Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story

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Jane Burrelli is Playing with Fire: Character Interview

Today I’m welcoming Jane Burrelli  back to my site with her latest installment in her Bridge of Fire trilogy- Playing with Fire. 

Let’s have a quick read of the blurb, and then listen in as Jane interviews some of her characters…


When the gods breathed life into us they blessed us with an element, a pity they didn’t care to bless us with anything else.

Princess Nymira’s life changed forever when a coup forced her to flee north and in doing so she found herself mated to Zorren, the formidable Ice Lord. Their instant connection is undeniable but their budding relationship is not without challenges.

Mira must now face the open hostility of a foreign court as she attempts to carve out a niche at Zorren’s side. New enemies work tirelessly to drive a wedge between the newly mated pair and their tentative bond of trust is tested to the limit. Are Mira and Zorren strong enough to withstand the storm or will her most guarded secret drive them apart?


Publisher’s Note: This is book two in the Bride of Fire Trilogy. This fantasy romance contains elements of danger, suspense, mystery, adventure, and sensual scenes set in an apocalyptic world.

Jane: Thank you for joining me this evening, for the official record can I please have you name?

Mira: Certainly, my name is Mira.

Jane: I mean you full name please, it’s not everyday that I get interview royalty. My that was a big sigh, surely a name cannot be that tedious?

Mira: Oh, it most definitely can. It must stay between us Zorren cannot know, it would make things even more precarious.

Jane: Of course, you can rely on my absolute discretion.

Mira: I am her Serene Highness, the Crown Princess Nymira of the House Pyria, direct descendant of Fa-Rahzil the first Emperor of Fire, daughter of Princess Eliska of the house Pyria and the Scourge of the West Lord Castro of the house Vatra, granddaughter of Emperor Ageiz II, Defender of the sacred flame, Heiress to the Throne of Flames.

Jane: *Owl eyes* Wow, that is some name.

Mira: Exactly.

Jane: Let’s start with a few easy questions; do you have any siblings?

Mira: No, due to longevity of our natural life spans we do not reproduce easily and as such siblings are rare, but I have a cousin, Xhara, we are like sisters. We were forced to split up when I acted as a decoy so that she could escape.

Jane: I see, and what’re your parents like?

Mira: My parents were Princess Eliska of the house Pyria and the Lord Castro of the exiled house Vatra. I barely remember them as they were assassinated when I was very young, but the story of their mating is infamous throughout the Firelands. My mother dared to defy the emperor and fell in love with the enemy. It made things a little strained when I went to live in the capitol.

Jane: Would you say you’re someone who can handle pressure?

Mira: I was raised in the court of my aunt, Empress Faustia II, what do you think? Expectations were placed on me from an young age and I learnt how to conduct myself as a member of the royal house, so it takes something exceptional to rattle me.

Jane: Let’s make the questions a bit harder, do you have any enemies?

Mira: I currently have a bounty on my head. The usurper who murdered the Empress, seeks to either kill me or imprison me which forced me to flee North.

Jane: When you fled north you must have been traveling light, what’s your most valued possession that you carry?

Mira: When I fled I carried my nation’s most sacred treasure, the sword of the first Emperor. It is priceless. Forged from the metal of a falling star it is the only weapon that allows tmy line to channel their greatest weapon. The sacred white flame that can burn through anything.

Jane: Your worst fear? You don’t have to answer this one if you don’t want to.

Mira: Failing to do my duty and not being strong enough to complete the task set to and being an embarrassment to the crown. My power – my inner flame is – lacking. My cousin, the next empress has started to produce the white flame that identifies our line and I..can’t…my power is mediocre at best.

Zorren: There you are!

Mira: Zorren? What is the meaning of this interruption?

Zorren: You disappeared, again.

Mira: I did not, just because you are paranoid-

Zorren: -and I wonder why that might be? Perhaps because you have a terrible habit of attempting to skulk away.

Mira: I do not skulk!

Jane: Now, surely we can be reasonable now, Zorren please stop icing up my floor, you are causing a health and safety hazard.

Zorren: What is a health and safety hazard?

Jane: It’s where – oh never mind.

Zorren: Do you remember what I said would happen the next time you wondered off, Hellcat.

Mira: You wouldn’t dare and stop calling me Hellcat.

Jane: Mira, please extinguish your hands, that sofa is highly flammable.

Mira: Zorren! Zorren put me down! I am not a sack of grain.

Jane: Apologies readers, we’ve had an unexpected interruption. Mira, has been carried off by one, highly determined Ice Lord and I don’t believe we will be able to reconvene anytime soon. But until that time, happy reading!

Purchase Links

Amazon Author Page UK: https://amzn.to/2GI6gdc

Amazon Author Page US: https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Burrelli/e/B01ACPOKD0/


Here’s a short extract…

Sharing the same breath as his lips gently brushed mine, he asked, “Tell me what you want?”

“To stop with the games and fuck me,” I snapped impatiently rolling my shoulders.

White briefly flashed in his eyes. “There is that word again,” he growled low in his chest. “This is not a fuck.” Bending, he claimed my lips for another drugging kiss. Hot and demanding.

“What is it then?” I demanded with a defiant toss of my head. “A claiming.” My body shivered at the primal statement. He plucked my nipple unexpectedly, lightning arced through me and I thrust my chest up. At last. “When your body will acknowledge mine as its master.” Gazing down at me, his eyes sparked at the possessive words, drinking in every dip and curve. I had nowhere to hide.

“Never.” The word didn’t come out as certain as I wanted. It was not a promising response. Large warm hands cupped my breasts, taking their weight as his heat seeped into my flesh. While his thumbs made hypnotic circles, his firm lips focusing on the sensitive area between my neck and shoulder. I tried to remain still and unmoved. A simple answering of urges had become a battle of wills, one I would not lose. Zorren smirked and my core quivered. “As my mate, you won’t be able to help it, Mira, you are helpless, the same as I.”


When I realised that the world was not hiring for a ‘sarcastic but benign Supreme Ruler of the Universe’ I’ve decided to focus on my passion. By day I work in a UK company’s finance department and by night I become my alter ego Scribble Girl or as my good friends have affectionately dubbed me the ‘sex author’. Always armed with a notepad and pen in the black hole I call a handbag, I have been writing never ending stories since the age of 11 and this all stemmed from my love of reading.

I love reading. Period!

I’m part of the Harry Potter generation and while waiting between books would literally devour any book I could get my hands on. Let’s put it this way J.K Rowling has a lot to answer for. I adore that there is no end in sight to where your own imagination can take you and that between the pages of a book you are transported to another world.

Happy Reading!

Jane x

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14842736.Jane_Burrelli

Twitter: https://twitter.com/blushingburreli

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/janeburrelli/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janeburrelli/

Pintrest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/janeburrelli/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jane-burrelli


Thanks Jane!

Happy reading everyone,

Kay x


The Perfect Submissive Trilogy: The Retreat (Book 2)

With only a few days until the third book in my ‘The Perfect Submissive’ trilogy (Knowing Her Place) is re-released, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what folk have been saying about book two-  The Retreat

The Retreat follows on from The Fifth Floor


Just as Jess Sanders is adjusting to her new life as the submissive in residence on the fifth floor of The Fables Hotel, her employer, Mrs Peters, makes a startling announcement. She has agreed to loan Jess, and her dominatrix Miss Sarah, to one of their most demanding clients; Mr David Proctor.

Whisked away by the mysterious Kane to The Retreat, a house hidden in a remote part of Scotland, Jess and Miss Sarah find themselves teaching a new submissive how to meet Proctor’s exacting rules.

As Jess comes to terms with the techniques of The Retreat’s overpowering dominatrix, Lady Tia, she discovers that Proctor’s motives may not be all they seem. Just who or what is Fairtasia? And why does Jess feel like she’s walked into a warped fairy tale?

In order to get back to the fifth floor, Jess is going to have to be far more than just a perfect submissive…

Available from:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US

Praise for The Retreat (1st edition)

“…We’re all familiar with Fairytales . . . whether from distant memories of wonder and enchantment from our own childhood, or attempting to stimulate imagination and excitement in reading to our own children at bedtime.

But never . . . ever . . . could Hans Christian or the Grim Brothers have imagined such tales as those told between the covers of “The Retreat”…I’ve previously described authoress Kay Jaybee’s first instalment in her trilogy of submission and dominance, “The Perfect Submissive”, as “the most arousing and inspiring” book I’ve ever read. So I’d awaited this second instalment with huge anticipation . . . and expectation.

I’d wondered what the future held for Jess and what fearsome, and exciting, tasks she’d be asked to perform. Surely the imagination of her mistress had already reached the limit of all bounds of reasonable possibility?

But Kay Jaybee is clearly a woman apart . . . and the new scenarios and surroundings of a mysterious castle in the Scottish highlands seems the perfect setting to unleash yet more of her wild and wicked imagination.

My heroine Jess finds herself caught in a whirlwind of new masters and new submissive partners . . . and set a series of new tasks and new challenges at every twist and turn of the castles cold and unwelcoming corridors….The tension builds throughout towards Fairtasias climatic finale-ball . . . quite unlike those bedtime stories of times long gone by!!!…But, more than just simple lust and eroticism, Kay Jaybee’s story has that unusual skill of engaging her characters somehow into ones pysche . . . I wanted to share each new challenge with Jess, worried for her strength of will, worried just how that final chapter would unravel. A Fairytale end to the ball . . . or will the wicked Witchtress prevail???…  Modesty Ablaze


“…This was an awesome follow up to The Perfect Submissive! Kay does an outstanding job of leaving you wanting more. I really don’t know how she comes up with her stories but lets hope she never stops…” Amazon Review


“…Twists and turns around every corner…. I have waited along time to finally have time to finish The Retreat and I totally love it …. This makes you look at fairy tales in a new light . kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish, just cant wait for pt3 to find out what happens next.” Goodreads


“A dark and delicious follow up book to The Perfect Submissive. This time our heroine Jess, along with Miss Sarah, faces yet more tasks set by the nasty David Proctor that we met briefly in book one but nothing is as it seems. The story twists and turns and the steamy sex scenes are enough to send your pulse racing a million times a minute! I loved the twisted take on the fairy tales and can’t wait to read the final book in this outstanding trilogy.” Amazon


Well- that’s enough showing off!! Only a few days until Knowing Her Place is back out!! Then my trilogy will be complete once more! So exciting!!

Happy reading,

Kay xx

The Perfect Submissive Trilogy: The Fifth Floor (Book 1)

With only a few weeks left until the third book in my ‘The Perfect Submissive’ trilogy is re-released, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what folk have been saying about book one- ‘The Fifth Floor.’


Hidden behind the respectable façade of the Fables Hotel in Oxfordshire, five specially adapted rooms await visitors to the fifth floor.  Here, Mrs Peters is mistress of an adult entertainment facility pandering to the kinky requirements of its guests.  When she meets Jess Sanders, she recognises the young woman’s potential as a deliciously meek addition to her specialist staff.  All it will take is a little education.

Under the tutelage of dominatrix, Miss Sarah, Jess learns to cope with an erotically demanding training schedule and a truly sexy exercise regime. But will she come to terms with her new career?

Meanwhile, Mrs Peters is temporarily distracted from her intimidating rule over Fable’s fifth floor by artist, Sam Wheeler – who she believes can help her in her mission to transform Jess into the perfect submissive…


Here’s what people have said about The Fifth Floor (previously titled, The Perfect Submissive)

Reviews for The Fifth Floor 

” For lovers of an erotic plot line with sensual characters The Fifth Floor delivers a literary punch. The relationships are unique and complex and the sex scenes well written and explicit. I’m looking forward to the next book.” Amazon.co.uk 

“An excellently written book that leaves you wanting more.. also a good read with a partner too… This book really gets you thinking about your own wants and limits sexually as it entices you into the life Jess. A great read, can’t wait for the next book!” Amazon.co.uk

“Absolutely amazing read! I couldn’t put this down! Really liked it, lots of sexiness and very very raunchy! Highly recommend this book! I can’t wait to read the next book in series The Retreat!”  Amazon

“A fantasy come true is when personal and work life merge into a sexual odyssey.  Fables Hotel is one hotel a guest may never want to check out of, especially if one stays on the fifth floor.  Young Jess is working at the front desk of the hotel.  She assists with appointments and welcoming guests.  Little does she know she’s caught the eye of Dominatrix Mrs. Peters.  Mrs. Peters runs the erotic entertainment part of the hotel.  Looking for a good submissive, she test Jess.

With a Ms. Jaybee story, I always know I’m going to receive three things.  One, the female dominant is into mind games.  Two, the submissive in the story won’t know if they are coming or going.  Three, the sex will be smoking hawt!  From an erotic standpoint, this story is completely a 5 star.  Jess is tied, teased, tortured and tested.  Every single scene is tantalizingly erotic.  There are different combinations and delicious sexual fetishes.  When the medical scene appeared, I nearly wet myself with a gush from my female love tunnel (Amazon required euphemism due to ridiculous censors).  The rope bondage scene is incredibly vivid and sexy…This story is highly recommended to those who love a good mind f***  La Crimson Femme

“Author Kay Jaybee has a knack for sexy prose – and it can often come quick, fast, and dirty. Her “Perfect Submissive Trilogy,” is a shining example of to-the-point lustful prose, penned in an unshakable style, and hitting all the marks expected from a well respected author. Reading her work leaves no doubt she is in control – both in her craft and in her knowledge of what readers want when it comes to sexy BDSM material…” Patrick Whitehurst

“…The novel brilliantly tells the tale of the Fables Hotel through the minds and story of the main characters, Jess, Mrs Laura Peters and Sam. The Fables is no ordinary hotel, Mrs Peters no ordinary hotelier and Jess, as it happens is not ordinary employee.

Mrs Peters, a masterful Dominant introduces Jess to the top floor of the hotel comprising of a series of five rooms each offering a unique BDSM experience including the mysterious Room 54 ~ each with their own dark secrets once the door closes behind the occupants.

Jess undergoes the rigors of her training under the watchful eye of the hotel Mistresses, moulding the new employee into a perfect submissive to join the top floor. Kay Jaybee paints a perverse and glorious picture of the girl’s journey into BDSM through spanking, humiliation and a perfectly submissive exercise regime!

Sam Wheeler, a hotel guest, does not escape Mrs Peters’ attention. Setting out to seduce the unwitting, although not unwilling Sam, Mrs Peters works her magic casting her net and drawing in her newest conquest, whilst weaving a wicked twist to the experience of the young trainee submissive as the novella reaches its explosive climax.

If you like your erotica overflowing with kink, fetish with dark and satisfying sprinkles which leave you squirming in your seat then you won’t be disappointed.” Anonymisslily.

“If you like your BDSM dark and full of tension, then this is the book for you. Overall, a fab read. Absorbing from beginning to end with lots of delicious twists and turns, it left me wondering when the sequel is coming out!” – Erotica For All




Amazon UK- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fifth-Floor-Erotic-Perfect-Submissive/dp/1973344386/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512590868&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Fifth+Floor+Kay+Jaybee



The Fifth Floor

Happy reading,

Kay x


PREORDER AVAILABLE: Knowing Her Place (The Perfect Submissive, Book 3)

I’m delighted to announce that the re-edited, re-covered and re-released third book in The Perfect Submissive trilogy, Knowing Her Place, is now available for pre-order!


Full of unanswered questions after her erotic fairytale experience at The Retreat in Scotland, Jess Sanders is desperate to return to her submissive position at the exclusive Fables Hotel in Oxfordshire.

Having been thwarted in his plans to keep Jess, The Retreat’s owner, David Proctor, isn’t willing to let her go without sending the so-called ‘perfect’ submissive on one final mission. Only if Jess succeeds in the task he sets her, will Proctor remove the collar of servitude he has locked around her neck.

With a list of five unfamiliar addresses to hand, Jess is placed in a car and driven away from The Retreat towards England. With no idea of what, or who, awaits her at each location, all Jess can hope for is that the journey will eventually take her back to where she belongs.

To the fifth floor of the Fables Hotel, where Miss Jess Sanders truly knows her place.

Knowing Her Place follows on from The Fifth Floor and The Retreat.

Available from:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US
Kobo – link coming soon.


“Kay kicks ass again! Jess is whisked away on a journey completing tasks set by the devious David Proctor in her bid to be finally rid of him and return to The Fables and the arms of Miss Sarah. The story meanders deliciously introducing us to more interesting and intriguing characters along the way. Boundaries are pushed and once again I was led willingly and wantonly into different sexual experiences that left me panting and needing to catch my breath!…” Goodreads

“…the author has a very devious and sneaky mind. She lulls you into thinking that “it’s not so bad, I can do this” thoughts that Jess would have, but realizing with each new chapter that it is getting more and more complex and intense. It’s like hearing ice cubes tinkling in a glass but knowing damn well there’s an avalanche coming. I have said before that this author can twist your emotions with her stories and she does just that with this one right up to the end. ” Amazon review

“Finally! I feel like I have been waiting on this book for a year. I have been anxiously waiting for it to come out once I found out Kay was going to write a third story in the Perfect Submissive Trilogy. I just love the characters in these books. Kay draws you into the story and makes you feel like you are part of the family. I loved every minute of it. I am sad to see it end… The Perfect Submissive trilogy than I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! You will not be disappointed at all. Come on over and fall in love with all the characters and Kay’s writing like I have…” Amazon review

“AMAZING !!!! This has been a total pleasure to read. I have read all now in the trilogy and couldn’t wait for each to come out Loved every twist and turn in the plot ,I was so addicted to this, that i couldn’t put the book down every chapter slipped into each other so smoothly . I love Kay Jaybee’s work and this is right up there on my best book list.” Goodreads

“3 books (The Perfect Submissive, The Retreat and Knowing Her Place) that I could put down and finished in a couple of days! Story line is gripping and the characters are well described and easy to picture” Amazon UK 


Happy pre-ordering!

Kay xx

JOURNEY’S END: Knowing Her Place

From the 25th June, you’ll be able to read the re-released final full length episode of The Perfect Submissive Trilogy – Knowing Her Place.

Hot on the heels of The Fifth Floor (Book 1) and The Retreat (Book 2 ), Knowing Her Place finishes Jess Sanders’ eventful introduction to the world of submission and domination.

To get back to where she started however- the Fables Hotel in Oxfordshire- Jess had one hell of a journey to go on- and if she doesn’t get that collar off her neck, Mrs Peters is going to go mad…

More details very soon…

In the meantime, why not catch up with Jess’s early adventures?





The Fifth Floor:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US

The Retreat:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
iBooks UK
iBooks US

Happy reading,

Kay xxx



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