lives; it was all part of the humoral notion. They thought, according to medical theory, that food and drink was one of the things on which health should depend. A poor diet could cause illness but a patient could be restored to health by changes in diet. This sounds rather familiar.

However, they also believed that food and drink could solve sexual problems including impotence and infertility. Medieval medical texts contained references to foods and sexual advice for the late medieval man. Constantine the African was a translator of Arabic medieval texts into Latin. He lived in Salerno, Italy’s medical centre during the medieval era. His text on human fertility, De Coitu, has a section on foods and herbs which provoke desire. These were foods that were likely to generate semen and incite a man to intercourse. He also suggested foods to dry up and diminish semen so that men could eat according to whichever condition they suffered- whether too much desire or too little of it. Medieval doctors believed semen was a processed form of blood and therefore derived from food.

Three types of food were conducive to the production of semen and were grouped as nourishing foods, foods especially windy and foods that are warm and moist. Chickpeas contain all three and were considered an aphrodisiac. Other foods they thought drew out and produced semen were fresh meat, pepper, wine, brains, and egg yolks. However, cold foods such as fish, cucumber and lettuce might repress, impede or thicken semen and therefore destroy lust.

Aphrodisiac recipes were included in handbooks and regimes to help Tudor men with their sexual problems. Cloves in milk and blueberry juice, the brains of small sparrows, grease surrounding the kidneys of a freshly killed billy goat, all these might treat impotence. On the other hand, rue, powdered and added to a potion, could be drunk to dry out sperm, and the juice of water lilies taken for forty days might take care of the over-sexed problem.

The oyster is the most well-known and enduring of aphrodisiacs. During the sixteenth century oysters came into their own as a libidoenhancing culinary food. In 1566 Alain Chartier suggested oysters ‘doe provoke lecherie.’ Pickled oysters were sold in brothels in 1646. It is likely they were also sold in brothels during the previous century as a sex-inducing food. This no doubt stems from the fact that an oyster has a resemblance to the vulva with soft folds of pink, salty flesh with nestling pearls. It was slang for vulva during the sixteenth century and later the figure of an oyster girl selling them on the streets became associated with sex workers. There has been no scientific evidence that oysters are an aphrodisiac although they are a healthy food. Shellfish, though, are associated with Aphrodite-Venus who was allegedly born from the sea and appears in Botticelli’s Birth of Venus.


An anophrodisiac, the opposite of an aphrodisiac, was intended to supress libido and impair sexual function. Anophrodisiacs fell into three categories: starving the body, cooling the body and sedating the body. Sedating might be achieved through fasting and rigorous exercise. Early Christian saints regularly fasted to purify the body and monks would starve for long periods to control their sexual hunger and desire for food.

Regimen Studies by Maino de Maineri suggests the man who wished to avoid the production of semen and repress lust should make use of cold foods such as lentil water cooled with cauliflower seeds, water lily and lettuce seeds, lettuce water made slightly vinegary, or seeds of purslane. Camphor was considered useful to dry out lustful parts and if rubbed on the penis might keep the member flaccid. Spicy hot food could inflame the senses but cucumbers were cool and bland and even though phallic in shape were considered an effective anophrodisiac.

In the sixteenth century Francis Rabelais suggested, in addition to the benefits of water lily seeds, willow twigs, hemp stalks, woodbine, honeysuckle, tamarisk, mandrake, and the dried out skin of a hippo. In a way, Rabelais was sending up medieval quackery.

I am not sure I would want to put much store in any of the remedies above. This information carries a health warning. Don’t try it at home!

You can buy Sex and Sexuality in Tudor England here https://tinyurl.com/2p9ayfca


Following a first degree in English and History, Carol McGrath completed an MA in Creative Writing from The Seamus Heaney Centre, Queens University Belfast, followed by an MPhil in English from University of London. The Handfasted Wife, first in a trilogy about the royal women of 1066 was shortlisted for the RoNAS in 2014. The Swan-Daughter and The Betrothed Sister complete this highly acclaimed trilogy. Mistress Cromwell, a best-selling historical novel about Elizabeth Cromwell, wife of Henry VIII’s statesman, Thomas Cromwell, published by Headline in 2020. The Silken Rose, first in a Medieval She-Wolf Queens Trilogy, featuring Ailenor of Provence, was published on 2nd April 2020. This was followed by The Damask Rose. The Stone Rose will be published April 2022 completing the Trilogy. Carol is writing Historical non-fiction as well as fiction. Sex and Sexuality in Tudor England was published in January 2022.


Many thanks for visiting today Carol, good luck with your new book and your blog tour.

Kay x

(This blog also features on my www.jennykane.co.uk website)

Opening Lines with Mia Ryder: Downtime

It’s been far to long since I had an Opening Lines feature on this blog!

I’m putting that right today with the first 500 words – exactly – from the fabulous Mia Ryder, whose latest hot release, Downtime, is out now!


“Oh. My. Gay. God. The atmospheric opening got my spine tingling, which was just a taster for what else would be tingling moments later. ‘Downtime’ will have you on the edge of your seat, and edging in other ways before the story climaxes. Mia’s first gay erotica is not to be missed.” – Drew Hubbard, Pride Reads

Fresh from his ordeals in the HQ re-education centre and then with Raquel the serial killer, Nick is taking some well-earned time off.

Of course, Nick doesn’t know how to relax, so most of his downtime involves scouting for his next lover. Cue gorgeous young twink Rafe …

Rafe is failing his way through life. First as a writer, now as a waiter: he comes to Nick’s attention when he gets fired from the bistro Nick happens to be in.

It’s clear Rafe has zero confidence. He’s been living a cycle of self-denial, meaning he’s long overdue a good time.

Nick decides he has the goods to rock Rafe’s world AND shake up his worldview a little.

Little does Nick know that Rafe has a few surprises himself …

DOWNTIME is part of the SEX. DIE. REPEAT series and explicit, paranormal M/M erotica.

SEX. DIE. REPEAT is bitesize filth you can devour before bed. Each story can be read as a standalone too.

(PLEASE NOTE: This story is for adults only and contains homoerotic content, as well as depictions of flogging, exhibitionism, religious iconography, mild horror as well as commentary on life choices, mental health and self-care. )


Rafe didn’t think much of the fact the tube station was deserted, nor was he concerned when the next train came in without passengers. Listening to his ear pods, his head bobbed up and down to his favourite, Ariana Grande. Thank u, next.

He dragged his tired self through the automatic doors, letting them swish shut behind him. It was only just seven o’clock in the evening; Rafe left his home twelve hours ago but it felt like years. In the winter he’d leave in the dark and arrive home in the dark.  His feet throbbed; his back ached from standing all day. Rafe let himself fall onto the scratchy fabric seat, breathing in the musty, stale air through his nostrils. A momentary wondering bubbled up in the surface of his brain.

Where was everyone?

This concern disappeared as the train shuddered, moving away from the vacant underground platform. The lights overhead flickered as the tube plunged into the dark tunnel; for a moment, all illumination was gone.

Rafe was alone, in the dark.

Discomfort rose in his chest in that microsecond. Darkness brought with it unwanted memories of childhood, hiding under the bed or in the wardrobe with his sister while their mother indulged in drunken rants about their no-good father who’d run out on them. Yet as quick as it disappeared, the light was back, casting its fluorescent glow around the carriage.

As Rafe blinked, allowing his eyes to readjust, he discovered he was no longer alone. Another man stood four or five feet away from him.

A fluttering of anxiety surged in Rafe’s chest at the sight of him: where had he come from? Was this an ambush? Rafe knew, from bitter experience, certain violent types liked to hunt down those they deemed ‘weaker’ by isolating them, like a lion separates a gazelle from the rest of the herd.

No, Rafe was being over-cautious. He’d not seen a living soul at the station; nor had there been anyone on board the carriage. The stranger would have needed to be psychic to know Rafe was alone and vulnerable. He can’t have appeared out of thin air; he must have been moving from another carriage to this one as the lights went out.

It was just a coincidence.

The stranger held on to a commuter rail above him. He didn’t look like he really needed to; he was a huge, solid biker guy, broad in the shoulder. He had a swarthy complexion, blue eyes and skeins of silver-grey in his long hair and beard. He stood with feet wide apart, his other hand in his leather jacket pocket. He wore blue jeans, work boots, a bandanna, and a gold earring, like a pirate.

Rafe felt a stirring in his groin at the sight of the biker. He reminded him of the iconic homoerotic work of Artist Touko Valio Laaksonen aka Tom of Finland. Rafe had grown up watching movies and TV shows about motorcycle gangs and this guy looked…

You can buy Downtime from the Amazon Kindle store.


Mia Ryder is a debut author of erotica and steamy romance, but you might know her better as LV Hay. LV’s books previous books were crime fiction: The Other Twin, Do No Harm (Orenda Books) and Never Have I Ever (Hodder). Her latest book The Coven is under the pseudonym Lizzie Fry for Sphere Books. The Other Twin is currently being adapted for the screen by Agatha Raisin producers Free@Last. 
Many thanks for your opening lines, Mia.
Happy reading everyone,
Kay x

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